Layout export table

We have a little problem with our export.
This is the code:

{% capture table 'the_form' %}
{% if custom.detail.accounts == blank %}{% assign account_range = '61' %}{% else %}{% assign account_range = custom.detail.accounts %}{% endif %}

| **DETAIL KOSTEN WEERHOUDEN NIET-BEDRIJFSMATIG** {% input custom.detail.accounts as:account_collection range:6,7 default:account_range %} | Totaal rekening | % niet bedrijfsmatig | Te verwerpen {% assign accounts = period.accounts | range:account_range %}
|-----------40%---------------|---------------15%-----------:|---------------25%-----------:|---------------15%-----------:+{% for account in accounts %}
|{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}{{ }}{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}|{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}{%=$0+ account.value %}{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}|{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}{% input custom[account.number].nietbedrijfsmatig as:percentage %}{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}|{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}{% if custom[account.number].nietbedrijfsmatig == blank %}{% assign nietbedrijfsmatig = 0 %}{% else %}{% assign nietbedrijfsmatig = custom[account.number].nietbedrijfsmatig %}{% endif %}{%=$1+ 1*nietbedrijfsmatig*account.value %}{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}{% endfor %}

|-----------40%---------------|---------------15%-----------:|---------------25%-----------:|---------------15%-----------:+{%fori explanation in custom.verklaringen %}
|{% input explanation.description %}|{% $2+input explanation.value as:currency %}|{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}{% input explanation.nietbedrijfsmatig as:percentage %}{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}|{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}{% if explanation.nietbedrijfsmatig == blank %}{% assign nietbedrijfsmatig = 0 %}{% else %}{% assign nietbedrijfsmatig = explanation.nietbedrijfsmatig %}{% endif %}{%=$1+ 1*explanation.value*explanation.nietbedrijfsmatig %}{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}{%endfori %}

|                   |  **{{ $0 | currency }}** | {{ $1-$0 | currency }} | **{{ $1 | currency }}{% result 'te_verwerpen' $1 %}**
{% endcapture %}
{% result 'the_form' the_form %}
{% if custom.detail.goederen == blank %}{% assign goederen_range = '60'%}{% else %}{% assign goederen_range = custom.detail.goederen %}{% endif %}
{% assign goederen = period.accounts | range:goederen_range %}
{% assign period.custom.some.thing = $1 %}


{{ table }}

And when we don’t fill in the extra line, this is our export:

When we fill in something, there is no problem (exept the line doesn’t go far enough)

Ik zou die code gewoon aan elkaar plakken.

Fixed it myself :smile:

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Good job @Fiduciaire.Eulaers !

You can share your solution here if you want. This is going to help other members of the community who will encounter the same issue in the future.


This is our code now:

{% capture table 'the_form' %}
{% if custom.detail.accounts == blank %}{% assign account_range = '61' %}{% else %}{% assign account_range = custom.detail.accounts %}{% endif %}

| **DETAIL KOSTEN WEERHOUDEN NIET-BEDRIJFSMATIG** {% input custom.detail.accounts as:account_collection range:6,7 default:account_range %} | Totaal rekening | % niet bedrijfsmatig | Te verwerpen {% assign accounts = period.accounts | range:account_range %}
|-----------40%---------------|---------------15%-----------:|---------------25%-----------:|---------------15%-----------:+{% for account in accounts %}
|{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}{{ }}{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}|{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}{%=$0+ account.value %}{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}|{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}{% input custom[account.number].nietbedrijfsmatig as:percentage %}{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}|{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}{% if custom[account.number].nietbedrijfsmatig == blank %}{% assign nietbedrijfsmatig = 0 %}{% else %}{% assign nietbedrijfsmatig = custom[account.number].nietbedrijfsmatig %}{% endif %}{%=$1+ 1*nietbedrijfsmatig*account.value %}{% if forloop.last %}_{% endif %}{% endfor %}

|                   |  {{ $0 | currency }} | {{ $1-$0 | currency }} | **{{ $1 | currency }}{% result 'te_verwerpen' $1 %}**
{% endcapture %}
{% result 'the_form' the_form %}
{% if custom.detail.goederen == blank %}{% assign goederen_range = '60'%}{% else %}{% assign goederen_range = custom.detail.goederen %}{% endif %}
{% assign goederen = period.accounts | range:goederen_range %}
{% assign period.custom.some.thing = $1 %}

{{ table }}

The problem was that the _ was 't everywere it should be.
That is solved now in the new code.

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