Detail liquide middelen

i can’t mention different text in the kolom “Valuta”, somewhere he’s in a loop.

{% if custom.account.numbers == blank %}{% assign account_range = ‘43,55,56,57’ %}{% else %}{% assign account_range = custom.account.numbers.string_value %}{% endif %}

{% unless account_range == blank %}

{% assign accounts = period.accounts | range:account_range %}

| {% t “Naam” %} | {% t “Rekening. Nr.” %} {% input custom.account.numbers as:account_collection range:5,433 default:account_range %} |{% t “Valuta” %} |{% t “Boekhouding” %} | | {% t “Bedrag afsluitdatum” %} {% ifi sf_include_documents %}| {% t “Bankuittreksel” %}| {% t “Uitreksel” %} d+1{% endifi %}
for account in accounts %}
| {% linkto account %}{{ }}{% endlinkto %} | {% linkto account %}{{ account.number }}{% endlinkto %} |{% input custom.test.value placeholder:‘Valuta’ %}| {% =$3+ account.value %} || {% $2+input custom.account_inputs[account.number] placeholder:‘Bedrag’ as:currency %}{% unexplained custom.account_inputs[account.number]-account.value%}{% ifi sf_include_documents %}|{% input custom.account_files_1[account.number] as:file %} |{% input custom.account_files_2[account.number] as:file %}{% endifi %}{%
endfor %}
| | | | {{ $3 | currency }}| |{{ $2 | currency }}

{% endunless %}

Hello @StijnDePrins,

The problem with your code is the custom variable you created; it wasn’t attached to what makes every loop unique, and that is the [account.number].

So if you change to custom.value[account.number] I’ll think it will work.

Could you try?

I probably need to make time to make a case out of this example

top, fixed!!