Link existing template to new report


I would like to link the template verworpen uitgaven to my report.
I added already a handle verworpen_uitgaven.
What do i need to use as formula in my report?

F.ex. category in my template verworpen uitgaven is geldboeten.
I have made a group geldboeten in my report.
and as formual i’ve put in verworpen_uitgaven.result.geldboeten.
But he does not collect the data from my template.

Can you help me please?


Hello @Dons,

Seems to me we overlooked this topic, because we are not automatically triggered for this category (we now are). Our apologies.

first of al, in your recon template the result of ‘geldboeten’ needs to have a result-tag, f.i. :

Geldboeten = {{ $23 | currency }}{% result 'geldboeten' $23 %}

So by adding the code {% result 'geldboeten' $23 %} it actually makes it able to link that result (saved i that register $23) in another template.
Also, a handle is needed in the recon-template like ‘verworpen_uitgaven’.

To have the result in a report-template, you’ll have to add a formula and add this in the formula :


Here’s a screenshot to clearify it a bit :

(the screenshot shows how to link to the end result of ‘verworpen uitgaven’, because for now that’s the only result you can linkto in our standard template of ‘verworpen uitgaven’.

Hope this helps you forward!

Hi Sven

Can you just explain me the following please?

Do i put this into the template of verworpen uitgave?
If yes do i put this in the configuration text bloc above or do i put this into the tekst below.
If i need to add this in the text below can you please tell me the place where i need to put this?

Geldboeten = {{ $23 | currency }}{% result ‘geldboeten’ $23 %}
So by adding the code {% result ‘geldboeten’ $23 %} it actually makes it able to link that result (saved i that register $23) in another template.

For what is the 23?

Thanks for the feedback.

Kind regards

Hi @Dons,

I was under the impression you had made a custom template ‘Verworpen Uitgaven’; a template which you can modify yourself. That is not the case then, and you wish to link to results from our standard template of ours?

For now, we have not forseen this (nor can you add it yourself in our template, unless you copy our code in a new blank reconciliation template and add it your own).

However, because this might come in handy for everyone, we’ll update our standard template of ‘Verworpen uitgaven’ so you can link any category to a report.

We’ll keep you posted @Dons

Hello @Dons,

Just to keep you informed: the template “Verworpen Uitgaven” (standard template of Silverfin) has not a result tag for each segment of VU.

You’ll need to update the themplate manually though, because in the update there are other updates as well.

Let us know if you’re stuck with the report template and the links to VU.


I was wondering i have still the template for the VU. And now we put in manually the totals for the VU into our report.

Do you have another solution at this moment that this will go automatically?

Do i need to update this template and how do i update a selfmade template?

Thanks for the feedback.

Kind regards

{% newline %}
| {% t “Ontvangsten/Baten” %} {% input custom.detail.omzet as:account_collection range:7 default:‘70’ accounts_var:omzet %}| | | {%=$10+ -1omzet.value | currency %}
{% for account in omzet %}
{% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}{% $31+ account.value %}
{% newline %}
|      {{ }}|{{ -1
account.value | currency }}
{% endfor %}
{% ifi goederen.value != 0 %}
{% newline %}
| {% t “Aankoop goederen” %} {% input custom.detail.goederen as:account_collection range:6 default:‘60’ %}| |{{ -1goederen.value | currency }}
{% for account in goederen %}
{% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}{% $32+ account.value %}
{% newline %}
|      {{ }}|{{ -1
account.value | currency }}
{% endfor %}
{% newline %}
| {% t “Beginvoorraad NVT” %} {% input custom.detail.beginvoorraad as:account_collection range:6,7 accounts_var:beginvoorraad %} {% input custom.beginvoorraad.doc as:file %}| | {{ -1beginvoorraad.value | currency}}{% result ‘beginvoorraad’ -1beginvoorraad.value %}
{% for account in beginvoorraad %}
{% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}{% $33+ account.value %}
{% endfor %}
{% newline %}
| {% t “Eindvoorraad NVT” %} {% input custom.detail.eindvoorraad as:account_collection range:6,7 accounts_var:eindvoorraad %} {% input custom.eindvoorraad.doc as:file %}| |{{ -1*eindvoorraad.value | currency}} {% result ‘eindvoorraad’ -1eindvoorraad.value %}
{% for account in eindvoorraad %}
{% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}{% $34+ account.value %}
{% endfor %}
{% newline %}
| {% t “Verkochte goederen NVT” %}|||_{%=$10+ -1
(beginvoorraad.value+goederen.value+eindvoorraad.value) | currency %}_
{% newline %}
| {% t “Netto Baten” %} ||| {{ $10 | currency }}{% endifi %}{% ifi custom.detail.sociale_bijdrage != blank %}
{% newline %}
| {% t “Sociale bijdrage zelfstandige” %} {% input custom.detail.sociale_bijdrage as:account_collection range:618 accounts_var:sociale_bijdrage %} {% input custom.sociale_bijdrage.doc as:file %}| | | {%=$10+ -1sociale_bijdrage.value | currency %}{% endifi %}{% result ‘sociale_bijdrage’ -1sociale_bijdrage.value %}{% ifi custom.detail.echtgenote != blank %}
{% for account in sociale_bijdrage %}
{% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}{% $35+ account.value %}
{% newline %}
| {{ }}|{{ account.value | currency }}
{% endfor %}
{% newline %}
| {% t “Toekenning meewerkende echtgeno(o)t(e) NVT” %} {% input custom.detail.echtgenote as:account_collection range:6 accounts_var:echtgenote %} {% input custom.echtgenoot.doc as:file %} | | | {%=$10+ -1echtgenote.value | currency %}{% endifi %}{% result ‘echtgenote’ -1echtgenote.value %}
{% for account in echtgenote %}
{% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}{% $36+ account.value %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign bruto_winst = $10 %}
{% newline %}
| {% t “Kosten” %} | | |{% =$10+ $1 %}
{% newline %}
| {% t “Nettoresultaat” %} | | | {{ $10 | currency }}
{% newline %}
{% fori extra_account in custom.extra_accounts %}
{% newline %}
|{% input %} {% input extra_account.accounts as:account_collection range:6,7 %}{% input extra_account.doc as:file %} | | |{% assign accounts = period.accounts | range:extra_account.accounts %}{%=$20+ -1*accounts.value | currency %}
{% endfori %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% newpage %}

