CASE: access information of the current reconciliation drop

Great addition now, where we added the ability to access information from the current reconciliation you are working in!

Just like you can call on the current account drop by using ‘current_account’, you can do the same for the current reconciliation with current_reconciliation

Handle : {{ current_reconciliation.handle }}
Name : {{ }}
Starred?: {{ current_reconciliation.starred? }}
Virtual account number: {{ current_reconciliation.number }}

No need to assign a variable to the handle of the template you are working to avoid a linkto to that template you are in for example:

{% assign recons_array = "equity;fix_community" | split:";" %}
{% assign c_recon = current_reconciliation.handle %}

{% for item in recons_array %}
  {% assign recon = period.reconciliations[item].handle %}
    {% if c_recon == recon %}
      {{ period.reconciliations[item].name }}
    {% else %}
      {% linkto recon %}{{ period.reconciliations[item].name }}{% endlinkto %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}