List of ID's in array present in another array (1 if yes, 0 if no)

Hi Sven, Sam,

I wrote the following piece of code to detect the ID’s in an array that are present in another array. My question: is there a way to improve on this? Thanks!

{% comment %}Test array (eg id's of all agenda points){% endcomment %}
{% assign str_Test = '0|1|2|3|4|5|7' %}
{% assign arr_Test = str_Test | split:'|' %}
{% assign int_arr_Test_size = arr_Test.size | minus:1 %}

{% comment %}Test array (eg id's of agenda points that have been selected){% endcomment %}
{% assign str_Totaal = '0|1|2|5|6' %}
{% assign arr_Totaal = str_Totaal | split:'|' %}
{% assign int_arr_Totaal_size = arr_Totaal.size | minus:1 %}

{% comment %}Initialize result{% endcomment %}
{% assign str_result = '' %}

{% comment %}Question: which agenda points of arr_Test are present in arr_Totaal (1) or not present (0){% endcomment %}

{% for Test_Element in arr_Test %}

  {% assign int_Test_Element_Counter_Base1 = int_Test_Element_Counter_Base1 | plus:1 %}
  {% assign int_Test_Element_Counter_Base0 = int_Test_Element_Counter_Base1 | minus:1 %}
  {% assign int_Totaal_Element_Counter_Base1 = 0 %}

  {% for Totaal_Element in arr_Totaal %}
    {% assign int_Totaal_Element_Counter_Base1 = int_Totaal_Element_Counter_Base1 | plus:1 %}
    {% assign int_Totaal_Element_Counter_Base0 = int_Totaal_Element_Counter_Base1 | minus:1 %}
    {% if Test_Element == arr_Totaal[int_Totaal_Element_Counter_Base0] %}
      {% break %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

  {% if int_Totaal_Element_Counter_Base0 == {{int_arr_Totaal_size}} %}
    {% comment %}For every element except last one{% endcomment %}
    {% if int_Test_Element_Counter_Base0 < {{int_arr_Test_size}}  %}
      {% assign str_result = str_result | append:0 | append:'|' %}
    {% comment %}For last element{% endcomment %}
    {% else %}
      {% if arr_Test[int_Test_Element_Counter_Base0] == arr_Totaal[int_Totaal_Element_Counter_Base0] %}
        {% assign str_result = str_result | append:'1' | append:'|' %}
      {% else %}
        {% assign str_result = str_result | append:'0' | append:'|' %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
  {% else %}
    {% assign str_result = str_result | append:1 | append:'|' %}
  {% endif %}

{% endfor %}

str_result {{ str_result }}