Level 1, exercise 4: valuate the company

Create a text template that checks the following:

  • if the balance sheet expresses accumulated loss in the current book year
  • if the income statement last 2 years (current and previous) expresses a loss

When one of above is true, a certain text needs to appear. In that text, a certain article number is shown, that depends on the company form.

For example:

The General Meeting takes notice of article 96 as the company has had loss the last 2 years.

Show only above text if one of the 2 conditions are met.
Further more, add an extra option (checkbox). When checked, another sentence should be added to above text, that the General Meeting have decided to not continue with the activities of the company, and that steps are taken to file bankruptcy.

No preview of an example, as this exercise is made so you need to use your own imagination on how you’d like to see this text templates being made.