Hello @Dons,

Just to inform you: each category in the standard template “Rejected Charges” (VU) have now a result-tag, which means each category can be linked to a report.
So you don’t have to change any code in the template VU but only need to know which result-tag is used for each category.

So for the third category, you’ll see this code:

{% ifi accounts_c != empty or custom.c != empty %}
{{ title_header }}
| **{% t "Geldboeten, verbeurdverklaringen en straffen van alle aard" %}** {% input custom.accounts.c as:account_collection range:6,7 default:range_geldboeten %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}

{{ accounts_header }}{% for account in accounts_c %}
|| {{ account.number }} {{ }} | {%=$1+ account.value %}{% endfor %}{% fori extra in custom.c %}
|| {% input extra.description placeholder:descriptionplaceholder %}           | {%=$1+input extra.value as:currency placeholder:valueplaceholder %} {% endfori %}
||                                         | *{{ $1 | currency }}* | 100% | {% assign $2 = $1*1 %}{% if $2 <= 0 %}{%$10+$2%}*{%=$0+ 0 | round | currency %}*{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% else %}*{%=$0+ $1 | round | currency %}*{% endif %}{% result 'fines_confiscations_and_penalty_of_all_kinds' $1 %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% endifi %} 

So the value of that particular category is taken into the result {% result ‘fines_confiscations_and_penalty_of_all_kinds’ $1 %}

meaning in a report you can reference to it by using following formula:


There are other topics as well which describe the working of result tags:

Hope this helps you forward.


It works but which name do i take for the car costs? Here we have multiple options… And for the benifit in kind for car costs?

Because for the last one we have with or without card for gas.
Do i need to link them seperatly or not?

Thanks in advance

Kind regards

Do you have the latest update of our template Rejected Charges @Dons? Because all categories should have a result tag in there.

I’ve found these:

{% result ‘car_costs_amounting_to_portion_of_the_benefit_natur_without_tankcard’ $2 %}
{% result ‘autokosten_vaa’ autokosten_vaa+autokosten_vaa_new_aj+autokosten_vaa_old_aj %}
{% result ‘car_costs_amounting_to_portion_of_the_benefit_natur_with_tankcard’ autokosten_vaa_new_aj+autokosten_vaa_old_aj %}

If this doesn’t help, I suggest posting your code of the template we speaking of (so we’re sure we are talking about our standard template Rejected Charges or a custom one).

Hi Sven

I think i’m not using the right name for autokosten en betaalde belastingen.

Here is what i have in my report.

I will also add my code for verwopen uitgaven.

