W’ve tried to change the account template 'leningen & Leasingen (42).
We added a new column in the original template, the column 65 intresten.
We want to show the intrests of the working period also in bold.
Is that possible?
See my code below.
{% comment %}Translations{% endcomment %}
{% t= "Contract nr." fr:"Nr. Contrat" en:"Contract nr." %}
{% t= "Bank" fr:"Banque" en:"Bank" %}
{% t= "Doel" fr:"But" en:"Subject" %}
{% t= "begin" fr:"début" en:"start" %}
{% t= "jaar" fr:"an" en:"year" %}
{% t= "jaren" nl:"jaar" en:"years" fr:"ans" %}
{% t= "Saldo" fr:"Solde" en:"Balance" %}
{% t= "Afgelost" fr:"Capital" en:"Repayment" %}
{% t= "Intrest" fr:"Intérêt" en:"Intrest" %}
{% t= "kapitaal" fr:"amorti" en:"capital" %}
{% t= "Duur" fr:"Durée" en:"Duration" %}
{% t= "Boekjaar" fr:"Exercice" en:"Fiscal year" %}
{% t= "Intresten" fr:"An" en:"Intrest" %}
{% t= "eind" fr:"final" en:"final" %}
{% t= "saldo" fr:"solde" en:"balance" %}
{% t= "Waarborg" fr:"Caution" en:"Warranty"%}
{% t= "TOTAAL" fr:"TOTAL" en:"TOTAL" %}
{% t= "Kredietverstrekker" fr:"Prêteur" en:"Lender" %}
{% t= "17-rekening" fr:"compte-17" en:"account-17" %}
{% t= "Ontleend bedrag" fr:"Montant emprunté" en:"Amount loaned" %}
{% t= "Rentevoet" fr:"Taux d'intérêt" en:"Intrest rate" %}
{% t= "Datum overeenkomst" fr:"Date convention" en:"Contract date" %}
{% t= "Eerste vervaldag" fr:"Première date d'échéance" en:"First expiration date" %}
{% t= "Laatste vervaldag" fr:"Dernière date d'échéance" en:"Last expiration date" %}
{% t= "Aflossingtabel" fr:"Tableau d'amortissements" en:"Amortisation table" %}
{% t= "af te lossen per einde boekjaar" fr:"Solde à la fin de l'exercice" en:"to be repaid at the end of the year" %}
{% t= "af te lossen binnen het jaar" fr:"Solde à moins d'un an" en:"to be repaid within the year" %}
{% t= "af te lossen op meer dan één jaar" fr:"Solde à plus d'un an" en:"to be repaid more than one year" %}
{% t= "kredietverstrekker" fr:"prêteur" en:"lender" %}
{% t= "contractnummer" fr:"nr. contrat" en:"contract nr." %}
{% t= "doel" fr:"but" en:"subject" %}
{% t= "ontleend bedrag" fr:"montant emprunté" en:"total loan amount" %}
{% t= "rentevoet" fr:"taux d'intérêt" en:"intrest rate" %}
{% t= "duur" fr:"durée" en:"duration" %}
{% t= "datum overeenkomst" fr:"date convention" en:"contract date" %}
{% t= "eerste vervaldag" fr:"première date d'échéance" en:"first expiration date" %}
{% t= "laatste vervaldag" fr:"dernière date d'échéance" en:"last expiration date" %}
{% t= "Beginsaldo" fr:"Solde initial" en:"Starting balance" %}
{% t= "Eindsaldo" fr:"Solde final" en:"End balance" %}
{% t= "opmerking" fr:"remarque" en:"comment" %}
{% t= "Extra toelichting" fr:"Explication supplémentaire" en:"Additional explanation" %}
{% t= "verschil" fr:"Différence" en:"Difference" nl:"Verschil" %}
{% t= "min_1_year" fr:"Rembourser dans l'année" en:"Pay off within the year" nl:"Verschil af te lossen binnen het jaar" %}
{% t= "more_1_year" fr:"Rembourser la différence sur plus d'un an" en:"Pay off the difference on more than one year" nl:"Verschil af te lossen op meer dan één jaar" %}
{% t= "niet_verklaard" fr:"Différence non expliquée" en:"Not explained difference" nl:"Niet verklaard verschil" %}
{% t= "kredietverstrekker" fr:"prêteur" en:"lender" %}
{% t= "date" nl:"datum" fr:"date" en:"date" %}
{% t= "extra_toelichting" nl:"extra toelichting" fr:"explication supplémentaire" en:"additional explanation" %}
{% t= "eind_saldo" nl"eindsaldo" fr:"solde final" en"final balance" %}
{% t= "Omschrijving is verplicht in te geven" fr:"Description est nécessaire" en:"Description is needed" %}
