I am having some trouble with the alignment of the first bullet point in this list:
I’m not seeing what is wrong with the following code:
{% capture annexes_bevBrief_en2 %}Representation letter as provided to the local Statutory Auditor;{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_jaarrek_en2 %}Statutory Accounts;{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_notulenRvB_en2 %}Minutes of the meeting of the {% case director_type %}{% when bestuurder %}Director{% when bestuurders %}Directors{% else %}Board of Directors{% endcase %};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_jaarverslag_en2 %}Minutes of the annual report of the {% case director_type %}{% when bestuurder %}Director{% when bestuurders %}Directors{% else %}Board of Directors{% endcase %};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_bijzVerslag_en2 %}Minutes of the special report of the {% case director_type %}{% when bestuurder %}Director{% when bestuurders %}Directors{% else %}Board of Directors{% endcase %};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_balansTest_en2 %}Report of the balance sheet test (net asset test){% if BV %} and the liquidity test{% endif %};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_notulenAV_en2 %}Minutes of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting;{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_aanwAV_en2 %}Attendance list of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting;{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_auditverslag_en2 %}Audit report;{% endcapture %}
{% assign annexes_bevBrief = custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief2 | default:annexes_bevBrief %}
{% assign annexes_jaarrek = custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarrek2 | default:annexes_jaarrek %}
{% assign annexes_notulenRvB = custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenRvB2 | default:annexes_notulenRvB %}
{% assign annexes_jaarverslag = custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag2 | default:annexes_jaarverslag %}
{% assign annexes_bijzVerslag = custom.acc_memo.annexes_bijzVerslag2 | default:annexes_bijzVerslag %}
{% assign annexes_balansTest = custom.acc_memo.annexes_balansTest2 | default:annexes_balansTest %}
{% assign annexes_notulenAV = custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenAV2 | default:annexes_notulenAV %}
{% assign annexes_aanwAV = custom.acc_memo.annexes_aanwAV2 | default:annexes_aanwAV %}
<br>After your approval, we kindly ask you to return us a signed copy of the following documents:
{% if annexes_jaarrek %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarrek_en2 as:text default:annexes_jaarrek_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_jaarverslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag_en2 as:text default:annexes_jaarverslag_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_notulenRvB %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenRvB_en2 as:text default:annexes_notulenRvB_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_notulenAV %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenAV_en2 as:text default:annexes_notulenAV_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_aanwAV %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_aanwAV_en2 as:text default:annexes_aanwAV_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_bijzVerslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bijzVerslag_en2 as:text default:annexes_bijzVerslag_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_balansTest %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_balansTest_en2 as:text default:annexes_balansTest_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_auditverslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_auditverslag_en2 as:text default:annexes_auditverslag_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_bevBrief %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief_en2 as:text default:annexes_bevBrief_en2 %}{% endif %}
If I remove the “Statutory Accounts” by unselecting the boolean annexes_jaarrek this issue does not appear:

Does someone have an idea?
Thanks in advance
1 Like
Hi @Gianluca ,
Thanks for posting your question via our Community!
At first sight, I’m also not seeing any issues with the code. I’ve just copy pasted your code to have a more detailled look, and in fact I don’t see any issues in my test file related to the lay-out of the bullet points. Hence some questions:
- Do you notice this issue in preview, in PDF export or both?
- Does this relate to a reconciliation template, an account template or permanent text?
- Could it be that for the Statutory Accounts row, a blank row is added in input?
Another way to debug this is making a small example instead of working inside your template. Can you reproduce the issue in a template with only one bullet point for instance? If so, would you mind sharing the code of that simplified example so we can investigate?
Kind regards,
Hi @robindeclercq ,
Thanks for your reply.
As an answer to your questions:
- I only see it on the pdf export + preview. Not seeing in the editable template;
- It is a reconciliation template;
- There is no row added in input. The part that is shown on the document is the code that is pasted in my original post. Can I maybe copy/paste you the whole code as DM (is that even possible here?)? Not sure if I’m allowed to post it publicly (confidentiality).