{% t= "Niet aftrekbare belastingen" fr:"Impôts non déductibles" en:"Not recoverable taxes" %}
{% t= "Gewestelijke belastingen, heffingen en retributies" fr:"Impôts, taxes et rétributions régionaux" en:"Non-deductible district taxes" %}
{% t= "Geldboeten, verbeurdverklaringen en straffen van alle aard" fr:"Amendes, confiscations et  des peines de toute nature" en:"Fines, confiscations and penalty of all kinds" %}
{% t= "Niet aftrekbare pensioenen, kapitalen, werkgeversbijdragen en -premies" fr:"Pensions et cotisations pour pensions non déductibles" en:"Non-deductible pensions and pension contributions" %}
{% t= "Autokosten ten belope van een gedeelte van het voordeel alle aard" fr:"Frais de voitures à concurrence d'une quotité de l'ATN" en:"Car costs amounting to a portion of the benefit of all nature" %}
{% t= "Niet aftrekbare autokosten en minderwaarden op autovoertuigen" fr:"Frais de voitures et moins-values non déductibles" en:"Non-deductible car expenses and losses on auto vehicles" %}
{% t= "Niet aftrekbare receptiekosten en kosten voor relatiegeschenken" fr:"Frais de réception et de cadeaux d'affaires non déductibles" en:"Non-deductible charges of  receptions and presents" %}
{% t= "Niet aftrekbare restaurantkosten" fr:"Frais de restaurant non déductibles" en:"Non-deductible charges of restaurant" %}
{% t= "Kosten voor niet-specifieke beroepskledij" fr:"Frais de vêtements professionnels non spécifiques" en:"Charges for non-specific professional clothing" %}
{% t= "Overdreven interesten" fr:"Intérêts exagérés" en:"Excessive interests" %}
{% t= "Intresten met betrekking tot een gedeelte van bepaalde leningen" fr:"Intérêts versés par des sociétés sous capitalisées" en:"Interest covered by certain dividends and interest related to a portion of certain loans" %}
{% t= "Abnormale of goedgunstige voordelen" fr:"Avantages anormaux ou bénévoles" en:"Abnormal or favorable benefits" %}
{% t= "Sociale voordelen" fr:"Avantages sociaux" en:"Social benefits" %}
{% t= "Voordelen uit maaltijd-, sport-, cultuur- of ecocheques" fr:"Avantages des chèques -répas, -sport, -culture et d'écochèques" en:"Benefits of titles-meals, sport/culture or eco-cheques" %}
{% t= "Liberaliteiten" fr:"Libéralités" en:"Liberalities" %}
{% t= "Waardeverminderingen en minderwaarden op aandelen" fr:"Réductions de valeur et moins-values sur actions et parts" en:"Amounts written off and losses on realization of shares" %}
{% t= "Terugnemingen van vroegere vrijstellingen" fr:"Reprises d'immunités antérieures" en:"Retractions of past exemptions" %}
{% t= "Werknemersparticipatie" fr:"Participation des travailleurs" en:"Employees participation" %}
{% t= "Vergoeding ontbrekende coupon" fr:"Indemnités pour coupon manquant" en:"Compensation missing voucher" %}
{% t= "Kosten tax shelter erkende audiovisuele werken" fr:"Frais des œuvres audiovisuelles agréées, Tax-shelter" en:"Costs tax shelter qualifiying audio-visual productions" %}
{% t= "Gewestelijke premies en kapitaal- en interestsubsidies" fr:"Primes, subsides en capital et en intérêts régionaux" en:"Regional premiums and capital and interest subsidies" %}
{% t= "Niet aftrekbare betalingen aan bepaalde Staten" fr:"Paiements non déductibles vers certains états" en:"Non recoverable payments to certain countries" %}
{% t= "Niet-verantwoorde kosten" en:"Non-reported costs" fr:"Dépenses non justifiés" %}
{% t= "Terugneming van aftrek voor innovatie-inkomsten in geval van spreiding van de historische kosten" en:"Recapture of the innovation income deduction in case of spread of historic costs" fr:"Reprise de déduction pour revenus d'innovation en cas d'étalement des frais historiques" %}
{% t= "Terugneming van aftrek voor innovatie-inkomsten ingevolge niet herbelegging in kwalificerende uitgaven" en:"Recapture of the innovation income deduction in case of no reinvestment in qualifying expenses" fr:"Reprise de déduction pour revenus d'innovation suite au non remploi en dépenses qualifiantes" %}
{% t= "Andere" fr:"Autre" en:"Other" %}
{% t= "TOTAAL" fr:"TOTAL" en:"TOTAL" %}
{% t= "Afschrijving" fr:"Amortissement" en:"Depreciation" %}
{% t= "Afschrijving value" fr:"Valeur amortissement" en:"Depreciation value" %}
{% t= "Algemene rekeningen" fr:"Comptes généraux" en:"General accounts" %}
{% t= "VAA" fr:"ATN" en:"benefit in kind" %}
{% t= "Met tankkaart" fr:"Avec carte carburant" en:"With card for gas" %}
{% t= "Zonder tankkaart" fr:"Sans carte carburant" en:"Without card for gas" %}
{% t= "koppel hier de rekeningen die betrekking hebben op autokosten met tankkaart" fr:"couple ici les comptes qui ont lié aux frais de voitures avec carte carburant" en:"attach accounts concerning car expenses with gas card" %}
{% t= "Deel" fr:"Partie" en:"Share" %}
{% t= "Er wordt gerekend met aantal dagen kalenderjaar / door aantal dagen begin boekjaar tot einddatum periode" fr:"Ci-dessous on calcule avec le nombre de jours par année calendaire, divisé par le nombre de jours par exercice" en:"Calculation below is days calendar year divided by days begin book year till end date period" %}
{% t="Totaal negatieve bedragen gelimiteerd tot nul euro" en:"Total negative amounts limited to zero euro" fr:"Total des montants négatifs limités à zéro euro"%}
{% t="Op te nemen in  'Aanpassingen in meer van de begintoestand van de reserves'" en:"To be included in 'Adjustments of the initial status of the reserves'" fr:"À inclure dans 'La situation du début des réserves'"%}
{% t= "Omschrijving" fr:"Déscription" en:"Description"%}
{% t= "Waarde" fr:"Valeur" en:"Value" %}
{% t= "Naam" fr:"Nom" en:"Name" %}
{% t= "Winstpremies" fr:"Primes bénéficiaires" en:"Profit premiums" %}

