In the templates ‘Eigen vermogen’ en ‘Geplaatst kapitaal’ you can build your up ‘Eigen vermogen’ and ‘Kapitaal’ through the years. What i’m finding a bit strange is that their isn’t a ‘voortschrijdend’ total after every year.
See example below… The sum is made after every year separately but I would like to see the rolling balance in my total, so i can see after every year what the total sum is of my ‘eigen vermogen’.
Can that be adjusted in the collection ? or can you give me the code to adjust this ?
So if you show this register, in the extra column we just created (see above) by doing |{{ $1 | currency }} in the forloop of the input lines, it will show the the accumulated totals. You could do this as illustrated below:
Can you also help with the template of ‘Geplaatst kapitaal’ ?
I also would like the sum after a changement in the ‘geplaatst kapitaal’ ? See example below…
Saldo na wijziging must be the accumulated sum of the operatiions before.
In your “Geplaatst Kapitaal” template, the below line is the code for “Saldo na wijziging”. {% =$12+ bedrag_na_vermindering %}
This code will always show the number in the first line, and not a total.
If you want that the “Saldo na wijziging” column shows accumulated values, you could replace it by the code below: {% $12+ bedrag_na_vermindering %}{{ $12 | currency }}
This will save all inputs from the first column, and show the totalled amounts from the current line + the lines above it.