Fiscal detail 275U - investeringsaftrek

Hi there,

I’m looking for an template for the detail of the 275U - investeringsaftrek.
Does anyone have made this or can give me an example.

thanks in advance.

Hello @Sven.G,

Currently we don’t have one yet in our collection (and not immediate plans for it though), but if you’re up for it, it might be an idea to build one from scratch?

If you’re stuck with it, we can always assist you to a solution.




I’ve started with this: but the input Aanschaffingswaarde and % will not work with the %0 and %1. I’ve read your post about it, looked at the other code but are doing someting wrong.

| Aankoopdatum | Omschrijving | Factuurnummer | Aanschaffingswaarde | % | Aftrek | {% fori 275u in custom.275u_form %}
| {% input custom.275u.datum as:date %} | {% input custom.275u.omschrijving %} |{% input custom.275u.factuurnr  %} |{% $0+=  input custom.275u.waarde as:currency %} |{% $1+= input custom.275u.perc as:percentage %} | {{ $0*$1}} | | {% endfori %} 


This will do it @Sven.G :

| Aankoopdatum | Omschrijving | Factuurnummer | Aanschaffingswaarde | % | Aftrek | {% fori 275u in custom.275u_form %}
| {% input custom.275u.datum as:date %} | {% input custom.275u.omschrijving %} |{% input custom.275u.factuurnr  %} |{% $0+input custom.275u.waarde as:currency %} |{% $1+input custom.275u.perc as:percentage %} | {{ $0*$1}} | | {% endfori %} 

So the mistake was in the input-fields: if you want it to add it to a register, you’ll need to put $5+input for instance
So no spaces between it, and just a plus-sign between them.

hope this helps you forward

Oh PS @Sven.G :

your custom-fields were wrong too.

This is the correct one :

| Aankoopdatum | Omschrijving | Factuurnummer | Aanschaffingswaarde | % | Aftrek | {% fori 275u in custom.275u_form %}
| {% input 275u.datum as:date %} | {% input 275u.omschrijving %} |{% input 275u.factuurnr  %} |{% $0+input 275u.waarde as:currency %} |{% $1+input 275u.perc as:percentage %} | {{ $0*$1}} | | {% endfori %} 

Your link between your collection custom.275u_form and your input-fields, is the 275u-part. So you can’t add a ‘custom’ to it.

I was just looking at it :slight_smile:

thanks Sven


I’m a little bit further:

Nieuwe vaste activa die rechtstreeks verband houden met de werelijk uitgeoefende economische werkzaamkehdi, investeringen vanaf 1 januari 2016

|Aankoopdatum |Omschrijving |Factuurnummer | Aanschaffingswaarde {% assign $40 = 0 %}| % | Aftrek | {% fori 275u in custom.275form %}
| {% input 275u.datum as:date %} | {% input 275u.omschrijving %} |{% input 275u.factuurnr  %} |{% $0+input 275u.waarde as:currency %} |{% $1+input 275u.perc as:percentage %} | {{ $0*$1 | currency }}  |{% endfori  %}
| Investeringen in nieuwe vaste activa vanaf 1 januari 2016 ||| **{{$40 | currency }}**  || **{{$60 | currency }}**  

  1. My “Aftrek” counts every line further. Do I need to put it on 0 every thime
  2. can I merge 2 colums togheter?
  3. I’ve tried to get a sum (looking at the ‘Jaarverslag’) but i don’t think its oke :slight_smile:



question 1 and 2 I’ve solved (needed tot add at the end of the line the som and the set on 0)

Can you post your new code then @Sven.G Because I need to see that to get the total of the last columns

Hi @sven

_Nieuwe vaste activa die rechtstreeks verband houden met de werelijk uitgeoefende economische werkzaamkehdi, investeringen vanaf 1 januari 2016_

{% addnewinputs %}
{% assign 275form = custom.275form | sort:'Aankoopdatum' %}
{% endaddnewinputs %}

{% assign $40 = 0 %}
{% assign $30 = 0 %}

|Aankoopdatum |Omschrijving |Factuurnummer | Aanschaffingswaarde | % | Aftrek | {% fori 275u in custom.275form %}
| {% input 275u.datum as:date %} | {% input 275u.omschrijving %} |{% input 275u.factuurnr  %} |{% $0+input 275u.waarde as:currency %} |{% $1+input 275u.perc as:percentage %} | {{$0*$1 | currency }}  |{%$40+ $0 %}{%$30+ $0*$1 %} {% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %} {% endfori  %}
| Investeringen in nieuwe vaste activa vanaf 1 januari 2016 ||| **{{$40 | currency }}**  || **{{$30 | currency }}**   

i’m also trying to sort it on date

So that’s the only question remaining right? Because everything else seems fine!