Best regards,
Hi again @robindeclercq,
I found where the issue is but I still cannot figure out why it is not working properly.
When custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag2 is false and not shown in the 2nd list, we have the issue. When it is true and the Annual report is listed in the 2nd list, everything is fine.
I deleted all confidential info and it is the same with following code:
The first list is what is annexed, and the 2nd list is what we want back from the client. This 2nd list is based on the 1st list.
{% ic %}{% input period.custom.accounting_memo.type as:select options:"Accounting Memorandum|Accounting & Tax Memorandum" required:true %}{% endic %}{% result 'acc_memo_type' period.custom.accounting_memo.type %}
{% if period.custom.accounting_memo.type == "Accounting & Tax Memorandum" %}{% assign acc_tax_memo = true %}{% else %}{% assign acc_tax_memo = false %}{% endif %}
{% assign accounts_type = "Statutory Accounts" %}
{% assign ontwerp = false %}
{% ic %}{::infotext}
{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief as:boolean default:false %} Representation letter
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarrek as:boolean default:false %} Statutory accounts
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenRvB as:boolean default:false %} Minutes BoD/Director(s)
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag as:boolean default:false %} Annual report
{% newline %}
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bijzVerslag as:boolean default:false %} Special report BoD/Director(s)
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_balansTest as:boolean default:false %} Balance Sheet test
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenAV as:boolean default:false %} Minutes AGM
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_aanwAV as:boolean default:false %} Attendance list AGM
{% newline %}
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_afstandsverkl as:boolean default:false %} Waiver(s)
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_volmacht as:boolean default:false %} Proxy
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_balanResRek as:boolean default:false %} Balance sheet and profit and loss
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_RelBijlagen as:boolean default:false %} Relevant enclosures
{% endstripnewlines %}
{:/infotext}{% endic %}
{% assign ontwerp = false %}{% comment %}Reset variable at each reload{% endcomment %}
{% capture annexes_bevBrief_en %}Template representation letter;{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_jaarrek_en %}Statutory accounts in EUR (decimals) which will be filed and published;{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_notulenRvB_en %}{% if period.custom.accounting_memo.date < period.custom.mod.datum %}{% assign ontwerp = true %}Draft minutes of the meeting of the {% case director_type %}{% when bestuurder %}Director{% when bestuurders %}Directors{% else %}Board of Directors{% endcase %} to be held on {{ period.custom.mod.datum }}{% else %}Minutes of the meeting of the {% case director_type %}{% when bestuurder %}Director{% when bestuurders %}Directors{% else %}Board of Directors{% endcase %} held on {{ period.custom.mod.datum }}{% endif %};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_jaarverslag_en %}{% if period.custom.accounting_memo.date < peperiod.custom.av.datum %}{% assign ontwerp = true %}Draft minutes of the annual report of the {% case director_type %}{% when bestuurder %}Director{% when bestuurders %}Directors{% else %}Board of Directors{% endcase %} to the Annual General Shareholders' meeting to be held on {{ period.custom.av.datum }}{% else %}Minutes of the annual report of the {% case director_type %}{% when bestuurder %}Director{% when bestuurders %}Directors{% else %}Board of Directors{% endcase %} to the Annual General Shareholders' meeting held on {{ period.custom.av.datum }}{% endif %};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_bijzVerslag_en %}{% if period.custom.accounting_memo.date < company.custom.av.datum_bijzonder %}{% assign ontwerp = true %}Draft minutes of the special report of the {% case director_type %}{% when bestuurder %}Director{% when bestuurders %}Directors{% else %}Board of Directors{% endcase %} in accordance with Article {% if NV %}7:228{% else %}5:153{% endif%} of the Code of Companies and Associations{% else %}Minutes of the special report of the {% case director_type %}{% when bestuurder %}Director{% when bestuurders %}Directors{% else %}Board of Directors{% endcase %} in accordance with Article {% if NV %}7:228{% else %}5:153{% endif%} of the Code of Companies and Associations{% endif %};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_balansTest_en %}{% if period.custom.accounting_memo.date < period.custom.av.datum %}{% assign ontwerp = true %}Draft report of the balance sheet test (net asset test) {% if BV %} and the liquidity test{% endif %}{% else %}Report of the balance sheet test (net asset test){% if BV %} and the liquidity test{% endif %}{% endif %};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_notulenAV_en %}{% if period.custom.accounting_memo.date < period.custom.av.datum %}{% assign ontwerp = true %}Draft minutes of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on {{ period.custom.av.datum }}{% else %}Minutes of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting held on {{ period.custom.av.datum }}{% endif %};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_aanwAV_en %}Attendance list of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting {% if period.custom.accounting_memo.date < period.custom.av.datum %}to be held on {% else %}held on {% endif %}{{ period.custom.av.datum }};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_afstandsverkl_en %}Waiver(s);{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_volmacht_en %}Proxy;{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_balanResRek_en %}Balance sheet and profit and loss accounts;{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_aangifte_venb_en %}Corporate Income Tax Return bundle;{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_RelBijlagen_en %}Relevant enclosures.{% endcapture %}
{% ic %}{% if period.custom.accounting_memo.date > period.custom.av.datum %}{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief %}{::warningtext}Since the General Meeting of Shareholders has already taken place, you should already be in possession of the signed confirmation letter. If not, this is a breach of our EY ACR risk procedures. In exceptional cases, we will still allow this.{:/warningtext}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endic %}
Please find enclosed following documents:
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief_en as:text default:annexes_bevBrief_en %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarrek %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarrek_en as:text default:annexes_jaarrek_en %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenRvB %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenRvB_en as:text default:annexes_notulenRvB_en %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag_en as:text default:annexes_jaarverslag_en %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_bijzVerslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bijzVerslag_en as:text default:annexes_bijzVerslag_en %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_balansTest %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_balansTest_en as:text default:annexes_balansTest_en %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenAV %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenAV_en as:text default:annexes_notulenAV_en %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_aanwAV %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_aanwAV_en as:text default:annexes_aanwAV_en %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_afstandsverkl %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_afstandsverkl_en as:text default:annexes_afstandsverkl_en %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_volmacht %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_volmacht_en as:text default:annexes_volmacht_en %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_balanResRek %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_balanResRek_en as:text default:annexes_balanResRek_en %}{% endif %}
{% if acc_tax_memo %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_citr_nl as:text default:annexes_aangifte_venb_en %}{% assign annexes = true %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_RelBijlagen %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_RelBijlagen_en as:text default:annexes_RelBijlagen_en %}{% endif %}
{% fori annexes in custom.annexes_en %}
* {% input annexes.description placeholder:"Additionnal annex" %}
{% endfori %}
{% if ontwerp %}These documents can be considered as final after approval by the Annual General Shareholders’ meeting of which the date is stipulated in the by-laws.{% endif %}
{% comment %}Standard ACR paragraph{% endcomment %}
{% assign docs_received_default = false %}