{% t= "Geef hier einddatum op van het betrokken boekjaar" fr:"Spécifiez ici la date d'échéance de l'exercice concerné" en:"Give the enddate of the involved bookyear here" %}
{% comment %}make selectable acc range variable, by using following code for instance
{% assign range_loans = "42,48,41" %}
-- update the range between " " and put the above line in the extra configuration box
{% endcomment %}
{% assign range_loans = range_loans | default:"17" %}
{% comment %}make selectable acc range variable, by using following code for instance
{% assign range_intrest = "65" %}
-- update the range between " " and put the above line in the extra configuration box
{% endcomment %}
{% assign range_intrest = range_intrest | default:"65" %}
{% ic %}*{% t "17-rekening" %}:* {% endic %}{% input custom[current_account.number].account_17 as:account_collection range:range_loans %}{% assign account_17 = period.accounts.include_zeros | range:custom[current_account.number].account_17 %}
{% if account_17.first %}***{{ account_17.first.name }} ({{account_17.first.number}})***{% endif %}
{% ic %}*{% t "65-rekening" %}:* {% endic %}{% input custom[current_account.number].account_65 as:account_collection range:range_intrest %}{% assign account_65 = period.accounts.include_zeros | range:custom[current_account.number].account_65 %}
{% if account_65.first %}***{{ account_65.first.name }} ({{account_65.first.number}})***{% endif %}
{% assign d = custom.lening %}
| {% t "Kredietverstrekker" %} | {% input d.ontlener placeholder:"kredietverstrekker" %}
| {% t "Contract nr." %} {% input custom.detail2.doc as:file %} | {% input d.contractnummer %}
| {% t "Doel" %} | {% input d.doel %}
| {% t "Ontleend bedrag" %} | {% input d.ontleend_bedrag as:currency %}
| {% t "Rentevoet" %} | {% input d.rentevoet %}
| {% t "Duur" %} | {% input d.duur %}
| {% t "Datum overeenkomst" %} | {% input d.datum_overeenkomst as:date %}
| {% t "Eerste vervaldag" %} | {% input d.eerste_vervaldag as:date %}
| {% t "Laatste vervaldag" %} | {% input d.laatste_vervaldag as:date %}{% ifi d.doc.document %}
| {% t "Aflossingtabel" %} | {% input d.doc as:file %}{% endifi %}
{% addnewinputs %}
{% assign details = current_account.details | sort:'date' %}
{% endaddnewinputs %}
{% capture info_enddate %}{::infotext as="hover"}{% t "Geef hier einddatum op van het betrokken boekjaar" %}{:/infotext}{% endcapture %}
|<br>{% t "Boekjaar" %} {% ic %}{{ info_enddate }}{% endic %}| <br>{% t "Beginsaldo" %} | {% t "Afgelost" %}<br>{% t "kapitaal" %} | <br>{% t "Eindsaldo" %}| <br>{% t "Intresten (65)" %}|<br><1 {% t "jaar" %} (42)|<br>>1 {% t "jaar" %} (17)|<br>>1 {% t "jaar" %} <5 {% t "jaren" %}|<br>> 5 {% t "jaren" %}
|--------|---------------:|---------------------:|----------------------:|-------------:|----------------:|-----------:|-----------:|--------------:|-----------:+{% for detail in details %}{% assign d = detail.custom %}{% capture b %}{% if period.year_end_date-detail.date == 0 %}**{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% stripnewlines %}
| {{b}}{% input detail.date as:date %}{{b}}
| {% assign previous_saldo = previous_saldo | default:0 %}
{{b}}{% input d.begin_saldo as:currency placeholder_default:previous_saldo %}{{b}}
{% assign previous_saldo = d.begin_saldo | default:previous_saldo %}
| {{b}}{{ previous_saldo-d.eind_saldo | currency }}{{b}}
| {% assign previous_saldo = d.eind_saldo %}
{{b}}{% input d.eind_saldo as:currency placeholder:"0,00" %}{{b}}
| {{b}} {% $4+input d.Intresten as:currency %}
| {% if details[forloop.index].custom.begin_saldo != blank %}{% assign min_1_jaar = details[forloop.index].custom.begin_saldo-details[forloop.index].custom.eind_saldo %}{% else %}{% assign min_1_jaar = d.eind_saldo-details[forloop.index].custom.eind_saldo %}{% endif %}
