Within your fori-loop, after you generate your custom input-date. Like this for example (I added stripnewlines so you’ll see it better - see here for more info if needed) :
{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
| {% t “Boekjaar van aanleg of terugname” %} | |{% t “Aanslagjaar” %} | {% t “Aangelegd” %} | {% t “Terugname” %} | {% t “Uitkeerbaar à 5% RV vanaf” %} |{% t “Saldo” %}
{% newline %}
{% fori detail in current_account.details %}
{% newline %}
| {% input detail.custom.date as:date %}
| {% input detail.custom.file as:file %}
| {% input detail.custom.aanslagjaar %}
| {% $1+input detail.custom.value placeholder:“aangelegd” as:currency %}
| {% $2+input detail.custom.terugname as:currency %}
{% assign current_date = detail.custom.date %}
{% assign date_days = current_date+1 | date:"%d/%m/%Y" %}
{% assign year = current_date | date:"%Y" %}
{% assign year_5 = year | plus:5 %}
{% capture date %}{{ date_days | date:"%d/%m" }}/{{ year_5 }}{% endcapture %}
| {{ date }}
| {% =$0+ detail.custom.value-detail.custom.terugname %}
{% endfori %}
{% newline %}
| | | | {{ $1 | currency }} | {{ $2 | currency }} | |{{ $0 | currency }}{% unexplained $0+current_account.value %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
Be aware that I changed your custom objects into detail.custom
everywhere! Because your are putting in custom objects into a drop that is ours (the details-drop) so if you want to write down custom objects in there, you need to use .custom
One little suggestion: your code will always generate a date, even a date hasn’t been inputted. So I’d suggest putting that whole logic code into an if-statement (check if the input-date is blank or not), so you won’t see a wierd date generated while no input has been made.
Hope this helps?