Lay out - page break


I have the following question:

I’ve adapted the code of ‘verslag van de zaakvoerder’ but when I’ve made a PDF the end of the page appears inside a paragraph.
I have sometimes the title and first phrase on one page and the rest on the next page.

Is there a way to keep the paragraph as a block? That If the paragraph doesn’t fit entirely on a page it switches to the next page.


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Hello @Finivo,

What you can do, is use the group-tags : {::group} and {/group}

everything between these tags, will always stay together.

Could this fix your problem? If not, just paste the code here and I’ll have a look at it.


Is there a mistake in the tags you gave me ? When I put them around a block of text, they appear as is when previewing or generating a report.

I tried with {:group} and {:group} but then the block that was splitted by the page break simply disappears in the generated report. I also tried a trick with html tags but then some parts of the block are missing when generating, weird…

Thank you for your help.


Hello @Finivo,

It is possible that there was a “:” missing in the previous post.

Could you please try with:


Kind regards,


Forcing a page break can apparently be achieved by the tag {% newpage %}

While the {::group} ... {:/group} tags ensure that the text between them will be on a single page,
it does not insert a new page.
For example:

{{ foo }}

{{ bar }}

will not insert a page break between foo and bar when the text foo and bar can fit on a single page together;
The following will insert a page break between foo and bar

{{ foo }}
{% newpage %}
{{ bar }}
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