Modifying existing template "Erelonen"

The existing Template “Erelonen” available in SILVERFIN gives the total of fees to be disclosed in form 281.50 for the Financial year (Colums 2 and 3 of the Template) (Exemple : 01/07/16 - 30/06/17)
However, forms 281.50 has to be completed for the calendar year.
So, the information we would like to show is the total of fees for the calendar year (Exemple : 01/01/16 - 31/12/16) which correspond to the colums 1 and 2.
How could I modify the actual tempate to obtain this result.
The only thing I would like to change is the total given by the lines “TOTAAL van het jaar op fiche 281.50” and “TOTAAL van het jaar niet op fiche 281.50”


Here is the actual code :

{% t= “Bedrag” fr:“Montant” en:“Amount” %}
{% t= “Bijlagen” fr:“Annexes” en:“Attachments” %}
{% t= “TOTAAL van het jaar op fiche 281.50” fr:“Total de l’année sur fiche 281.50” en:“Total of the year on 281.50” %}
{% t= “TOTAAL van het jaar niet op fiche 281.50” fr:“Total de l’année non repris sur fiche 281.50” en:“Total of the year not on 281.50” %}
{% t= “Kalenderjaar” fr:“Année civile” en:“Calendar year” %}
{% t= “TOTAAL per kalenderjaar” fr:“Total de l’année calendrier” en:“Total per calendar year” %}
{% t= “Totaal boekjaar” fr:“Total exercice” en:“Total fiscal year” %}
{% t= “Commissies, makelaarslonen, handelsrestornos|Erelonen of vacatiegelden|Voordelen van alle aard|Kosten gedaan voor rekening van de verkrijger” fr:“Commissions, salaires d’agent immobilier, des ristournes de commerce|Honoraires ou vacations|Avantages de tout nature|Frais fait pour le compte du receveur” en:" Fees or fees attendance money|Advantage of all kinds|Expenses to be paid by the buyer/receiver" %}
{% t= “ja|nee” fr:“oui|non” en:“yes|no” %}
{% t= “adres 1” fr:“adresse 1” en:“address 1” %}
{% t= “adres 2” fr:“adresse 2” en:“address 2” %}
{% t= “adres 3” fr:“adresse 3” en:“address 3” %}
{% t= “title” fr:“titre” en:“title” %}
{% t= “vatnr” fr:“nr.tva” en:“nr.vat” %}
{% t= “BTW nummer” fr:“Numéro de TVA” en:“VAT number”%}
{% t= “Extra toelichting” fr:“Explication supplémentaire” en:“Additional explanation” %}
{% t= “extra toelichting” fr:“explication supplémentaire” en:“additional explanation” %}

{% capture janee_types %} {% t “ja|nee” %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture opties_types %}{% t “Commissies, makelaarslonen, handelsrestornos|Erelonen of vacatiegelden|Voordelen van alle aard|Kosten gedaan voor rekening van de verkrijger” %}{% endcapture %}
{% if period.calendar_years.size > 1 %}{% assign multiple_calendar_years = true %}{% endif %}
{% assign previous_period = period.minus_1y %}

{% unless period.is_first_year %}
{% assign not_first_year = true %}
{% endunless %}

| | fiche 281.50 | {% for year in period.calendar_years %}{% if forloop.first %}{% capture first_date %}{{ year.start_date | date:’%d/%m’ }}{% endcapture %}{% if previous_period.exists and not_first_year %}{% unless first_date == ‘01/01’ %} 01/01/{{ year.start_date | date:’%Y’ }} - {{ year.start_date-1 | date:’%d/%m/%Y’ }}|{% assign first_date_not_broken = true %}{% endunless %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{{ year.start_date | date:’%d/%m/%Y’ }} - {{ year.end_date | date:’%d/%m/%Y’ }}|{% endfor %}{% if multiple_calendar_years %}{% t “Totaal boekjaar” %}{% endif %}
|------|----------------:|---------------:|-----------------:|--------------------------:|------------------:|--------------------:+|{% fori detail in current_account.details %}
{% stripnewlines %}
| {% input detail.custom.title %} {% input detail.custom.file as:file %}
| {%input detail.custom.fact as:select options:janee_types option_values:‘ja|nee’ default:‘ja’ %}
| {% assign $15 = 0 %}
{% for year in period.calendar_years %}
{% if forloop.first and first_date_not_broken %}{% $11+input detail.custom[‘first_year’] as:currency placeholder:’’ %}|{% endif %}
{% case forloop.index0 %}
{% when 0 %}{% $0+input detail.custom.value as:currency placeholder:’’ %} {% $15+ detail.custom.value %}
{% when 1 %}{% $10+input detail.custom[forloop.index] as:currency placeholder:’’ %} {% $15+ detail.custom[forloop.index] %}
{% when 2 %}{% $20+input detail.custom[forloop.index] as:currency placeholder:’’ %} {% $15+ detail.custom[forloop.index] %}
{% endcase %}
{% endfor %}
{% if multiple_calendar_years %}{{ $15 | currency }}{% endif %}{% $30+ $15 %}
{% case detail.custom.fact %}
{% when ‘nee’ %} {%$2+ $15 %}
{% else %} {%$1+ $15 %}
{% endcase %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
| {% input detail.custom.adres_1 %} | {% unless detail.custom.fact == ‘nee’ %}{%input detail.custom.type as:select options:opties_types option_values:‘Commissies, makelaarslonen, handelsrestornos|Erelonen of vacatiegelden|Voordelen van alle aard|Kosten gedaan voor rekening van de verkrijger’ %}{% endunless %}
| {% input detail.custom.adres_2 %}
| {% input detail.custom.adres_3 %}
| {% input detail.custom.vatnr placeholder:‘BTW nummer’%}
|{% endfori %}{% if multiple_calendar_years %}
| {% t “Kalenderjaar” %} | |{% for year in period.calendar_years %}{% if forloop.first and first_date_not_broken %}|{% endif %}{{ year.start_date | date:’%Y’ }}|{% endfor %}
| {% t “TOTAAL per kalenderjaar” %}| |{% for year in period.calendar_years %}{% if forloop.first and first_date_not_broken %}|{% endif %}{% case forloop.index0 %}{% when 0 %}{{ $11+$0 | currency }}|{% when 1 %}{{ $10 | currency }}|{% when 2 %}{{ $20 | currency }}|{% endcase %}{% endfor %}
| {% endif %}
{% t “TOTAAL van het jaar op fiche 281.50” %} | **{{ $1 | currency }}
{% t “TOTAAL van het jaar niet op fiche 281.50” %}| **{{ $2 | currency }}

{% ifi custom.extra.bijlage.document or custom.extra.toelichting != blank %}
{% stripnewlines %}


{% newline %}
| {% t “Extra toelichting” %}
| {% input custom.extra.bijlage as:file placeholder:’’ %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% input custom.extra.toelichting as:text size:mini placeholder:‘extra toelichting’ %}
{% endifi %}

{% unexplained current_account.value-$30 %}

I found the solution.
