In a template I noticed that I cannot clear the text that has been inputted for all fori-loops all at once.
Is there somehow a way to link these two fori-loops so I would be able to clear the entire text of both fori-loops? Thing is that when I would clear the building, the inputted data of “verhuurders” have no reason to stay in the template.
{% t= "Gebouw" fr:"Bâtiment" en:"Building"%}
{% t= "Huurcontract" fr:"Contrat de location" en:"Rental agreement"%}
{% t= "Eigendoms-%" fr:"% de Propriété" en:"Ownership %"" %}
{% t= "Mandaat" fr:"Mandat" en:"Mandate" %}
{% t= "Ligging" fr:"Lieu" en:"Location" %}
{% t= "Periode" fr:"Période" en:"Period" %}
{% t= "Verhuurder" fr:"Propriétaire" en:"Renter" %}
{% t= "KI" fr:"RC" en:"CR" %}
{% t= "Beroeps-%" fr:"professionel %" en:"professional %" %}
{% t= "BeroepsKI" fr:"RC professionel" en:"professional CR" %}
{% t= "Eigendoms% verhuurder" fr:"% participation loueur" en:"% participation renter" %}
{% t= "niet geïndexeerd" fr:"pas indexé" en:"not indexed" %}
{% t= "Betaalde huur" fr:"Loyer payé" en:"Paid rent" %}
{% t= "Normale huur" fr:"Loyer normal" en:"normal rent" %}
{% t= "Te herkwalificeren" fr:"À requalifier" en:"for requalification" %}
{% t= "Herkwalificatie" fr:"Requalification" en:"Requalification" %}
{% t= "Grens" fr:"Limite" en:"Limit" %}
{% t= "verhuurder" fr:"propriétaire" en:"renter" %}
{% t= "adres verhuurder" fr:"adresse propriétaire" en:"address renter" %}
{% t= "herkwalificatie" fr:"requalification" en:"requalification" %}
{% t= "Herkwalificatie berekenen" fr:"Calculer la requalification" en:"Calculate requalification" %}
{% t= "Herkwalificatie toepassen" fr:"Appliquer la requalification" en:"Apply requalification" %}
{% t= "Geen herkwalificatie" fr:"Pas de requalification" en:"No requalification"%}
{% t= "ligging" fr:"lieu" en:"location" %}
{% t= "start datum" fr:"date début" en:"start date" %}
{% t= "eind datum" fr:"date fin" en:"end date" %}
{% t= "KI" fr:"RC" en:"CR" %}
{% t= "beroeps" fr:"professionel" en:"professional" %}
{% t= "eigendoms" fr:"participation" en:"property" %}
{% t= "value" fr:"valeur" en:"value" %}
{% t= "Deel bedrijfsleider:" fr:"Part du gérant" en:"Part of company director" %}
{% t= "Extra toelichting" fr:"Explication supplémentaire" en:"Additional explanation" %}
{% t= "Totaal" fr:"Total" en:"Total" %}
{% t= "Een aanpassing is nodig" fr:"Une adaptation est nécessaire" en:"A correction is needed" %}
{% t= "Extra detaillering m.b.t. betaalde huur" fr:"Détails supplémentaires concernant le loyer payé" en:"Additional details regarding paid rent" %}
{% capture tekst_betaalde_huur %}{% t "Extra detaillering m.b.t. betaalde huur" %}{% endcapture %}
{% t= "JA" fr:"OUI" en:"YES" %}
{% t= "NEE" fr:"NON" en:"NO" %}
{% comment %}{% t "REVALORISATIE COEFFICIENTEN" %} --- whenever a new year is added or updated, be sure to add the next year too, but with the same numbers as the year you just added/updated{% endcomment %}
{% assign rev_2018 = 4.39 %}
{% assign rev_2017 = 4.39 %}
{% assign rev_2016 = 4.31 %}
{% assign rev_2015 = 4.23 %}
{% assign rev_2014 = 4.23 %}
{% assign rev_2013 = 4.19 %}
{% assign rev_2012 = 4.10 %}
{% assign rev_2011 = 3.97 %}
{% assign rev_2010 = 3.87 %}
{% fori detail in custom.details %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% assign $2 = 0 %}{% assign $3 = 0 %}{% assign $4 = 0 %}{% assign $5 = 0 %}
| _**{% t "Gebouw" %}**_ | {% if detail.gebouw != blank %}**{% endif %}{% input detail.gebouw placeholder:"Straat & nr, Postcode & Gemeente" %}{% if detail.gebouw != blank %}**{% endif %}
| |{% ifi detail.huurcontract.document != blank %}{% t "Huurcontract" %}: {% endifi %}{% input detail.huurcontract as:file %}
