Fiscal capital - export

Hi there,

We developed a new template to show the details of the fiscal capital. But we have some issues with this (see picture below).

Is it possible to scale the template so that the titles ‘Datum’ & ‘Aantal’ fit in 1 row? Or is there another way to make it look better? When filling in the template it seems all good (see picture below)

Then I want the lines beneath ‘Overzicht uitkering en vergoeding van het kapitaal’ only shown when data is filled in. In this case only the line ‘Gewoon’ underneath ‘Kapitaal’ must be visible. All the other lines can’t be visible.

{::font size="l"}**{% t "Overzicht uitkering en vergoeding van het kapitaal" %}**{:/font}

{% comment %}Overview capital{% endcomment %}

{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
|**{% t "Kapitaal" %}**
|**{% t "Aantal aandelen" %}**
|**{% t "Bedrag" %}**
{% newline %}
|{% t "Gewoon" %}
|{% if overview_shares_regular != 0 %}{% =$21+ overview_shares_regular | integer %}{% endif %}
|{% if overview_regular != 0 %}{% =$20+ overview_regular | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|{% t "VVPR Bis (Verlaagde voorheffing) (artikel 269, §2 WIB 92)" %}
|{% if overview_shares_vvpr != 0 %}{% =$21+ overview_shares_vvpr | integer %}{% endif %}
|{% if overview_vvpr != 0 %}{% =$20+ overview_vvpr | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|{% t "Interne kapitaalverhoging 4 jaar (artikel 537 WIB 92)" %}
|{% if overview_shares_internal_4y != 0 %}{% =$21+ overview_shares_internal_4y | integer %}{% endif %}
|{% if overview_internal_4y != 0 %}{% =$20+ overview_internal_4y | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|{{ indent }}{% t "Datum van kapitaalverhoging" %}
|{{ date_internal_4y }}
{% newline %}
|{{ indent }}{% t "Datum vrij van heffing" %}
|{{ date_free_of_tax_4y }}
{% newline %}
|{% t "Interne kapitaalverhoging 8 jaar (artikel 537 WIB 92)" %}
|{% if overview_shares_internal_8y != 0 %}{% =$21+ overview_shares_internal_8y | integer %}{% endif %}
|{% if overview_internal_8y != 0 %}{% =$20+ overview_internal_8y | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|{{ indent }}{% t "Datum van kapitaalverhoging" %}
|{{ date_internal_8y }}
{% newline %}
|{{ indent }}{% t "Datum vrij van heffing" %}
|{{ date_free_of_tax_8y }}
{% newline %}
|{% t "Niet gestort" %}
|{% if overview_not_contributed != 0 %}{% =$20+ overview_not_contributed | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|{% t "Belaste reserves" %}
|{% if overview_taxed_reserves != 0 %}{% =$20+ overview_taxed_reserves | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|{% t "Vrijgestelde reserves" %}
|{% if overview_exempt_reserves != 0 %}{% =$20+ overview_exempt_reserves | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|{% t "Andere" %}
|{% if overview_other != 0 %}{% =$20+ overview_other | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|**{% t "Totaal kapitaal" %}**
|{% if $21 != 0 and $21 != blank %}**{{ $21 | integer }}**{% endif %}
|{% if $20 != 0 and $20 != blank %}**{{ $20 | currency }}**{% endif %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% comment %}Overview premium{% endcomment %}


