Calculating with dates


Hi Sven,

question - i want to generate a date in one of our tempates 1d + 5Y.

I have used following code

{% input as:date %}

{% assign current_date = %}

{% assign date_days = current_date+1 | date:"%d/%m/%Y" %}
{% assign year = current_date | date:"%Y" %}
{% assign year_5 = year | plus:5 %}

{% capture date %}{{ date_days | date:"%d/%m" }}/{{ year_5 }}{% endcapture %}

At the place i want the date I just then put {{ date }}

This works, but the problem I’m facing now, is that he takes all the dates from the first line in the whole template.
I have multiple dates in multiple lines, so every outcome 1d + 5Y has to be different.

Do you have a solution ?

Thx in advance !!