To sort on date, you’ll have to assign your collection (just give it a new name basically), f.i. :

{% addnewinputs %}
{% assign 275_form = custom.275form | sort:'datum' %}
{% endaddnewinputs %}

I changed it to 275_form, so be sure to change that too in your fori-loop. If you don’t do that, you won’t be able to sort it.

The thing you had to do as well, is define on which column you want to sort. That is not ‘Aankoopdatum’ but the name of your input-field, so ‘datum’ .

Could you try with this?

Everything else looks great by the way; nice work @Sven.G :thumbsup:


I don’t see it change.

I’m also looking in the community to rotate my page in landscape, because now its not nice on the pdf.

I also want to merge the last row (column 1 to 3) so the text is nicer in layout?!

**_Eenmalige Aftrek_**

_Nieuwe vaste activa die rechtstreeks verband houden met de werelijk uitgeoefende economische werkzaamkehdi, investeringen vanaf 1 januari 2016_

{% addnewinputs %}
{% assign 275_form = custom.275form | sort:'datum' %}
{% endaddnewinputs %}

{% assign $40 = 0 %}
{% assign $30 = 0 %}

|Aankoopdatum |Omschrijving |Factuurnummer | Aanschaffingswaarde | % | Aftrek | {% fori 275u in custom.275_form %}
| {% input 275u.datum as:date %} | {% input 275u.omschrijving %} |{% input 275u.factuurnr  %} |{% $0+input 275u.waarde as:currency %} |{% $1+input 275u.perc as:percentage %} | {{$0*$1 | currency }}  |{%$40+ $0 %}{%$30+ $0*$1 %} {% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %} {% endfori  %}
| Investeringen in nieuwe vaste activa vanaf 1 januari 2016 ||| **{{$40 | currency }}**  || **{{$30 | currency }}**


You haven’t change your fori-loop into this one :

{% fori 275u in 275_form %}

To export in landscape, it might be an idea to consider more then 7 columns (if there are more then 7, it will automatically be exported to portrait).

Try adding this :

{% nic %}|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|{% endnic %}

PS: the sum of the percentages in your table always have to be 100%, and no more.

Could you try further with this?

Hi @sven

I’ve put in an extra column (Leverancier) but it does not rotate.

the i dont onderstand. What does it do?

Kind regards

Can you post your code @Sven.G, so I can have a look?

The {% nic %}|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|{% endnic %} is something to force always landscape mode. If Silverfin detects more than 7 columns, it will always display landscape (in that case, I noticed I have 1 column short in my example).

That’s what you meant by ‘i’ right? By ‘i’ you meant the columns (divided by so called pipes ‘|’ )

Hello @sven

Here is my code:

Nieuwe vaste activa die rechtstreeks verband houden met de werkelijk uitgeoefende economische werkzaamheid, investeringen vanaf 1 januari 2016 (Percentage 8%)

{% addnewinputs %}
{% assign 275_form = custom.275form | sort:'datum' %}
{% endaddnewinputs %}

{% assign $40 = 0 %}
{% assign $30 = 0 %}

|Aankoopdatum |Omschrijving |Leverancier| Factuurnummer | Afschrijving | Aanschaffingswaarde | % | Aftrek | {% fori 275u in 275_form %}
{% nic %}|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|{% endnic %}
| {% input 275u.datum as:date %} | {% input 275u.omschrijving %} | {% input 275u.leverancier %}|{% input 275u.factuurnr  %} | {% input 275u.afschrijving %} |{% $0+input 275u.waarde as:currency %} |{% $1+input 275u.perc as:percentage %} | {{$0*$1 | currency }}  |{%$40+ $0 %}{%$30+ $0*$1 %} {% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %} {% endfori  %}
| Investeringen in nieuwe vaste activa vanaf 1 januari 2016 ||||| **{{$40 | currency }}**  || **{{$30 | currency }}**

And the layout on screen

Ok, here it goes @Sven.G :

{% addnewinputs %}
{% assign 275_form = custom.275form | sort:'datum' %}
{% endaddnewinputs %}

{% assign $40 = 0 %}
{% assign $30 = 0 %}

|Aankoopdatum |Omschrijving |Leverancier| Factuurnummer | Afschrijving | Aanschaffingswaarde | % | Aftrek | {% fori 275u in 275_form %}
| {% input 275u.datum as:date %} | {% input 275u.omschrijving %} | {% input 275u.leverancier %}|{% input 275u.factuurnr  %} | {% input 275u.afschrijving %} |{% $0+input 275u.waarde as:currency %} |{% $1+input 275u.perc as:percentage %} | {{$0*$1 | currency }}  |{%$40+ $0 %}{%$30+ $0*$1 %} {% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %} {% endfori  %}
| Investeringen in nieuwe vaste activa vanaf 1 januari 2016 ||||| **{{$40 | currency }}**  || **{{$30 | currency }}**


What I did, was add this one :


and not in a nic-tag (my mistake).