{% comment %}Placeholders{% endcomment %}
{% capture descriptionplaceholder %}{% t "Omschrijving" %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture valueplaceholder %}{% t "Waarde" %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture nameplaceholder %}{% t "Naam" %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture afschrijvingplaceholder %}{% t "Afschrijving" %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture afschrijvingvalueplaceholder %}{% t "Afschrijving value" %}{% endcapture %}

{% comment %} vanaf 1/1/2017 update percentage vr VU 17% -> 40% indien tankkaart. Wordt meegeteld met link naar 'belastingberekening' -update 22/4/2017{% endcomment %}
{% assign jaar = period.year_end_date | date:'%Y' %}
{% if jaar >= '2017' %}
  {% assign accounts_f_40_new = true %}
  {% assign accounts_f_perc = 0.40 %}
{% endif %}

{% assign check = false %}
{% for year in period.calendar_years %}
{% if custom[year].tankkaart.deel_bj != 0 %}
  {% assign check = true %}
{% endif %}
{% fori extra in custom.f_40 %}
  {% if extra.value != 0 %}
    {% assign check = true %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfori %}
{% endfor %}

{% comment %}
onderstaande is enkel voor gebroken boekjaar op te vangen van 2016-2017, waarbij deel 2016 aan 17% is, en 2017 aan 40% is - 
boekjaren die 3 kalenderjaren beslaan, wordt niet ondersteund
voor beide jaren wordt gerekend met de teller = 365 dagen 
{% endcomment %}
{% if jaar == '2017' %}
  {% if period.calendar_years.size == 2 %}
    {% assign broken_by_2017 = true %}
  {% endif %}  
{% endif %}
{% assign year_period = period.end_date | date:'%Y' %}
{% assign total_days_in_book_year = period.end_date-period.year_start_date+1 %}

{% comment %}

Kopieer volgende tekst {% assign range_categorie = "6,7" %} naar configuratie en pas de categorie en rekeningnummers aan

Categorieën die gedefineerd kunnen worden:
- range_niet_aftrekbare_belastingen
- range_gewestelijke_bel
- range_geldboeten
- range_niet_aftrekbare_pensioen
- range_vaa_autokosten
- range_tankkaart
- range_niet_aftrekbare_receptiekosten
- range_niet_aftrekbare_restaurantkosten
- range_niet_specifieke_beroepskledij
- range_overdreven_intresten
- range_intresten_bepaalde_leningen
- range_abonormale_voordelen
- range_sociale_voordelen
- range_voordelen_cheques
- range_liberaliteiten
- range_minderwaarden_aandelen
- range_terugneming_vroegere_vrijstellingen
- range_werknemersparticipatie
- range_ontbrekende_coupon
- range_tax_shelter
- range_gewestelijke_premies
- range_niet_aftrekbare_betalingen_staten
- range_niet_verantwoorde_kosten
- range_aftrek_innovatie_inkomsten_historische_kosten
- range_aftrek_innovatie_inkomsten_niet_herbelegging
- range_winstpremies
- range_andere

