Information sheet of shareholders

Hi there,

We developed a document with all the key information of the firm like for instance an overview of the shareholders. The data from this document is from the document ‘Bedrijfsparameters’ (and is synced with our program Admin)

In one client we add an extra shareholder in the document ‘Bedrijfsparameters’ because the shares belong to the matrimonial community.

Everything is filled in in the overview except the name of the shareholders

Is this because we add this manually in ‘Bedrijfsparameters’?

Here’s the code of this specific overview:

**Overzicht van de aandeelhouders**
{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
|**Aantal aandelen**
|**% t.o.v. totaal**
{% newline %}
|---:{% ic %}#{% endic %}{% nic %}+{% endnic %}{% for shareholder in period.shareholders %}
{% if shareholder.custom.represented_by_vat != blank %}
  {% assign default_type ="legal" %}
{% else %}
  {% assign default_type ="nature" %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %}create local var to indicate whether or not a legal person is selected{% endcomment %}
{% assign type_person = shareholder.custom.type | default:default_type %}
{% newline %}
|{{ }}{% if shareholder.custom.type =="legal" %} met als vaste vertegenwoordiger {{ shareholder.custom.represented_by_name }}{% endif %}
|{{ shareholder.amount_of_shares }}
|{{ shareholder.custom.kind_of_shares }}
|{{ shareholder.custom.shares_classes }}
|{{ shareholder.amount_of_shares/$0 | percentage }}
{% endfor %}
{% newline %}
|**Totaal aantal aandelen**
|{{ $0 | integer }}
{% endstripnewlines %}

Kind regards,

Hi @cedric.devos,

I think this is related to this as well?