{{b}}{{ min_1_jaar | currency }}{{b}}
| {% assign more_1_year = previous_saldo-min_1_jaar %}
{{b}}{{ more_1_year | currency }}{{b}}
| {% assign outer_loop_index = forloop.index %}
{% for i in (0..4) %}
{% assign last_index = outer_loop_index | plus:4 | minus:i %}
{% if details[last_index] and details[last_index].custom.persisted %}
{% assign plus_5y = details[last_index].custom.eind_saldo %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{b}}{{ more_1_year-plus_5y | currency }}{{b}}
| {{b}}{{ plus_5y | currency }}{{b}}
{% if detail.custom.persisted %}
{% if period.year_end_date-detail.date == 0 %}
{% assign last_saldo = previous_saldo%}
{% assign last_min_1_jaar = min_1_jaar%}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endstripnewlines %}{% endfor %}
{% comment %}create info tag; it's needed that a description is put in. IF NOT: numbers will not be pushed to recon template and annual accounts{% endcomment %}
{% capture input_needed %}
{::infotext as="hover"}
{% t "Omschrijving is verplicht in te geven" %}
{% endcapture %}
{% capture table_dif %}
{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
{% assign dif1 = account_17.value+(last_saldo-last_min_1_jaar) %}
{% assign dif2 = current_account.value+last_min_1_jaar %}
{% assign total_dif = dif1+dif2 %}
{% newline %}
| {% t "verschil" %}
| {{ total_dif | currency }}
{% newline %}
{% ifi custom.min_1_year != empty %}
| {% t "min_1_year" %}
{% ic %}{{ input_needed }}{% endic %}
| {% newline %}
{% endifi %}
{% fori inputbox in custom.min_1_year %}
| {% input inputbox.box1 placeholder:"" %}
| {%=$0+input custom.[inputbox.key].box2 placeholder:"" as:currency %}
{% newline %}
{% endfori %}
{% ifi custom.more_1_year != empty %}
| {% t "more_1_year" %}
{% ic %}{{ input_needed }}{% endic %}
{% newline %}
{% endifi %}
{% fori inputbox in custom.more_1_year %}
| {% input inputbox.box1 placeholder:"" %}
| {%=$1+input custom.[inputbox.key].box2 placeholder:"" as:currency %}
{% newline %}
{% endfori %}
| {% t "niet_verklaard" %}
| {{ total_dif+$0+$1 | currency }}
{% endstripnewlines %}
{% endcapture %}
{% comment %}take differences in result-tags{% endcomment %}
{% result 'diff_min_1_year' $0 %}
{% result 'diff_more_1_year' $1 %}
{% ifi total_dif != 0 %}
{{ table_dif }}
{% endifi %}
| {% t "af te lossen per einde boekjaar" %}| {{ last_saldo | currency}}
| {% t "af te lossen binnen het jaar" %} | {% unreconciled current_account.value+last_min_1_jaar+$0 as:indicator %} {{ last_min_1_jaar+$0 | currency}}
| {% t "af te lossen op meer dan één jaar" %}| {% unreconciled account_17.value+(last_saldo-last_min_1_jaar)+$1 as:indicator %} {{ last_saldo-last_min_1_jaar+$1 | currency}}
| {% t "betaalde intresten" %} | {{ account_65 | currency }}
{% ifi custom.detail.eventuele_opmerkingen != blank or custom.waarborgen.size != 0 %}<br>{% endifi %}
{% fori waarborg in custom.waarborgen %}{% if forloop.first %}
|----------15%-------|--+{% endif %}
|{% t "Waarborg" %} | {% input waarborg.opmerking %}{% endfori %}
{% ifi custom.detail.eventuele_opmerkingen != blank %}
|{% t "Extra toelichting" %}|{% input custom.evt_opm.bijlage as:file %}
{% input custom.detail.eventuele_opmerkingen as:text placeholder:"extra_toelichting" %}
{% endifi %}
But I’m afraid you’ll need to paste your code the right way (and not through mail like the last post). Sorry to bother you with that, but it’s better to post a reply not through mail (I’ll disable that function) but directly on the community, and paste your code between this ` and not ’
(more info on that here)