{% if ontwerp == false %}{% ic %}{::infotext}Already in the possession of signed documents? {% input period.custom.accounting_memo.docs_received as:boolean default:docs_received_default assign:docs_received_default %}{:/infotext}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% capture annexes_bevBrief_en2 %}Representation letter as provided to the local Statutory Auditor;{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_jaarrek_en2 %}{{ accounts_type | capitalized }};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_notulenRvB_en2 %}Minutes of the meeting of the {% case director_type %}{% when bestuurder %}Director{% when bestuurders %}Directors{% else %}Board of Directors{% endcase %};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_jaarverslag_en2 %}Minutes of the annual report of the {% case director_type %}{% when bestuurder %}Director{% when bestuurders %}Directors{% else %}Board of Directors{% endcase %};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_bijzVerslag_en2 %}Minutes of the special report of the {% case director_type %}{% when bestuurder %}Director{% when bestuurders %}Directors{% else %}Board of Directors{% endcase %};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_balansTest_en2 %}Report of the balance sheet test (net asset test){% if BV %} and the liquidity test{% endif %};{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_notulenAV_en2 %}Minutes of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting;{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_aanwAV_en2 %}Attendance list of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting;{% endcapture %}
{% capture annexes_auditverslag_en2 %}Audit report;{% endcapture %}
{% assign annexes_bevBrief = custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief %}
{% assign annexes_jaarrek = custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarrek %}
{% assign annexes_notulenRvB = custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenRvB %}
{% assign annexes_jaarverslag = custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag %}
{% assign annexes_bijzVerslag = custom.acc_memo.annexes_bijzVerslag %}
{% assign annexes_balansTest = custom.acc_memo.annexes_balansTest %}
{% assign annexes_notulenAV = custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenAV %}
{% assign annexes_aanwAV = custom.acc_memo.annexes_aanwAV %}
{% if ontwerp %}
{% ic %}{::infotext}
{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief2 as:boolean default:annexes_bevBrief %} Representation letter
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarrek2 as:boolean default:annexes_jaarrek %} {{ accounts_type }}
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenRvB2 as:boolean default:annexes_notulenRvB %} Minutes BoD/Director(s)
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag2 as:boolean default:annexes_jaarverslag %} Annual report
{% newline %}
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bijzVerslag2 as:boolean default:annexes_bijzVerslag %} Special report BoD/Director(s)
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_balansTest2 as:boolean default:annexes_balansTest %} Balance Sheet test
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenAV2 as:boolean default:annexes_notulenAV %} Minutes AGM
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_aanwAV2 as:boolean default:annexes_aanwAV %} Attendance list AGM
{% newline %}
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_auditverslag as:boolean default:false %} Audit Report
{% endstripnewlines %}
{:/infotext}{% endic %}
{% assign annexes_bevBrief = custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief2 | default:annexes_bevBrief %}
{% assign annexes_jaarrek = custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarrek2 | default:annexes_jaarrek %}
{% assign annexes_notulenRvB = custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenRvB2 | default:annexes_notulenRvB %}
{% assign annexes_jaarverslag = custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag2 | default:annexes_jaarverslag %}
{% assign annexes_bijzVerslag = custom.acc_memo.annexes_bijzVerslag2 | default:annexes_bijzVerslag %}
{% assign annexes_balansTest = custom.acc_memo.annexes_balansTest2 | default:annexes_balansTest %}
{% assign annexes_notulenAV = custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenAV2 | default:annexes_notulenAV %}
{% assign annexes_aanwAV = custom.acc_memo.annexes_aanwAV2 | default:annexes_aanwAV %}
<br><br>We kindly ask you to verify the {{accounts_type}},{% if acc_tax_memo %} the the Corporate Income Tax Return,{% endif %} the corporate secretarial documents and the accompanying documents. Please contact us in case you have questions or comments.
