Discussions on the Silverfin Templating Language, used to create reconciliations, account templates and documents. Documentation can be found at https://developer.silverfin.com/docs, and in this topic as well (perfect for beginners).
Please keep all communication in English
If you want to ask questions about a specific template, please copy all related code (how you exactly paste your code, is explained here in detail), so the others have appropriate context to investigate the question.
Be mindful too, to keep each topic related to one related question; in that case, topics will be easier to find as well they don’t get complicated with 3-4 extra, not-related, questions in a topic.
We’ll do our best to guide you towards the desired result, step-by-step. This community has been made with the goal of providing a learning community for everyone who wants to build templates on their own, so knowledge has to be shared, as well intentions to learn is required.