Voortschrijdend saldo in template eigen vermogen of geplaatst kapitaal


In the templates ‘Eigen vermogen’ en ‘Geplaatst kapitaal’ you can build your up ‘Eigen vermogen’ and ‘Kapitaal’ through the years. What i’m finding a bit strange is that their isn’t a ‘voortschrijdend’ total after every year.

See example below… The sum is made after every year separately but I would like to see the rolling balance in my total, so i can see after every year what the total sum is of my ‘eigen vermogen’.

Can that be adjusted in the collection ? or can you give me the code to adjust this ?

Thx in advance !

Hi @Andrew,

Do you mean that you want an extra column on the right with the accumulated totals per year/line?

Kind regards,



Indeed - that would be a nice. After every year I then could see the total of my ‘eigen vermogen’

Thx for your reply !

Hi Andrew,

I will illustrate this for your template “Eigen Vermogen”.

You can add an extra column by adding ---:| in this line:

|---|------{% for account in accounts %}|------:{% endfor %}|-----:+{% fori l in lijnen %}{% assign $0 = 0 %}

like this for example:

|---|------{% for account in accounts %}|------:{% endfor %}|----:|---:+{% fori l in lijnen %}{% assign $0 = 0 %}

The value of the input on each line ($0) is saved in the register $1.

|{% input l.omschrijving %} {% input l.doc as:file size:mini %}|{% input l.datum as:date %}{% for account in accounts %}|{%$0+input l[account.number] as:currency placeholder:"" %}{% endfor %}|{%=$1+ $0 %}{% endfori %}

So if you show this register, in the extra column we just created (see above) by doing |{{ $1 | currency }} in the forloop of the input lines, it will show the the accumulated totals. You could do this as illustrated below:

|{% input l.omschrijving %} {% input l.doc as:file size:mini %}|{% input l.datum as:date %}{% for account in accounts %}|{%$0+input l[account.number] as:currency placeholder:"" %}{% endfor %}|{%=$1+ $0 %}|{{ $1 | currency }}{% endfori %}

Hope this helps!

Please let us know if it would not work for you.

Kind regards,



It works like this !! many thx.

Can you also help with the template of ‘Geplaatst kapitaal’ ?

I also would like the sum after a changement in the ‘geplaatst kapitaal’ ? See example below…
Saldo na wijziging must be the accumulated sum of the operatiions before.

Hi Andrew,

In your “Geplaatst Kapitaal” template, the below line is the code for “Saldo na wijziging”.
{% =$12+ bedrag_na_vermindering %}
This code will always show the number in the first line, and not a total.

If you want that the “Saldo na wijziging” column shows accumulated values, you could replace it by the code below:
{% $12+ bedrag_na_vermindering %}{{ $12 | currency }}

This will save all inputs from the first column, and show the totalled amounts from the current line + the lines above it.

Please let us know if this does not work for you.

Kind regards,


It works !! Thx for your support !