<br>After your approval, we kindly ask you to return us a signed copy of the following documents:
{% if annexes_jaarrek %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarrek_en2 as:text default:annexes_jaarrek_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_jaarverslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag_en2 as:text default:annexes_jaarverslag_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_notulenRvB %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenRvB_en2 as:text default:annexes_notulenRvB_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_notulenAV %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenAV_en2 as:text default:annexes_notulenAV_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_aanwAV %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_aanwAV_en2 as:text default:annexes_aanwAV_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_bijzVerslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bijzVerslag_en2 as:text default:annexes_bijzVerslag_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_balansTest %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_balansTest_en2 as:text default:annexes_balansTest_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_auditverslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_auditverslag_en2 as:text default:annexes_auditverslag_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_bevBrief %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief_en2 as:text default:annexes_bevBrief_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if ontwerp == false and docs_received_default == false %}
{% ic %}{::infotext}
{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief2 as:boolean default:annexes_bevBrief %} Representation letter
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarrek2 as:boolean default:annexes_jaarrek %} {{ accounts_type }}
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenRvB2 as:boolean default:annexes_notulenRvB %} Minutes BoD/Director(s)
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag2 as:boolean default:annexes_jaarverslag %} Annual report
{% newline %}
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bijzVerslag2 as:boolean default:annexes_bijzVerslag %} Special report BoD/Director(s)
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_balansTes2t as:boolean default:annexes_balansTest %} Balance Sheet test
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenAV2 as:boolean default:annexes_notulenAV %} Minutes AGM
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_aanwAV2 as:boolean default:annexes_aanwAV %} Attendance list AGM
{% newline %}
| {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_auditverslag as:boolean default:false %} Audit Report
{% endstripnewlines %}
{:/infotext}{% endic %}
{% assign annexes_bevBrief = custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief2 | default:annexes_bevBrief %}
{% assign annexes_jaarrek = custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarrek2 | default:annexes_jaarrek %}
{% assign annexes_notulenRvB = custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenRvB2 | default:annexes_notulenRvB %}
{% assign annexes_jaarverslag = custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag2 | default:annexes_jaarverslag %}
{% assign annexes_bijzVerslag = custom.acc_memo.annexes_bijzVerslag2 | default:annexes_bijzVerslag %}
{% assign annexes_balansTest = custom.acc_memo.annexes_balansTest2 | default:annexes_balansTest %}
{% assign annexes_notulenAV = custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenAV2 | default:annexes_notulenAV %}
{% assign annexes_aanwAV = custom.acc_memo.annexes_aanwAV2 | default:annexes_aanwAV %}
<br><br>We kindly ask you to return us a signed copy of the following documents:
{% if annexes_jaarrek %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarrek_en2 as:text default:annexes_jaarrek_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_jaarverslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag_en2 as:text default:annexes_jaarverslag_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_notulenRvB %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenRvB_en2 as:text default:annexes_notulenRvB_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_notulenAV %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenAV_en2 as:text default:annexes_notulenAV_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_aanwAV %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_aanwAV_en2 as:text default:annexes_aanwAV_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_bijzVerslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bijzVerslag_en2 as:text default:annexes_bijzVerslag_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_balansTest %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_balansTest_en2 as:text default:annexes_balansTest_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_auditverslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_auditverslag_en2 as:text default:annexes_auditverslag_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_bevBrief %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief_en2 as:text default:annexes_bevBrief_en2 %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if ontwerp == false and docs_received_default == true %}
{% if period.custom.acc_memo.scope_filing %}As agreed upon, we will take care of the filing of the {{ accounts_type }} with the National Bank of Belgium on behalf of {{ company.name }}. {% endif %}We confirm that we have received all the required and signed documents on {% input custom.acc_memo.docs_received_date as:date placeholder:"DD/MM/YYYY" required:true %}.
{% endif %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
<br><br>Should you need any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
<br><br>Yours sincerely,
Kind regards,
The issue can be caused by symbol, empty row. Solution - to use {% stripnewlines %}, this will ensure that there are no empty lines.
<br>After your approval, we kindly ask you to return us a signed copy of the following documents:
{% stripnewlines %}
{% if annexes_jaarrek %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarrek_en2 as:text default:annexes_jaarrek_en2 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_jaarverslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_jaarverslag_en2 as:text default:annexes_jaarverslag_en2 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_notulenRvB %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenRvB_en2 as:text default:annexes_notulenRvB_en2 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_notulenAV %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_notulenAV_en2 as:text default:annexes_notulenAV_en2 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_aanwAV %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_aanwAV_en2 as:text default:annexes_aanwAV_en2 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_bijzVerslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bijzVerslag_en2 as:text default:annexes_bijzVerslag_en2 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_balansTest %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_balansTest_en2 as:text default:annexes_balansTest_en2 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.acc_memo.annexes_auditverslag %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_auditverslag_en2 as:text default:annexes_auditverslag_en2 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}
{% if annexes_bevBrief %}* {% input custom.acc_memo.annexes_bevBrief_en2 default:annexes_bevBrief_en2 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
Please let me know if this works.
Hi @Jelena_Sutova,
This works, thanks for your help!
Best regards,