{% endcomment%}

{% if custom.accounts.a != blank %}{% assign range_niet_aftrekbare_belastingen = custom.accounts.a %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.b != blank %}{% assign range_gewestelijke_bel = custom.accounts.b %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.c != blank %}{% assign range_geldboeten = custom.accounts.c %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.d != blank %}{% assign range_niet_aftrekbare_pensioen = custom.accounts.d %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.f != blank %}{% assign range_vaa_autokosten = custom.accounts.f %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.f_40 != blank %}{% assign range_tankkaart = custom.accounts.f_40 %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.g != blank %}{% assign range_niet_aftrekbare_receptiekosten = custom.accounts.g %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.h != blank %}{% assign range_niet_aftrekbare_restaurantkosten = custom.accounts.h %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.i != blank %}{% assign range_niet_specifieke_beroepskledij = custom.accounts.i %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.j != blank %}{% assign range_overdreven_intresten = custom.accounts.j %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.k != blank %}{% assign range_intresten_bepaalde_leningen = custom.accounts.k %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.l != blank %}{% assign range_abonormale_voordelen = custom.accounts.l %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.m != blank %}{% assign range_sociale_voordelen = custom.accounts.m %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.n != blank %}{% assign range_voordelen_cheques = custom.accounts.n %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.o != blank %}{% assign range_liberaliteiten = custom.accounts.o %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.p != blank %}{% assign range_minderwaarden_aandelen = custom.accounts.p %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.q != blank %}{% assign range_terugneming_vroegere_vrijstellingen = custom.accounts.q %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.r != blank %}{% assign range_werknemersparticipatie = custom.accounts.r %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.s != blank %}{% assign range_ontbrekende_coupon = custom.accounts.s %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.t != blank %}{% assign range_tax_shelter = custom.accounts.t %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.u != blank %}{% assign range_gewestelijke_premies = custom.accounts.u %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.v != blank %}{% assign range_niet_aftrekbare_betalingen_staten = custom.accounts.v %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.niet_verantwoorde_kosten != blank %}{% assign range_niet_verantwoorde_kosten = custom.accounts.niet_verantwoorde_kosten %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.aftrek_innovatie_inkomsten_historische_kosten != blank %}{% assign range_aftrek_innovatie_inkomsten_historische_kosten = custom.accounts.aftrek_innovatie_inkomsten_historische_kosten %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.aftrek_innovatie_inkomsten_niet_herbelegging != blank %}{% assign range_aftrek_innovatie_inkomsten_niet_herbelegging = custom.accounts.aftrek_innovatie_inkomsten_niet_herbelegging %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.winstpremies != blank %}{% assign range_winstpremies = custom.accounts.winstpremies %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.accounts.w != blank %}{% assign range_andere = custom.accounts.w %}{% endif %}

{% assign accounts_a = period.accounts | range:range_niet_aftrekbare_belastingen %}
{% assign accounts_b = period.accounts | range:range_gewestelijke_bel %}
{% assign accounts_c = period.accounts | range:range_geldboeten %}
{% assign accounts_d = period.accounts | range:range_niet_aftrekbare_pensioen %}
{% assign accounts_f = period.accounts | range:range_vaa_autokosten %}
{% assign accounts_f_40 = period.accounts | range:range_tankkaart %}
{% assign accounts_g = period.accounts | range:range_niet_aftrekbare_receptiekosten %}
{% assign accounts_h = period.accounts | range:range_niet_aftrekbare_restaurantkosten %}
{% assign accounts_i = period.accounts | range:range_niet_specifieke_beroepskledij %}
{% assign accounts_j = period.accounts | range:range_overdreven_intresten %}
{% assign accounts_k = period.accounts | range:range_intresten_bepaalde_leningen %}
{% assign accounts_l = period.accounts | range:range_abonormale_voordelen %}
{% assign accounts_m = period.accounts | range:range_sociale_voordelen %}
{% assign accounts_n = period.accounts | range:range_voordelen_cheques %}
{% assign accounts_o = period.accounts | range:range_liberaliteiten %}
{% assign accounts_p = period.accounts | range:range_minderwaarden_aandelen %}
{% assign accounts_q = period.accounts | range:range_terugneming_vroegere_vrijstellingen %}
{% assign accounts_r = period.accounts | range:range_werknemersparticipatie %}
{% assign accounts_s = period.accounts | range:range_ontbrekende_coupon %}
{% assign accounts_t = period.accounts | range:range_tax_shelter %}
{% assign accounts_u = period.accounts | range:range_gewestelijke_premies %}
{% assign accounts_v = period.accounts | range:range_niet_aftrekbare_betalingen_staten %}
{% assign accounts_niet_verantwoorde_kosten = period.accounts | range:range_niet_verantwoorde_kosten %}
{% assign accounts_aftrek_innovatie_inkomsten_historische_kosten = period.accounts | range:range_aftrek_innovatie_inkomsten_historische_kosten %}
{% assign accounts_aftrek_innovatie_inkomsten_niet_herbelegging = period.accounts | range:range_aftrek_innovatie_inkomsten_niet_herbelegging %}
{% assign accounts_winstpremies = period.accounts | range:range_winstpremies %}
{% assign accounts_w = period.accounts | range:range_andere %}

