Link existing template to new report

Hello @Dons,

Just to inform you: each category in the standard template “Rejected Charges” (VU) have now a result-tag, which means each category can be linked to a report.
So you don’t have to change any code in the template VU but only need to know which result-tag is used for each category.

So for the third category, you’ll see this code:

{% ifi accounts_c != empty or custom.c != empty %}
{{ title_header }}
| **{% t "Geldboeten, verbeurdverklaringen en straffen van alle aard" %}** {% input custom.accounts.c as:account_collection range:6,7 default:range_geldboeten %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}

{{ accounts_header }}{% for account in accounts_c %}
|| {{ account.number }} {{ }} | {%=$1+ account.value %}{% endfor %}{% fori extra in custom.c %}
|| {% input extra.description placeholder:descriptionplaceholder %}           | {%=$1+input extra.value as:currency placeholder:valueplaceholder %} {% endfori %}
||                                         | *{{ $1 | currency }}* | 100% | {% assign $2 = $1*1 %}{% if $2 <= 0 %}{%$10+$2%}*{%=$0+ 0 | round | currency %}*{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% else %}*{%=$0+ $1 | round | currency %}*{% endif %}{% result 'fines_confiscations_and_penalty_of_all_kinds' $1 %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% endifi %} 

So the value of that particular category is taken into the result {% result ‘fines_confiscations_and_penalty_of_all_kinds’ $1 %}

meaning in a report you can reference to it by using following formula:


There are other topics as well which describe the working of result tags:

Hope this helps you forward.