Accessing table variables


I have the following table. It is outside of the table that I would want to reproduce some variables inputted in the table.
As you can see I have variable a2 from line 1 I want this to show in let us say another reconciliation.
However I have no clue how I can access this variable. Can someone help ?

| {% t "Exemption classification"%}  | {% t "Tax year-number" %} | {% t "Name beneficiary" %} | {% t "Adress beneficiary" %} | {% t "Debt claim, start of the taxable period" %} | {% t "Debt claim, end of the taxable period" %} | {% t "Exempt write down, start of the taxable period" %} | {% t "Exempt write down, end of the taxable period" %} | 

|:---:|:--6%----|:-----------10%---------|:--------10%---|----15%-------:|----15%----:|-----15%-----:|---15%--:+{% for line in lines %}
{% stripnewlines %}
 |{% input line.a1 as:select options:"Increase|Decrease|New|Unaltered" option_values:"1|2|3|4" %} 
 |{% input line.a2 as:number placeholder:'Year-xx' %} 
 |{% input line.a3 placeholder:'Text'%}
 |{% input line.a4 placeholder:'Text'%}
 |{% input line.a5 placeholder:'0.00' as:currency%}
 |{% input line.a6 placeholder:'0.00' as:currency%}
 |{%$1+input line.a7 as:currency placeholder:'0.00'%}
 |{%$2+input line.a8 as:currency placeholder:'0.00' %}
{% endstripnewlines %} {% endfor %}
| |      |              |     | |  | ***{{ $1 | currency }}***| ***{{ $2 | currency }}***| 

Hello @GMOONS,

Is this the whole code, where the collection “lines” is created? Because that is what I would like to know, to help you further. And it looks like it’s created somewhere else in the code, no?