Bringing two table widths into alignment


I have a table, where the first row is the following width:

… And the second row is the following width:

As you can see, the second column in the first row (72%) has been split out into two columns in the second row (60%/12%). I’d expect the full width of the second row’s columns to align with the first row; however, I seem to be having trouble with bringing this into alignment:

Is there something I’m missing from my code? I’ve tried one, two and three {% newline %}'s and a <br> between the two table parameters, but I can’t get the code to work as I’d expect:

Expand for code...
{% stripnewlines %}

{% assign question = 'Is this a question? ' %}
{% assign question_2 = 'Enter date:' %}
{% assign array_response = 'Yes' %}
{% assign namespace = 'planning_test' %}

{% comment %}
Table structure:
|----|<Question_2>|<Date>|<VC_File> |<VC_View>|<Check>|  {% endcomment %}
{% newline %}{% newline %}
{% newline %}
|{% $1+ 1%} **{{ $1 | integer}}**
|{{ question }}
|{% input custom.[namespace].response as:select options:array_response %}
|{% if custom.[namespace].response <> blank %}
   {% assign check_ind = 0 %}
   {% unexplained check_ind as:indicator %}
   {% $2+ check_ind %}
 {% else %}
   {% assign check_ind = 1 %}
   {% unexplained check_ind as:indicator %}
   {% $2+ check_ind %}
 {% endif %}
{% if custom.[namespace].response <> blank %}
   {% newline %}{% newline %}
   {% newline %}
   |{{ question_2 }}
   |{% input custom.[namespace].date as:date default:"" %}
   |{% input custom.[namespace].vc_link placeholder:"VC FileID" %}
   |{% if custom.[namespace].vc_link <> blank %}  _[{% t "View" %}](vclink://{{ communication.vc_link }})_  {% endif %}
   |{% if custom.[namespace].date <> blank and custom.[namespace].vc_link <> blank %}
      {% assign check_ind = 0 %}
      {% unexplained check_ind as:indicator %}
       {% $2+ check_ind %}
    {% else %}
      {% assign check_ind = 1 %}
      {% unexplained check_ind as:indicator %}
      {% $2+ check_ind %}
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% endstripnewlines %}


Hi @jhanley,

It looks like the problem with the code was that liquid didn’t recognise the following percentage |:12%-: as actual percentage from the second table structure |-1%-|---59%---|:12%-:|---12%----|:---8%--:|:--8%--:+.

If you add a dash before 12% as you provided in your example |-1%-|----59%----|:-12%-:|---12%----|:---8%--:|:--8%--:+ the problem gets fixed.

Hope you find it helpful. Feel free to ask any other questions.


Hi @Daria_Bobukh,

Thanks, this was the issue - it’s glaringly obvious once you’re aware!
