Total 'explained'

How can I make the total “explained”?


|{% ifi custom.letter.value != blank %} Raming VenB AJ {% input custom.some.aanslagjaar %} - Balans {% input custom.some.boekjaar as:date %} | {% $0+input custom.letter.value as:currency %}{% endifi %}
|Raming VenB AJ {{ period.fiscal_year }} - Balans {{ period.year_end_date | date:’%d/%m/%Y’ }} | {% $0+input custom.letter.value2 as:currency %}
|{% ifi custom.extra.value1 != blank %} 10% afzonderlijke aanslag liquidatiereserve AJ {{ period.fiscal_year }} - Blalans {{ period.year_end_date | date:’%d/%m/%Y’ }} | {% $0+input custom.extra.value1 as:currency %}{% endifi %}
||{{ $0 | currency }}

Hi @Thijs

You can accomplished this by putting following code at the end of your code:

{% unexplained $0+current.account %}

Kind regards


Hi Sam,

Thank you for your reply.

Now i’m getting the explained sign on 0,00, but not on the 8.153,35

Hello @Thijs,

Could you post your new code, just to be sure?

Also, this account is not always negative I suppose, no? If you expect return of taxes, this account will be positive (or maybe the amount is on a different account, an asset account?)

Reason I ask, is because depending on the sort of account, it’ll impact the comparison with the value of the current account value.

The account is always negative (credit). If you expect return of taxes, it will be on a 41… account.

|{% ifi custom.letter.value != blank %} Raming VenB AJ {% input custom.some.aanslagjaar %} - Balans {% input custom.some.boekjaar as:date %} | {% $0+input custom.letter.value as:currency %}{% endifi %}
|Raming VenB AJ {{ period.fiscal_year }} - Balans {{ period.year_end_date | date:‘%d/%m/%Y’ }} | {% $0+input custom.letter.value2 as:currency %}
|{% ifi custom.extra.value1 != blank %} 10% afzonderlijke aanslag liquidatiereserve AJ {{ period.fiscal_year }} - Blalans {{ period.year_end_date | date:‘%d/%m/%Y’ }} | {% $0+input custom.extra.value1 as:currency %}{% endifi %}
||{{ $0 | currency }}
{% unexplained $0+current.account %}


We’ve got a bit of the Monday blues it seems…

The equation needs to be this :

{% unexplained $0+current_account.value %}

So current_account.value instead of current.account.

Sorry for this mistake though from our part.

Working fine!


Glad to help @Thijs!