{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
|**{% t "Uitgiftepremie" %}**
|**{% t "Aantal aandelen" %}**
|**{% t "Bedrag" %}**
{% newline %}
|{% t "Gewoon" %}
|{% if overview_regular_premium != 0 %}{% =$22+ overview_regular_premium | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|{% t "VVPR Bis (Verlaagde voorheffing) (artikel 269, §2 WIB 92)" %}
|{% if overview_vvpr_premium != 0 %}{% =$22+ overview_vvpr_premium | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|{% t "Interne kapitaalverhoging 4 jaar (artikel 537 WIB 92)" %}
|{% if overview_internal_4y_premium != 0 %}{% =$22+ overview_internal_4y_premium | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|{{ indent }}{% t "Datum van kapitaalverhoging" %}
|{{ date_internal_4y }}
{% newline %}
|{{ indent }}{% t "Datum vrij van heffing" %}
|{{ date_free_of_tax_4y }}
{% newline %}
|{% t "Interne kapitaalverhoging 8 jaar (artikel 537 WIB 92)" %}
|{% if overview_internal_8y_premium != 0 %}{% =$22+ overview_internal_8y_premium | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|{{ indent }}{% t "Datum van kapitaalverhoging" %}
|{{ date_internal_8y }}
{% newline %}
|{{ indent }}{% t "Datum vrij van heffing" %}
|{{ date_free_of_tax_8y }}
{% newline %}
|{% t "Belaste reserves" %}
|{% if overview_taxed_reserves_premium != 0 %}{% =$22+ overview_taxed_reserves_premium | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|{% t "Vrijgestelde reserves" %}
|{% if overview_exempt_reserves_premium != 0 %}{% =$22+ overview_exempt_reserves_premium | currency %}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
|**{% t "Totaal uitgiftepremie" %}**
|{% if $22 != 0 and $22 != blank %}**{{ $22 | currency }}**{% endif %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% comment %}Overview VVPR bis{% endcomment %}


{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
|**{% t "VVPR Bis (Verlaagde voorheffing) (artikel 269, §2 WIB 92)" %}**
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
|**{% t "Datum van kapitaalverhoging" %}**
|**{% t "Omschrijving" %}**
|**{% t "Aantal aandelen" %}**
|**{% t "Percentage van totaal dividend" %}**
{% newline %}
{% for capital in custom.capitals %}
{% if capital.type == 2 %}
|{{ }}
|{{ capital.description }}
|{% =$40+ capital.amount_shares | integer %}
|{{ capital.amount_shares/$21 | percentage }}
{% newline %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
|**{% t "Totaal" %}**
|{% if $40 != 0 and $40 != blank %}**{{ $40 | integer }}**{% endif %}
|{% if $40 != 0 and $40 != blank %}**{{ $40/$21 | percentage }}**{% endif %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

Kind regards,

Hi Cedric,

  • In order to make the titles fit in one line you should increase the percentages of the column definitions of your table.

  • In regards to your second query, a possible solution would be creating a case and assigning a variable that is linked to the option selected on your dropdown. For example:

{% case custom.soort.dropdown %}
{% when 'Gewoon' %}
   {% assign show_gewoon = 1 %}
{% when 'VVPR Bis' %}
  {% assign show_vvpr = 1 %}
{% endcase %}
  • Then on your Overview Capital table you can create an if statement before each row to check if it should be shown. For example:
{% if show_gewoon == 1 %}
  |{% t "Gewoon" %}
  |{% if overview_shares_regular != 0 %}{% =$21+ overview_shares_regular | integer %}{% endif %}
  |{% if overview_regular != 0 %}{% =$20+ overview_regular | currency %}{% endif %}
  {% newline %}
{% endif %}

Hope that helps.


Hi Borja,

Can the font size be reduced or can the template be scaled at 90% (if that will help offcourse)? Because there are so many colums, I can’t do right for every column. When I add 1% to one column, another column doesn’t look good anymore in the export.

The names of the colums are looking good now, but the date and totals don’t (see picture below).

Kind regards,

Hey @cedric.devos,

Either you tweak the settings of an export style (where the size and font can be set), but I doubt that would solve it.

Isn’t it an option to have the template as it is now, but in an ic-statement? And in a nic-statement, you rebuild it but in a different way (eg, instead of all columns next to each other, you could devide that in 2 segments, capital & “uitgiftepremie”, and have half the amount of columns next to each other ? )

Just a wild thought.