CASE: show the active directors

Suppose you want to display a list of directors that are still active, depending on a certain date. In the past, we would’ve created some logic looking at the begin- and end dates of the mandat of each director:

{% comment %}the date of the legal report is what we need to list the active directors{% endcomment %}
{% assign date_gm = period.custom.av.datum | date:"%Y/%m/%d" %}

{% comment %}show the active directors{% endcomment %}
{% for person in period.directors %}
  {% comment %}check which persons have valid mandats{% endcomment %}
  {% assign show_begin_mandat = false %}
  {% assign show_end_mandat = false %}
  {% assign begin_mandat = person.director_start_date | date:"%Y/%m/%d" %}
  {% assign end_mandat = person.director_end_date | date:"%Y/%m/%d" %}
  {% if date_gm >= begin_mandat or begin_mandat == blank %}
    {% assign show_begin_mandat = true %}
  {% endif %}
  {% if date_gm <= end_mandat or end_mandat == blank %}
    {% assign show_end_mandat = true %}
  {% endif %}
  {% comment %}show active mandats{% endcomment %}
  {% if show_begin_mandat and show_end_mandat %}
    **{{ }}**
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Another case that has this logic, is seen here.

However, that’s a lot of extra coding that always needs to be done everywhere you want to show the active directors.

From now on however, we added an extra filter active_as_director_on to the people drop period.directors:

{% assign active_directors = period.directors | active_as_director_on:date_gm %}
{% for person in active_directors %}
  {{ }}
{% endfor %}

In the filter you can have any date, on which the drop will automatically be filtered upon (looking in the background to the info from the database variables director_start_date & director_end_date.

Another filter we have, but good to mention, is the active_as_director method, which automatically will filter the directors based upon the begin and end date of the bookyear your period resides in:

{% assign directors_by = period.directors.active_as_director %}
{% for person in directors_by %}
  {{ }}
{% endfor %}

That’s another case saving some coding lines :smiley:

Toppie, but I have a problem, it’s seems that only companies are mentioned, when I change the director type to person, it doesn’t show, change back to company and it shows.

I found a solutions for this:

{% assign active_directors = period.directors | active_as_director_on:date_gm %}
{% for person in active_directors %}
{% if person.custom.type == “legal” %}{{ }} {% else %}{{ person.custom.first_name }} {{ person.custom.last_name }}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Hi Peter,

The functionality described in this case works the same way for both legal as natural persons. The reason that there is no output for the natural person is because the custom variable person.custom.first_name is blank in the database.

Kind regards,
