Last year in june 2018 I asked a Question concerning a template I made to detail the account 132000.
This was explained and I added the comments to my template but nowadays I don’t get a Green dot?
Can you look at the template below?
Every number in the detail is correct but I don’t get the green dot?
the link between the amount on the account and the detail is not correct I suppose.
{% t= "Omschrijving" fr:"Définition" %}
{% t= "Datum" fr:"Date" %}
{% t= "Verkoopprijs" fr:"Prix de vente" %}
{% t= "Verkoopkosten" fr:"Coûts de vente" %}
{% t= "Boekwaarde" fr:"Valeur comptable" %}
{% t= "Meerwaarde" fr:"Plus-value" %}
{% t= "Uitsplitsing meerwaarde" fr:"Répartition de la plus-value" %}
{% t= "Te herbeleggen verkoopprijs" fr:"Prix de vente à réinvestir" %}
{% t= "Aanvangstermijn herbeleggingen" fr:"Délai initial de réinvestissement" %}
{% t= "Herbeleggingen" fr:"Réinvestissements" %}
{% t= "Afschrijving" fr:"Amortissement" %}
{% t= "Bedrag" fr:"Montant" %}
{% t= "Totaal" fr:"Total" %}
{% t= "factuurnummer" fr:"Total" %}
{% t= "Onttrekking aan de belastingvrije reserves" fr:"Prélèvements sur les réserves immunisées" %}
{% t= "Onttrekking aan de belastingen" fr:"Prélèvements sur les taxes" %}
{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% assign $2 = 0 %}{% assign $3 = 0 %}{% assign $4 = 0 %}{% assign $5 = 0 %}{% assign $6 = 0 %}{% assign $7 = 0 %}{% assign $8 = 0 %}{% assign $9 = 0 %}{% assign $10 = 0 %}{% assign $11 = 0 %}{% assign $12 = 0 %}{% assign $13 = 0 %}{% assign $14 = 0 %}
{% assign account_168 = period.accounts | range:custom.accounts.168 %}
{% assign account_168_min = period.minus_1y.accounts | range:custom.accounts.168 %}
{% assign account_min = period.minus_1y.accounts | range:current_account.number %}
| {% t "Omschrijving" %} | |{% t "Datum" %} | {% t "Aangroei" %} | {% t "Aangelegde reserve" %}{% fori detail in custom.details %}
|{% input detail.omschrijving %}|{% input detail.doc as:file %}|{% input detail.datum %}|{%$0+input detail.prijs as:currency %}|{%=$1+ detail.prijs-detail.boekwaarde-detail.kosten%}{% endfori %}
| {% t "Totaal te hebeleggen" %}: | {{ current_account.number }} {{ current_account.name }} | | {{ $1*(1-custom.splits.perc) | currency}}
| {% t "Te investeren bedrag" %}: | | | {{ $0 | currency }}
| {% t "Aanvangstermijn herbeleggingen" %}: {% input custom.herbel.datum %}
| {% t "Einddatum herbeleggingen" %}: {% input custom.herbeleind.datum %}
| {% t "Herbeleggingen" %}
| {% t "factuurnummer" %} | {% t "Omschrijving" %} | | {% t "Datum" %} | {% t "Bedrag" %} |{% fori detail in custom.herbeleggingen %}
|{%$2+input detail.factuurnummer %}|{% input detail.omschrijving %} | {% input detail.doc as:file %} |{% input detail.datum %}|{%$3+input detail.bedrag as:currency %}{% endfori %}
|{% t "Totaal" %} | | | |{{$3 | currency}}
| {% t "Nog te herbeleggen" %} | {{ $1 | currency }} | - |{{ $3 | currency }}| = | {% if $2 == 1 %}{%=$4+ 0 %}{% else %}{%=$4+ $1-$3 %}{% endif %}
{% assign ind = $0+current_account.value %}
{% unexplained ind as:indicator %}