{% capture title_header %}|--------|----13%------:+{% endcapture %}
{% capture accounts_header_cars %}|--1%---|----|--13%--:|---8%----:|--13%--:|---8%----:|---10%---:|---10%---:+{% endcapture %}
{% capture accounts_header %}|--1%---|----|--13%--:|---8%----:|---20%----:+{% endcapture %}
{% capture accounts_header_andere %}|--1%---|----|--13%--:|---8%----:|---10%----:|--10%--::+{% endcapture %}
{% ifi accounts_a != empty or custom.a != empty %}

{{ title_header }}
| **{% t "Niet aftrekbare belastingen" %}** {% input custom.accounts.a as:account_collection range:6,7 default:range_niet_aftrekbare_belastingen %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}

{{ accounts_header }}{% for account in accounts_a %}
|| {{ account.number }} {{ }} | {%=$1+ account.value %}{% endfor %}{% fori extra in custom.a %}
|| {% input extra.description placeholder:descriptionplaceholder %}           | {%=$1+input extra.value as:currency placeholder:valueplaceholder %} {% endfori %}
||                                         | *{{ $1 | currency }}* | 100% | {% assign $2 = $1*1 %}{% if $2 <= 0 %}*{%$10+$2%}{%=$0+ 0 | round | currency %}*{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% else %}*{%=$0+ $1 | round | currency %}*{% endif %}{% result 'Not_recoverable_taxes' $1 %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% endifi %}
{% ifi accounts_b != empty or custom.b != empty %}
{{ title_header }}
| **{% t "Gewestelijke belastingen, heffingen en retributies" %}** {% input custom.accounts.b as:account_collection range:6,7 default:range_gewestelijke_bel %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}

{{ accounts_header }}{% for account in accounts_b %}
||{{ account.number }} {{ }} | {%=$1+ account.value %}{% endfor %}{% fori extra in custom.b %}
|| {% input extra.description placeholder:descriptionplaceholder %}           | {%=$1+input extra.value as:currency placeholder:valueplaceholder %} {% endfori %}
||                                        | *{{ $1 | currency }}* | 100% | {% assign $2 = $1*1 %}{% if $2 <= 0 %}{%$10+$2%}*{%=$0+ 0 | round | currency %}*{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% else %}*{%=$0+ $1 | round | currency %}*{% endif %}{% result 'Non_deductible_district_taxes' $1 %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% endifi %}
{% ifi accounts_c != empty or custom.c != empty %}
{{ title_header }}
| **{% t "Geldboeten, verbeurdverklaringen en straffen van alle aard" %}** {% input custom.accounts.c as:account_collection range:6,7 default:range_geldboeten %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}

{{ accounts_header }}{% for account in accounts_c %}
|| {{ account.number }} {{ }} | {%=$1+ account.value %}{% endfor %}{% fori extra in custom.c %}
|| {% input extra.description placeholder:descriptionplaceholder %}           | {%=$1+input extra.value as:currency placeholder:valueplaceholder %} {% endfori %}
||                                         | *{{ $1 | currency }}* | 100% | {% assign $2 = $1*1 %}{% if $2 <= 0 %}{%$10+$2%}*{%=$0+ 0 | round | currency %}*{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% else %}*{%=$0+ $1 | round | currency %}*{% endif %}{% result 'fines_confiscations_and_penalty_of_all_kinds' $1 %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% endifi %}
{% ifi accounts_d != empty or custom.d != empty %}
{{ title_header }}
| **{% t "Niet aftrekbare pensioenen, kapitalen, werkgeversbijdragen en -premies" %}** {% input custom.accounts.d as:account_collection range:6,7 default:range_niet_aftrekbare_pensioen %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}

