How code infotext without making some words bold and green?

Hi, I have this code that we want to use {::infotext}{% t “subtitle_text” %}{:/infotext}.

This is the code for subtitle_text (I cannot write it here, as it will show as Sponsring in green, as on the last picture.

But in Silverfin it looks like this

I would like it to show exactly as it looks like between the “” in the text, so that our colleagues can write the code themselves.

Any idea how to write the code so that it does not turn bold and green?

Kind regards,

Hi Anna,

Thank you for your message.

I have tried to replicate your code and I can see the issue!

I suppose you could put a space in between < and font as below, that will then show the code.

< font colour = ‘70AD47’>


Perfect, that was easy. But I still get it as bold. Tried to put space after the two * but it didn’t work. Any idea on that?

Kind regards,

Hi Anna,

You could try this code:

{% capture font_description %}"* *< font colour = ‘70AD47’> **"{% endcapture %}

{{ font_description }}

I’ve put a space instead in between the asterisks for the bold, hope that works for you :slight_smile:


Hi Anna,

Just a follow up and maybe a better solution:

The & lt; and & gt; tags (without spaces after the &) can be used to replace the < and > in your code as below:

{% capture font_description %}"* *& lt;font colour = ‘70AD47’& gt; **"{% endcapture %}

{{ font_description }}

Just be mindful of the space I put after the & in my code, you will not need that space when copy and pasting.

Thanks :slight_smile: