Jaarverslag - without differences between years + percentages

In the template ‘jaarverslag’, under point 1 ‘Commentaar bij de jaarrekening’ I want to remove the last two columns: the differences between the two years and the difference in percentage. I’ve made a template like this:


|:-------------40%----------------|-----15%------:|-----15%------: +
| **_Resultatenrekening_**          |**{{period.year_end_date | date: '%d/%m/%Y'}}**|{% if previous_period.exists %}**{{previous_period.year_end_date | date: '%d/%m/%Y'}}**{% endif %}
|{% capture subtabel %}{% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}
|Omzet                         |{%=$0+ -1*#70 %}      |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*#70:1y %}
|Handelsgoederen               |{%=$0+ -1*#60 %}      |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*#60:1y %}
|Andere bedrijfsopbrengsten    |{%=$0+ -1*#71__74 %}  |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*#71__74:1y %}
|Niet-recurrente bedrijfsopbrengsten |{%=$0+ -1*(#760+#7620+#7630+#764__768) %}  |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*(#760+#7620+#7630+#764__768):1y %}{% endif %}
|                              |
|**Brutomarge:**               |{{ $10 | currency }}  |{% if previous_period.exists %}{{ $11 | currency }}{% endif %}
|{% capture subtabel %}{% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}
|Diensten & diverse goederen   |{%=$0+ -1*#61 %}      |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*#61:1y %}
|Personeelskosten              |{%=$0+ -1*#62 %}      |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*#62:1y %}
|Afschrijving/waardeverminderingen   |{%=$0+ -1*#63 %}      |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*#63:1y %}
|Andere bedrijfskosten         |{%=$0+ -1*#64 %}      |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*#64:1y %}
|Niet-recurrente bedrijfskosten |{%=$0+ -1*(#660+#6620+#663+#664__667+#6690) %}      |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*(#660+#6620+#663+#664__667+#6690):1y %}{% endif %}
|**Bedrijfsresultaat**            |{{ $10 | currency }}  |{% if previous_period.exists %}{{ $11 | currency }}{% endif %}

|:-------------40%----------------|-----15%------:|-----15%------: +{% unless new_mar_date >= '2016' %}
|{% capture subtabel %}{% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}
|Financiële kosten en opbrengsten    |{%=$0+ -1*(#75+#65) %}    |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*(#75+#65):1y %}
|Uitzonderlijke kosten en opbrengsten   |{%=$0+ -1*(#76+#66) %} |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*(#76+#66):1y %}
|{% capture subtabel %}{% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}
|Financiële kosten en opbrengsten    |{%=$0+ -1*(#75+#65+#761+#7621+#7631+#769+#661+#6621+#6631+#668+#6691) %}    |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*(#75+#65+#761+#7621+#7631+#769+#661+#6621+#6631+#668+#6691):1y %}   {% endif %}
|**Winst (verlies) van het boekjaar**    |{{ $10 | currency }}  |{% if previous_period.exists %}{{ $11 | currency }}{% endif %}
|{% capture subtabel %}{% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}
|Mutatie uitgestelde belastingen|{%=$0+ -1*(#680+#780) %}       |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*(#680+#780):1y %}
|Belastingen                     |{%=$0+ -1*(#67+#77) %}        |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*(#67+#77):1y %}
|Mutatie belastingvrije reserves |{%=$0+ -1*(#689+#789) %}      |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*(#689+#789):1y %}
|**Winst (verlies) na belasting**        |{{ $10 | currency }}  |{% if previous_period.exists %}{{ $11 | currency }}{% endif %}

|**_Balans_** {% assign $10 = 0 %}{% assign $11 = 0 %} |{% if previous_period.exists %}**{{period.year_end_date | date: '%d/%m/%Y'}}**|**{{period.minus_1y.year_end_date | date: '%d/%m/%Y'}}**{% endif %}
|{% capture subtabel %}{% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}
|Vaste activa                  |{%=$0+ #20__28 %}     |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ #20__28:1y %}
|Voorraden                     |{%=$0+ #30__37 %}     |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ #30__37:1y %}
|Vorderingen > 1 jaar          |{%=$0+ #29 %}         |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ #29:1y %}
|Vorderingen < 1 jaar          |{%=$0+ #40__41 %}     |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ #40__41:1y %}
|Geldbeleggingen en liquide middelen|{%=$0+ #5 %}     |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ #5:1y %}
|Overlopende rekeningen        |{%=$0+ #490__491 %}   |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ #490__491:1y %}
|**Activa**                    |{{ $10 | currency }}  |{% if previous_period.exists %}{{ $11 | currency }}{% endif %}
|{% assign $10 = 0 %}{% assign $11 = 0 %}{% capture subtabel %}{% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}
|Eigen vermogen                |{%=$0+ -1*#10__15 %}  |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*#10__15:1y %}
|Voorzieningen en uitgestelde belastingen    |{%=$0+ -1*#16 %}      |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*#16:1y %}
|Schulden > 1jaar              |{%=$0+ -1*#17 %}      |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*#17:1y %}
|Schulden < 1jaar              |{%=$0+ -1*#42__48 %}  |{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ -1*#42__48:1y %}
|Overlopende rekeningen        |{%=$0+ -1*#492__494 %}|{% if previous_period.exists %}{%=$1+ --1*#492__494:1y %}
|**Passiva**                   |{{ $10 | currency }}  |{% if previous_period.exists %}{{ $11 | currency }}{% endif %}


The rest of the template I left untouched :slight_smile: Is it possible that this can be added on the office level, so we can use this template?

If you have no comments on this of course :wink:

Hello @Anke,

I noticed we never answered! Sorry about that

You can always make a custom text template in a file (dossier) and choose with the options of the text to make a template of it on office level (if you haven’t done that already).