Hi Community,
I have some issues with my code and wonder if anyone could give me a few tips?
I would like to have row five as an input-field which is rollforwarded to next year’s row 4. Right now, it is an input-field but I am not able to type any values in (they just disappear when pressing enter). Since the input field isn’t working, I can not ensure that the rollforward works either.
{% stripnewlines %}
|{% t "reserveringar" %}
|{% t "ingaende_balans" %}
|{% t "icke_skattepliktigt" %}
|{% t "utgaende_balans" %}
|{% t "ej_avdragsgillt" %}{% ic %}{::infotext as='hover'}{% t "Q&A" %}{:/infotext}{% endic %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
{% for account in accounts_closing_balance %}
|{% linkto account %}{{ account.mapped_number }} {{ account.mapped_name }}{% endlinkto %}
|{{ account.opening_value | currency }}
{% assign ej_skattepliktig = account.id %}
|{% $1+input account.custom.nontax[ej_skattepliktig] as:integer placeholder:0 %}
{% assign $1 = 0 %}
|{{ account.value | currency }}
{% assign ej_avdragsgill = account.identity %}
|{% $2+input account.custom.nontaxded[ej_avdragsgill] as:integer placeholder:0 %}
{% assign $2 = 0 %}
{% rollforward $2 account.custom.nontax[ej_skattepliktig] %}
{% newline %}
{% endfor %}
On the same topic, in the next column of the same table, I would like the fourth row to be an input-field which by default is last year’s value in row five. Currently, row five is rollforwarded to the same row next year (i.e. row five instead of to row four).
|{% t "key" %}{% ic %}{::infotext as="hover"}{% t "key" %} {:/infotext}{% endic %}
{% comment %}Default is last year's adjustment{% endcomment %}
|{{ custom.othernon.taxable }}
{% comment %}Non-tax deductible being RF to next FY's non-taxable{% endcomment %}
|{% input custom.othernon.deductible as:integer placeholder:0 %}
{% rollforward othernon.deductible custom.othernon.taxable %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
Thank you in advance