Bold layout issue

Hello all,

I don’t understand why this line:

**{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. {{ title_approval_annual_accounts }}**

Appear like that:

Shouln’t it be in bold?

Why do the ** appear?

Thank’s for your help.


Hi @Alexandre_Derbaudren ,

Normally this should indeed return a bold text, but probably the code around this code snippet forces the ** to be printed. Can you please share some more code so we can determine the issue?

Best regards,


Thank you for your answer.

Here are some more lines:

{% comment %}Block approval annual accounts{% endcomment %}
{% nic %}<br>{% endnic %}

**{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. {{ title_approval_annual_accounts }}**

{% if written_meeting %}{% if count_shareh == 1 %}L'actionnaire prend {% else %}Les actionnaires prennent {% endif %}{% else %}L’assemblée générale prend {% endif %}connaissance {% if company_form == "COMMV" or company_form == "GCV" or company_form == "VOF" or company_form == "SCOMM" or company_form == "SCS" or company_form == "SNC" %}des comptes annuels internes{% else %}des comptes annuels{% endif %} arrêtés par {% if new_company_law %}{% case director_type %}{% when 'board_of_directors' %}l’organe d'administration{% when 'manager' %}le gérant{% when 'managers' %}les gérants{% when 'collegiate_body' %}l'organe d'administration{% when 'director' %}l'organe d'administration{% else %}l'organe d'administration{% endcase %}{% else %}{% case director_type %}{% when 'zaakvoerder' %}le gérant{% when 'zaakvoerders' %}{% if college %}le collège des gérants{% else %}les gérants{% endif %}{% when 'bestuurder' %}l'administrateur{% when 'bestuurders' %}{% if CVBA or CVOA %}{% if college %}le conseil d'administration{% else %}les administrateurs{% endif %}{% else %}le conseil d'administration{% endif %}{% endcase %}{% endif %}, qui présentent un total de bilan de {{ period.accounts.assets | currency }}€, des fonds propres de {{ -1*(#10__15) | currency }}€ et {% if #60__68+#70__78 <= 0%} un bénéfice de {{ -1*(#60__68+#70__78) | currency }}€ {%else%} une perte de {{ -1*(#60__68+#70__78) | currency }}€{%endif%}.

Hi @Alexandre_Derbaudren,

It might be related to the variable title_approval_annual_accounts and how it is formed; could you share that? I think there’s white spacing in there that is causing the issue.

This could help (if it is white spacing), where we strip any additional white space that might be part of the value that was created in that variable:

{{ title_approval_annual_accounts | strip }}

1. {% capture title_approval_annual_accounts %} Approbation {% if company_form == "COMMV" or company_form == "GCV" or company_form == "VOF" or company_form == "SCOMM" or company_form == "SCS" or company_form == "SNC" %}des comptes annuels internes{% else %}des comptes annuels{% endif %} et de l'affectation du résultat de l'exercice clôturé au {{ period.year_end_date | date:'%d/%m/%Y' }} {% endcapture %}{% input period.custom.title.approval_annual_accounts_fr default:title_approval_annual_accounts assign:title_approval_annual_accounts %}

Okay, and did you try this now?

{{ title_approval_annual_accounts | strip }} 

You could also maybe re-enter the value in that database variable and make sure the last part of the value isn’t a space…

It is ok with | strip!

Thank you for the help!

Truly appreciated

You’re welcome! :relaxed: