Is it possible to create an account collection with only starred accounts but which excludes a type of accounts (model of account) ?
In my case, I would like to exclude the model of account “current accounts” from my reconciliation.
Here is my actual code
|**AUTRES DETTES** {% assign standard_range = "48" %}{% assign starred_range = period.accounts[standard_range].starred | map:"number" | join:"," %}{% if custom.accounts.numbers_48 == blank %}{% assign account_range48 = starred_range %}{% else %}{% assign account_range48 = custom.accounts.numbers_48 %}{% endif %}{% input custom.accounts.numbers_48 as:account_collection range:starred_range default:account_range48 accounts_var:accounts_48 %}|
{% assign current_account = accounts_48 %}
|--60%--|-20%--:|-5%-:|-20%-:+{% for account in current_account %}
| _*{{ }}*_ {%assign acc_key = account.number%}|
|--60%--|-20%--:|-5%-:|-20%-:+{% for detail in current_account.[acc_key].details %}
| {{ detail.custom.title }} | {{ detail.custom.value|currency }} {% endfor %}
| |_ _|
| | {{ account.value|currency }}
{% endfor %}