{{ accounts_header }}{% for account in accounts_d %}
|| {{ account.number }} {{ }} | {%=$1+ account.value %}{% endfor %}{% fori extra in custom.d %}
|| {% input extra.description placeholder:descriptionplaceholder %}           | {%=$1+input extra.value as:currency placeholder:valueplaceholder %}{% endfori %}
||                                         | *{{ $1 | currency }}* | 100% | {% assign $2 = $1*1 %}{% if $2 <= 0 %}{%$10+$2%}*{%=$0+ 0 | round | currency %}*{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% else %}*{%=$0+ $1 | round | currency %}*{% endif %}{% result 'non_deductable_pensions_and_pension_contributions' $1 %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% endifi %}
{% ifi custom.autokosten != empty %}{% assign $2 = 0 %}{{ title_header }}
| **{% t "Niet aftrekbare autokosten en minderwaarden op autovoertuigen" %}**

{{ accounts_header_cars }}{% fori autokost in custom.autokosten %}
|| {% ifi != blank %}*_{% endifi %}{% input placeholder:nameplaceholder %}{% ifi != blank %}_*{% endifi %} {% input autokost.account_range_vaa as:account_collection range:6,7 placeholder:'VAA' %} {% input autokost.account_range as:account_collection range:6,7 placeholder:'Algemene rekeningen' %}{% assign accounts_vaa = period.accounts | range: autokost.account_range_vaa %}{% assign accounts = period.accounts | range: autokost.account_range %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% for account in accounts_vaa %}
|| {{ account.number }} {{ }} | {{ account.value | currency}} | {% ic %}{% input autokost[account.number] as:percentage default:'0,00%'%}{% endic %}{% nic %}{{ autokost[account.number] | percentage | remove:',00' }}{% endnic %} | *{%=$1+ account.value*autokost[account.number] | round | currency %}* {% endfor %}|||{% for account in accounts %}
|| {{ account.number }} {{ }} ||| {%=$1+ account.value %}{% endfor %}{% ifi autokost.afschrijving_value != blank %}
|| {% input autokost.afschrijving placeholder:afschrijvingplaceholder %} ||| {%=$1+input autokost.afschrijving_value as:currency placeholder:afschrijvingvalueplaceholder %}{% endifi %}{% if autokost.key %}{% fori extra in custom[autokost.key] %}
||{% input extra.description placeholder:descriptionplaceholder %} ||| {%=$1+input extra.value as:currency placeholder:valueplaceholder %}  {% endfori %}{% endif %}
|| ||| *{{$1 | currency}}*  | {% ic %}{% input autokost.percentage as:percentage as:integer default:'0,00%'%}{% endic %}{% nic %}{{ autokost.percentage | percentage | remove:',00' }}{% endnic %} | *{%=$2+ $1*autokost.percentage | round | currency %}* | {% endfori %}{% if $2 <= 0 %}{%$10+$2%}{% endif %}
|| ||||| |                                                                                {% if $2 <= 0 %}*{%=$0+ 0 | round | currency %}*{% assign $2 = 0 %}{% else %}*{%=$0+ $2 | round | currency %}*{% endif %}{% result 'not_deductible_car_expenses_and_losses_on_auto_vehicles' $2 %}

{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% endifi %}

{% ifi accounts_f != empty or custom.f != empty or accounts_f_40 != empty or custom.f_40 != empty or check == true %}
{{ title_header }}
| **{% t "Autokosten ten belope van een gedeelte van het voordeel alle aard" %}** {% input custom.accounts.f as:account_collection range:6,7 range:range_vaa_autokosten %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% if accounts_f_40_new %}
{% ifi accounts_f != empty or custom.f != empty %}
| &nbsp;&nbsp;**{% t "Zonder tankkaart" %}**{% endifi %}{% endif %}
{% ifi accounts_f != empty or custom.f != empty %}
{{ accounts_header }}{% for account in accounts_f %}
|| {{ account.number }} {{ }} | {%=$1+ ABS(account.value) %}{% endfor %}{% fori extra in custom.f %}
|| {% input extra.description placeholder:descriptionplaceholder %}           | {%=$1+input extra.value as:currency placeholder:valueplaceholder %} {% endfori %}
||                                         | *{{ $1 | currency }}*{% assign $2 = $1*0.17 | round %}{% if $2 <= 0 %}{%$10+$2%}{% endif %} | 17%  | {% assign autokosten_vaa = $1*0.17 | round %}{% if autokosten_vaa <= 0 %}*{%=$0+ 0 | round | currency %}*{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% assign $2 = 0 %}{% else %}*{%=$0+ autokosten_vaa | round | currency %}*{% endif %}{% result 'car_costs_amounting_to_portion_of_the_benefit_natur_without_tankcard' $2 %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% endifi %}
{% if accounts_f_40_new %}
{% ifi accounts_f_40 != empty or custom.f_40 != empty or check == true %}
{{ title_header }}
| &nbsp;&nbsp;**{% t "Met tankkaart" %}** {% input custom.accounts.f_40 as:account_collection range:6,7 range:range_tankkaart %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}
| {% ic %}*{% t "koppel hier de rekeningen die betrekking hebben op autokosten met tankkaart" %}*{% endic %}

