Corp tax module - export attachments


We want to export the full tax return including all attachments which are going to be submitted to the Tax Authorities through BizTax. In this respect, our export includes the visualization of the tax return as well as all other tax forms. However, we want to include also all the attachments which have been uploaded in the workpaper “Information concerning the declaration”. Of course we can include the workpaper in the export and enable the paperclip. However, we don’t want to export the content of the workpaper as such.

Is there a possibility to obtain the result tags for these attachments included on this workpaper “Information concerning the declaration”? In this way, we can re-create a new reconciliation sheet only showing these attachments.

Kind regards,


Good morning @Jonas,

Before diving into that (and it is possible to link to attachments from other templates), I guess we will want to know why the content of that specific reconciliation shouldn’t be shown?

I ask because this might need to be an option perhaps in the working paper (and therefor, no need to create a specific reconciliation for it)?
If it can be considered as generic of course…

Hi Sven,

The content of that specific reconciliation is already shown in the tax return (visualisation of the tax return). So showing the content of that workpaper again would be a duplicate.

Furthermore this workpaper is the only option to include pdf’s and other items in the corp tax XBRL conversion. So we want to be sure that all documents included in the future XBRL conversion (= eventually the filing of the tax return in the Belgian BizTax platform) are exactly the same as the pdf package we provide to the client for approval.

I hope this would be clear?



Clear, but this seems like a general request that should be implemented from our side, and in no way you should built extra custom template.

I’ve informed the template team to look at this request.

Hi Sven,

Any update in this respect?

Kind regards,

Hi @Jonas,

This will be implemented but no word on timing yet I’m afraid…

Sorry to disappoint you, but this is a general request from our standard Silverfin templates so there’s definitely no need to built an additional custom template to have this functionality.

we did however updated the template “Information concerning the declaration” so PDF’s attached there, will be visible now in the export PDF @Jonas (but not for other templates yet).
Sorry for the miscommunication from my part.

As this topic relates to a specific template that is now solved, I’ll close the topic. However, if you feel is something missing out on the standard Silverfin templates from Corporate Tax, you can mention this through our helpdesk.