| _**{% t "Periode" %}**_ | {% input detail.start_datum as:date %} {% ifi detail.eind_datum != blank %}- {% input detail.eind_datum as:date %}{% endifi %}
|{% fori verhuurders in custom[detail.key] %}{% if forloop.first %}
||| _{% t "Eigendoms-%" %}_ | _{% t "Mandaat" %}_ || {% assign beroepsPCT == 0 %}
| _**{% t "Verhuurder" %}**_ {% else %}|{% endif %}|{% if $5 == 1 %}{% else %}{% input verhuurders.naam %}|{% $5+input verhuurders.eigendompct as:percentage placeholder:'0,00%'%}|{% input verhuurders.mandaat as:boolean%}{% if verhuurders.mandaat == 'true' %}{% nic %}{% t "JA" %}{% endnic %} {% else %}{% nic %}{% t "NEE" %}{% endnic %}{% endif %}{% if verhuurders.mandaat == 'true' %}{% assign beroepsPCT = beroepsPCT+verhuurders.eigendompct %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% if forloop.last %}{% if $5 > 1 %}|**{% t "Eigendoms-%" %} > 100,00% => {% t "Een aanpassing is nodig" %}!**{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% endfori %}
|_**{% t "Betaalde huur" %}**_ |{% ic %}{% input detail.betaalde_huur_tekst as:text placeholder:tekst_betaalde_huur size:mini %}{% endic %}{% nic %}{{detail.betaalde_huur_tekst | multiline_table}}{% endnic %}|**{% $2+input detail.betaalde_huur as:currency %}**{% assign $6 = $6+$2 %}
|{% ic %}{% t "Herkwalificatie berekenen" %} {% input detail.herkwtoep as:boolean %}
||{% endic %}
|------15%------|-----------20%----|------30%-------|---8%---:|------20%--------+{% assign beroeps_ki = beroepsPCT*detail.KI %}
|{% if detail.herkwtoep == "true" %}_**{% t "Herkwalificatie" %}**_ |{% t "KI" %} | {% input detail.KI as:currency %} ({% t "niet geïndexeerd" %}){% assign beroeps_ki = detail.KI*detail.beroeps %}
||{% t "Beroeps-%" %} | {% input detail.beroeps as:percentage size:mini placeholder:'0,00%' %} ||
||{% t "BeroepsKI" %} | {{ beroeps_ki | currency }} ({% t "niet geïndexeerd" %}){% assign aantaljaren = 0 %}
||{% for year in period.calendar_years %}{% assign start_date = MAX(year.start_date;detail.start_datum) %}{% if detail.eind_datum != blank %}{% assign end_date = MIN(year.end_date;detail.eind_datum) %}{% else %}{% assign end_date = year.end_date %}{% endif %}{% assign amount_of_days = end_date+1-start_date %}{% if amount_of_days > 0 %}{% capture revalorisatie_key %}rev_{{ year.end_date | date:'%Y' }}{% endcapture %}
||{% t "Grens" %} {% assign aantaljaren = aantaljaren | plus:1 %}{{ year.end_date | date:'%Y' }} | = {{ beroeps_ki | currency }} x 5/3 x {{ [revalorisatie_key] | currency }} x {{ amount_of_days | integer }}/{{ year.amount_of_days_in_full_year | integer}} =|{%=$1+ beroeps_ki*5/3*[revalorisatie_key]*amount_of_days/year.amount_of_days_in_full_year | round | currency %}{% endif %}{% endfor %} | {{period.calendar_years.count}}
{% if aantaljaren > 1 %}|------15%------|-----------20%----|------30%-------:|---8%---:|------20%--------+
||| _{% t "Totaal" %}:_ | {{ $1 | currency }} |
{% endif %}
{% if detail.betaalde_huur-$1 < 0 %}
|| **{% t "Geen herkwalificatie" %}** ({% t "Betaalde huur" %} < {% t "Grens" %} {% t "herkwalificatie" %})
||{% else %}
| | **_{% t "Te herkwalificeren" %}:_** | {% capture $4 %}{{detail.betaalde_huur*beroepsPCT-($1*beroepsPCT)}}{% endcapture %}|**{{$4 | currency}}** ([{{detail.betaalde_huur | currency}} - {{$1 | currency }}] x {{beroepsPCT | percentage}}) {% for verhuurders in custom[detail.key] %}
||{{verhuurders.naam}}|{% if verhuurders.mandaat == 'true' %}{{$4*verhuurders.eigendompct/beroepsPCT | currency}}{% else %}{% if verhuurders.naam != blank %}0,00{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}|
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfori %}
{% unexplained current_account.value-$6 %}