Beroepskosten - reconciliation


May I ask for new questions related to something else other than the original topic, to make a new topic for this in the future? :wink:

Your code has a little mistake:

{% if custom.meerwaarde.soort == 'vrijwillig' %}
Meerwaarde afzonderlijk belastbaar tegen 16,5% en op te nemen in code 1603/2603 van de aangifte PB.
{% endif} 

should be :

{% if custom.meerwaarde.soort == 'vrijwillig' %}
Meerwaarde afzonderlijk belastbaar tegen 16,5% en op te nemen in code 1603/2603 van de aangifte PB.
{% endif %} 

Your {% endif %} was written down wrong.

Major TIP :bulb:

If you create code, you can always type if and then immediately TAB; you’ll see that the editor in Silverfin automatically creates your code (so no chances on writing down wrong code :ok_hand: )