{{ accounts_header }}{% for account in accounts_f_40 %}
|| {{ account.number }} {{ }} | {%=$1+ ABS(account.value) %}{% endfor %}{% fori extra in custom.f_40 %}
|| {% input extra.description placeholder:descriptionplaceholder %}           | {%=$1+input extra.value as:currency placeholder:'0'%}{% endfori %} {% if broken_by_2017 %}
||{% ic %}*{% t "Er wordt gerekend met aantal dagen kalenderjaar / door aantal dagen begin boekjaar tot einddatum periode" %}*{% endic %}{% for year in period.calendar_years %}{% stripnewlines %}
{% assign start_date = year.start_date %}
{% assign end_date = year.end_date %}
{% assign by = year.end_date | date:'%Y' %}
{% assign amount_of_days = end_date+1-start_date %}
{% assign $3 = 0 %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
|| {% t "Deel" %} {{ year.start_date | date:'%Y' }}| {% assign deel_bj = $1*amount_of_days/total_days_in_book_year %}*{% $3+input custom[year].tankkaart.deel_bj as:currency placeholder_default:deel_bj %}* | {% if by == '2017' %}{{ accounts_f_perc*100 | integer }}% | {% assign autokosten_vaa_new_aj = $3*accounts_f_perc | round %}{% if autokosten_vaa_new_aj <= 0 %}*{%=$0+ 0 | currency %}*{% else %}*{%=$0+ autokosten_vaa_new_aj | currency %}*{% endif %}{% else %} 17% | {% assign autokosten_vaa_old_aj = $3*0.17 | round %}{% if autokosten_vaa_old_aj <= 0 %}*{%=$0+ 0 | currency %}*{% else %}*{%=$0+ autokosten_vaa_old_aj | currency %}*{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% unless broken_by_2017 %}
||                                         | *{{ $1 | currency }}* {% assign $2 = $1*accounts_f_perc | round %}{% if $2 <= 0 %}{%$10+$2%}{% endif %} | {{ accounts_f_perc*100 | integer }}% | {% assign autokosten_vaa_new_aj = $1*accounts_f_perc | round %}{% if autokosten_vaa_new_aj <= 0 %}*{%=$0+ 0 | round | currency %}*{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% else %}*{%=$0+ autokosten_vaa_new_aj | currency %}*{% endif %}{% endunless %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% endifi %}
{% endif %}
{% endifi %}
{% result 'autokosten_vaa' autokosten_vaa+autokosten_vaa_new_aj+autokosten_vaa_old_aj %}
{% result 'car_costs_amounting_to_portion_of_the_benefit_natur_with_tankcard' autokosten_vaa_new_aj+autokosten_vaa_old_aj %}
{% ifi accounts_g != empty or custom.g != empty %}
{{ title_header }}
| **{% t "Niet aftrekbare receptiekosten en kosten voor relatiegeschenken" %}** {% input custom.accounts.g as:account_collection range:6,7 default:range_niet_aftrekbare_receptiekosten %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}

{{ accounts_header }}{% for account in accounts_g %}
|| {{ account.number }} {{ }} | {%=$1+ account.value %}{% endfor %}{% fori extra in custom.g %}
|| {% input extra.description placeholder:descriptionplaceholder %}           | {%=$1+input extra.value as:currency placeholder:valueplaceholder%} {% endfori %}
||                                         | *{{ $1 | currency }}*{% assign $2 = $1*0.5 | round %}{% if $2 <= 0 %}{%$10+$2%}{% endif %}  | 50% | {% if $1 <= 0 %}*{%=$0+ 0 | round | currency %}*{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% assign $2 = 0 %}{% else %}*{%=$0+ $1*0.5 | round | currency %}*{% endif %}{% result 'non_deductible_charges_of_receptions_and_presents' $2 %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% endifi %}
{% ifi accounts_h != empty  or custom.h != empty %}
{{ title_header }}
| **{% t "Niet aftrekbare restaurantkosten" %}** {% input custom.accounts.h as:account_collection range:6,7 default:range_niet_aftrekbare_restaurantkosten %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}

It’s case-sensitive so you’ll need to use:




That last one seems correct in your print screen, but that result tag is only there for periods after 2017 though (perhaps that’s the reason it’s not showing in the report? Also, be sure there are no more than one template Rejected Charges added in the working papers).


The last one you mention is working it is the autokosten that doesn’t work.
So the second on my print screen.

Kind regards


This should work. Could you double check again please? @Dons


Thank you!!

Kind regards