Result from infotext is not printed

Hi Evy,

Please read this topic for how to insert (a part) of your code in a topic, so we don’t have to manually recreate your code to find a solution (what I had to do now).

Your inputs are between the “ic” statement, so there are never be executed when you print this. Code between the “ic” statement are not been executed in the print version, so also the variables “div/vvpr/vvprter/tantieme/rc” will never have a value (so always blank) when you print this.

You can use a “capture” for your input before the “ic” statement.
And personal I wouldn’t use a infotext for this. I don’t see the plus value herefore.

You will have then something like this:

{% capture myinput %}
|Dividend | {% input  custom.choice.bedrag_dividend as:currency assign:div %} {% newline %}
|VVPR bis dividend | {% input  custom.choice.bedrag_vvprbis as:currency assign:vvpr %} {% newline %}
|Liquidatiereserve | {% input  custom.choice.bedrag_lr as:currency assign:vvprter %} {% newline %}
|Tantieme | {% input  custom.choice.bedrag_tantieme as:currency assign:tantieme %} {% newline %}
|Uitkering RC | {% input  custom.choice.bedrag_rc as:currency assign:rc %} {% newline %}
|{% newline %}
|Is dit een bijzondere algemene vergadering (nav tussentijdse uitkering)?| {% input custom.reviewed.check as:boolean assign:bav %} {% newline %}
{% endcapture %}

{% ic %}{% stripnewlines %}
| Soort uitkering
| Bedrag
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
{{ myinput }}
{% endstripnewlines %}{% endic %}

{% if div != blank %}* Dividend van {{ div | currency }} EUR{% endif %}
{% if vvpr != blank %}* VVPR bis dividend van {{ div | currency }} EUR{% endif %}
{% if vvprter != blank %}* Uitkering liquidatiereserve van {{ div | currency }} EUR{% endif %}
{% if tantieme != blank %}* Tantieme van {{ div | currency }} EUR{% endif %}
{% if rc != blank %}* Uitkering RC van {{ div | currency }} EUR{% endif %}
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