What this does, is 8 columns (but they are never seen). However, because we have 7 columns, it will always display landscape (you can only do this for account and reconciliation template though!)

Hi @sven

It is working :slight_smile::slight_smile:

2 last questions:

  1. how do I centralize in a column. I put the “:” in the middle but it does not work :blush:
  2. our last line, can we merge it for layout purpose?

Hi @Sven.G

  1. You can centralize content by putting a : on each side of the colum like this:


  1. The only way to merge your content is by adding a new header:

At the moment your header looks like this:


You should add a new header just before the last line that looks like this:


Notice that you have only 5 columns now and that the percentage of the first one equals the first 4 columns of the previous header (which is very important).

Hopefully this helps.
Try it out and let us know how it went.

Kind regards

1 Like

Hi @SamVanEenoo and @sven

Thanks for your help.

Hereby my full code

**_Eenmalige Aftrek - Detail formulier 275U_**

_Nieuwe vaste activa die rechtstreeks verband houden met de werkelijk uitgeoefende economische werkzaamheid (verkregen vóór 01.01.2016) (Percentage : 4%)_

{% addnewinputs %}
{% assign 275_forma = custom.275forma | sort:'datum' %}
{% endaddnewinputs %}

{% assign $40 = 0 %}
{% assign $30 = 0 %}

|Aankoopdatum |Omschrijving |Leverancier| Factuurnummer | Afschrijving % | Aanschaffings-waarde | % | Aftrek | {% fori 275ua in 275_forma %}
| {% input 275ua.datum as:date %} | {% input 275ua.omschrijving %} | {% input 275ua.leverancier %}|{% input 275ua.factuurnr  %} | {% input 275ua.afschrijving %} |{% $0+input 275ua.waarde as:currency %} |{% $1+input 275ua.perc as:percentage %} | {{$0*$1 | currency }}  |{%$40+ $0 %}{%$30+ $0*$1 %} {% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %} {% endfori  %}

| Investeringen in nieuwe vaste activa vóór 1 januari 2016 | **{{$40 | currency }}**  || **{{$30 | currency }}**


_Nieuwe vaste activa die rechtstreeks verband houden met de werkelijk uitgeoefende economische werkzaamheid, investeringen vanaf 1 januari 2016 (Percentage 8%)_

{% addnewinputs %}
{% assign 275_formb = custom.275formb | sort:'datum' %}
{% endaddnewinputs %}

{% assign $40 = 0 %}
{% assign $30 = 0 %}

|Aankoopdatum |Omschrijving |Leverancier| Factuurnummer | Afschrijving % | Aanschaffings-waarde | % | Aftrek | {% fori 275ub in 275_formb %}
| {% input 275ub.datum as:date %} | {% input 275ub.omschrijving %} | {% input 275ub.leverancier %}|{% input 275ub.factuurnr  %} | {% input 275ub.afschrijving %} |{% $0+input 275ub.waarde as:currency %} |{% $1+input 275ub.perc as:percentage %} | {{$0*$1 | currency }}  |{%$40+ $0 %}{%$30+ $0*$1 %} {% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %} {% endfori  %}

| Investeringen in nieuwe vaste activa vanaf 1 januari 2016 | **{{$40 | currency }}**  || **{{$30 | currency }}**



_Digitale vaste activa voor betalings- facturerings- en beveiligingssytemen (Percentage 13,5%)_

{% addnewinputs %}
{% assign 275_formc = custom.275formc | sort:'datum' %}
{% endaddnewinputs %}

{% assign $40 = 0 %}
{% assign $30 = 0 %}

|Aankoopdatum |Omschrijving |Leverancier| Factuurnummer | Afschrijving % | Aanschaffings-waarde | % | Aftrek | {% fori 275uc in 275_formc %}
| {% input 275uc.datum as:date %} | {% input 275uc.omschrijving %} | {% input 275uc.leverancier %}|{% input 275uc.factuurnr  %} | {% input 275uc.afschrijving %} |{% $0+input 275uc.waarde as:currency %} |{% $1+input 275uc.perc as:percentage %} | {{$0*$1 | currency }}  |{%$40+ $0 %}{%$30+ $0*$1 %} {% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %} {% endfori  %}

| Investeringen in nieuwe vaste activa vóór 1 januari 2016 | **{{$40 | currency }}**  || **{{$30 | currency }}**
