October 13, 2017, 3:43pm
How can I make the total “explained”?
|{% ifi custom.letter.value != blank %} Raming VenB AJ {% input custom.some.aanslagjaar %} - Balans {% input custom.some.boekjaar as:date %} | {% $0+input custom.letter.value as:currency %}{% endifi %}
|Raming VenB AJ {{ period.fiscal_year }} - Balans {{ period.year_end_date | date:’%d/%m/%Y’ }} | {% $0+input custom.letter.value2 as:currency %}
|{% ifi custom.extra.value1 != blank %} 10% afzonderlijke aanslag liquidatiereserve AJ {{ period.fiscal_year }} - Blalans {{ period.year_end_date | date:’%d/%m/%Y’ }} | {% $0+input custom.extra.value1 as:currency %}{% endifi %}
||{{ $0 | currency }}
Hi @Thijs
You can accomplished this by putting following code at the end of your code:
{% unexplained $0+current.account %}
Kind regards
October 16, 2017, 6:48am
Hi Sam,
Thank you for your reply.
Now i’m getting the explained sign on 0,00, but not on the 8.153,35
October 16, 2017, 6:52am
Hello @Thijs ,
Could you post your new code, just to be sure?
Also, this account is not always negative I suppose, no? If you expect return of taxes, this account will be positive (or maybe the amount is on a different account, an asset account?)
Reason I ask, is because depending on the sort of account, it’ll impact the comparison with the value of the current account value.
October 16, 2017, 8:32am
The account is always negative (credit). If you expect return of taxes, it will be on a 41… account.
|{% ifi custom.letter.value != blank %} Raming VenB AJ {% input custom.some.aanslagjaar %} - Balans {% input custom.some.boekjaar as:date %} | {% $0+input custom.letter.value as:currency %}{% endifi %}
|Raming VenB AJ {{ period.fiscal_year }} - Balans {{ period.year_end_date | date:‘%d/%m/%Y’ }} | {% $0+input custom.letter.value2 as:currency %}
|{% ifi custom.extra.value1 != blank %} 10% afzonderlijke aanslag liquidatiereserve AJ {{ period.fiscal_year }} - Blalans {{ period.year_end_date | date:‘%d/%m/%Y’ }} | {% $0+input custom.extra.value1 as:currency %}{% endifi %}
||{{ $0 | currency }}
{% unexplained $0+current.account %}
October 16, 2017, 8:59am
@Thijs ,
We’ve got a bit of the Monday blues it seems…
The equation needs to be this :
{% unexplained $0+current_account.value %}
So current_account.value instead of current.account.
Sorry for this mistake though from our part.