Retrieve data from one reconciliation into the other


I’m making the table mentioned below in one reconciliation.
In another reconciliation I would like to reproduce the descriptions of the other reserves and the value within a table.

I’ve tried to capture it, but this does not seem to work. Can someone help me out?

Kind regards,


|            | {% t "Codes" %} |{% t "At the beginning of the taxable period" %} | {% t "At the end of the taxable period" %} | 
{% stripnewlines %}
|**{% t "Other reserves appearing in on balance sheet" %}**
{% endstripnewlines %}{% fori other in custom.other_reserves %}
{% stripnewlines %}
| {% input other.description placeholder:"Description" %} 
| {% $0+input other.reserves_LY as:currency placeholder:"Value" %} 
| {% $1+input other.reserves_CY as:currency placeholder:"Value" %} 
{% endstripnewlines %}{% endfori %}
{% stripnewlines %}
|**{% t "Other taxable reserves (+)/(-)" %}**
{% endstripnewlines %}{% fori taxable in custom.taxable_reserves %} 


Does the answer in For loop - reproduction of table in other reconcilation also resolve this one?