CASE: never set unreconciled tag between inputcomment

If you use unreconciled tags in separate columns, you’ll probably would be wanting the columns in ic-tags, so they don’t get exported to PDF and leave some additional space for other columns to be filled:

As you can see in export, the column (where the indicators were in) is showing. The indicators are never exported though (which is good), but the table is:

So in each line of coding, you’ll need to add the column in inc-tags so it does not get exported:

{% comment %}txt to be displayed for any database variable not filled in{% endcomment %}
{% capture obligated_txt %}This needs to be filled in.{% endcapture %}

{% stripnewlines %}
| Question
{% ic %}
{% endic %}
| Answer
{% newline %}
{% ic %}
{% endic %}
{% newline %}
| Select the type of company here.
{% ic %}
{% endic %}  
  {% comment %}create check to make sure obligated fields are filled in{% endcomment %}
  {% if custom.q.type == blank %}
    {% assign ind = 1 %}
  {% else %}
    {% assign ind = 0 %}
  {% endif %}
  {% unreconciled ind as:indicator unreconciled_text:obligated_txt %}
| {% input custom.q.type as:select options:"Parent company|Subsidiary" %}
{% endstripnewlines %} 

However :warning:

You can’t set the {% unreconciled ind as:indicator unreconciled_text:obligated_txt %} between ic-tags, ever.
They are not designed to work in export-mode, and can create a weird situation where a template becomes reconciled while a red indicator is seen in the template.

So, this coding:

{% ic %}
  {% comment %}create check to make sure obligated fields are filled in{% endcomment %}
  {% if custom.q.type == blank %}
    {% assign ind = 1 %}
  {% else %}
    {% assign ind = 0 %}
  {% endif %}
  {% unreconciled ind as:indicator unreconciled_text:obligated_txt %}
{% endic %}   

where the unreconciled-tag is in between the ic-tags, needs to be changed to:

{% ic %}
{% endic %}   
  {% comment %}create check to make sure obligated fields are filled in{% endcomment %}
  {% if custom.q.type == blank %}
    {% assign ind = 1 %}
  {% else %}
    {% assign ind = 0 %}
  {% endif %}
  {% unreconciled ind as:indicator unreconciled_text:obligated_txt %}

So only the | can be set between ic-tags, and never the logic of an unreconciled-tag!

Not the best practise, but something to be aware off.