List "Through selected accounts" in disallowed expenses

Hi Team,

Is it possible to extract the disallowed expenses description & values which is selected through accounts (Highlighted in yellow in the snip below)? + Non-deductible taxes & Regional taxes, levies and charges separately?

Thanks in advance.

Please let me know if something is not clear or need more info on the same.

Kind regards,

Hi @Nikhil ,

Unfortunately the template does not generate a result that contains this information. We could investigate whether it would be useful to add. Can you elaborate a bit more on the use case?

Alternatively, you could also access the selected accounts directly in the database in a code that looks like this (e.g. for non-deductible taxes):

{% assign selected_accounts = period.accounts | range:period.reconciliations.2018_disallowed_expenses.custom.accounts.accounts_non_deduct_taxes %}

{% for account in selected_accounts %}
  {{ account.number }} {{ }}
{% endfor %}

Keep in mind that the alternative solution does not take into account default values as these are not stored in the database (also not values added through configuration on firm level). You could also make a workaround for that by hard coding any defaults wherever you want to access this information, but not sure if that’s the ideal solution.

Let us know what you think!


Kind regards,

Hi Team,

Coming back on above discussion, just wanted to recheck whether the process for extracting disallowed expense descriptions and values through accounts remains unchanged? We are still exploring potential solutions, sense, not hard coding the default account numbers.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

Hi @Nikhil,

Unfortunately, we still don’t have results for the accounts (and their descriptions) for every disallowed expenses category. The piece of code mentioned above is thus still valid.

However, it is now possible to fetch the default accounts (coming from configuration) for every category within this template.

This can be done as follows (taking the non-deductible taxes (tax code 1201) as an example):

{% assign default_code_1201 = period.shared_template_configurations.be_ct_workflow_configuration.results.default_code_1201_accounts %}

This will take the results of the workflow configuration (only applicable as of fiscal year 2024), which you can then use in your code to take into account the default accounts for this tax code.

Please let me know if you would have any further questions.

Kind regards,
