Document 'bedrijfsparameters' (own design)

Hi Kimberly,

I looked around in the community en found this :

{% if director.custom.represented_by_name != blank %}
{% assign default_type = “legal” %}
{% else %}
{% assign default_type = “nature” %}
{% endif %}

{% assign type = director.custom.type | default:default_type %}

{% if type == “legal” %} met als vaste vertegenwoordiger {{ director.custom.represented_by_name }}{% endif %}

Now it’s working … I think :slight_smile:

My other question.
I like to have table A in my export but there is something wrong with my template.
case: table A : CASE: different table structures

My template :
{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
{::font size=“xl”} {{ }} {{ company_form }}{:/font}

{% endstripnewlines %}

{% stripnewlines %}
|Oprichtingsdatum:|{{ | date:"%d %B %Y"}}
{% newline %}
|Inbreng/kapitaal:|{{ -#100000-#111900-#110900| currency }} {{ custom.revenue.value }} EURO
{% newline %}
|Rechtsvorm:|{{ company.company_form }}
{% newline %}
|Adres:|{{ company.street }}, {{ }} ( {{ }} )
{% newline %}
|Ondernemingsnummer:|{{ company.vat_identifier }}
{% newline %}
|Ondernemingsrechtbank:|{{ rpr_naam }}

{% comment %}Show the correct RPR{% endcomment %}
{% assign courts_array = “31;Brussel, Franstalige|32;Brussel, Nederlandstalige|3;Antwerpen, afdeling Antwerpen|10;Antwerpen, afdeling Hasselt|17;Antwerpen, afdeling Mechelen|25;Antwerpen, afdeling Tongeren|27;Antwerpen, afdeling Turnhout|30;Eupen|5;Gent, afdeling Brugge|7;Gent, afdeling Dendermonde|9;Gent, afdeling Gent|12;Gent, afdeling Ieper|13;Gent, afdeling Kortrijk|22;Gent, afdeling Oostende|23;Gent, afdeling Oudenaarde|29;Gent, afdeling Veurne|14;Leuven|4;Liège, afdeling Arlon|8;Liège, afdeling Dinant|11;Liège, afdeling Huy|15;Liège, afdeling Liège|16;Liège, afdeling Marche-en-Famenne|19;Liège, afdeling Namur|20;Liège, afdeling Neufchâteau|28;Liège, afdeling Verviers|6;Hainaut, afdeling Charleroi|18;Hainaut, afdeling Mons|26;Hainaut, afdeling Tournai|21;Waals-Brabant, afdeling Nijvel” | split:"|" %}

{% comment %}the string value RPR is pushed to while the XBRL code is to company.custom.rpr.naam{% endcomment %}
{% assign full_name_rpr = %}
{% assign code_rpr = company.custom.rpr.naam %}

{% comment %}RPR from the dropdown is shown, otherwise the string is shown{% endcomment %}
{% if code_rpr == blank %}
{% assign rpr_naam = full_name_rpr %}
{% else %}
{% if code_rpr != blank %}
{% for court in courts_array %}
{% assign court_array = court | split:";" %}
{% assign code = court_array[0] %}
{% assign name = court_array[1] %}

  {% if INT(code_rpr) == INT(code) %}
    {% assign rpr_naam = name %}
    {% break %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if rpr_naam != blank %}
{% assign rpr_naam = rpr_naam | prepend:"RPR. " %}
{% endif %}

{{ rpr_naam }}

{% endstripnewlines %}

{% stripnewlines %} {% newline %} |Bestuurder(s) / Zaakvoerder(s) |Functie |Begin mandaat |Einde mandaat {% newline %} |:----25%----: |:----25%----: |:----25%----: |:----25%----: {% ic %}#{% endic %} {% comment %}shows GREY header in INPUT mode{% endcomment %} {% nic %}+{% endnic %}{% comment %}shows BLACK LINE header in OUTPUT mode{% endcomment %} {% newline %} |- |- |- |- {{ active_directors_bookyear | split:";" % }} {% assign active_directors_bookyear = period.directors.active_as_director %} {% for director in active_directors_bookyear%} {% assign words = {% assign words = {% assign lastname = “” %} {% assign person_first_name = “” %} {% assign current_signature = “” %} {% for word in words %} {% if forloop.last %} {% comment %}correct for syncs like adminis{% endcomment %} {% assign person_first_name = word %} {% else %} {% assign lastname = lastname | append:" " | append:word %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% newline %} {% if director.custom.first_name == blank and director.custom.last_name == blank %} {% assign current_signature = %} {% elsif director.custom.first_name == blank and director.custom.last_name != blank %} {% assign current_signature = current_signature | append:person_first_name | append:" " | append:director.custom.last_name %} {% elsif director.custom.first_name != blank and director.custom.last_name == blank %} {% assign current_signature = current_signature | append:director.custom.first_name | append:" " | append:lastname %} {% else %} {% assign current_signature = current_signature | append:director.custom.first_name | append:" " | append:director.custom.last_name %} {% endif %} |{{ current_signature }}{% if director.custom.represented_by_name != blank %} {% assign default_type = "legal" %} {% else %} {% assign default_type = "nature" %} {% endif %} {% assign type = director.custom.type | default:default_type %} {% if type == "legal" %} met als vaste vertegenwoordiger {{ director.custom.represented_by_name }}{% endif %} |{{ director.custom.function_title }} |{{ director.director_start_date | date:"%d/%m/%Y" }} |{{ director.director_end_date | date:"%d/%m/%Y" }} {% endfor %}

{% endstripnewlines %}