We have a fori loop, where we on the first loop want a default value to be used, and then we want an empty section to complete to show. But unless we go to the default value and press enter, the empty section does not show. Ie we need to press enter to get the default value to became a value. Is there another way to get our default value to directly become a value, without having to use enter?
{% if open_disclosure_exist == true and forloop.first%}
| {% input appendix_text.text_input as:text placeholder:consideration_placeholder default:open_disclosure_default_text assign:appendix_text_input %}
{% else %}
| {% input appendix_text.text_input as:text placeholder:consideration_placeholder assign:appendix_text_input %} (THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN, UNLESS WE PRESS ENTER, BUT WE WANT IT TO SHOW ANYWAY)
{% endif %}
Any ideas?