Hi @lieels01,
Thanks for reaching out to community. After some research the solution to your issue comes in two steps:
Step (1) add stripnewlines
tags to enclose a significant portion of your code:
The opening tag should be between {% comment %}Block appropriation result{% endcomment %}
and {% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. BESLIST het resultaat als volgt te bestemmen, in overeenstemming met de jaarrekening:
, so that will look like:
{% comment %}Block appropriation result{% endcomment %}
{% stripnewlines %}
{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. BESLIST het resultaat als volgt te bestemmen, in overeenstemming met de jaarrekening:
The closing tag will be right after the following: {% if period.custom.av.bestemminginfo.updated_at %}{% unless period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl.updated_at %}{% capture av_bestemminginfo_text %}{{ period.custom.av.bestemminginfo }}{% endcapture %}{% endunless %}{% endif %}{% input period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl as:text default:av_bestemminginfo_text placeholder:profit_loss_placeholder %}
, so that will be like:
{% if period.custom.av.bestemminginfo.updated_at %}{% unless period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl.updated_at %}{% capture av_bestemminginfo_text %}{{ period.custom.av.bestemminginfo }}{% endcapture %}{% endunless %}{% endif %}{% input period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl as:text default:av_bestemminginfo_text placeholder:profit_loss_placeholder %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
Read more about stripnewlines
tags here: Styling
Step (2): you will note that your tables will “break” after step (1). You will need to devote some time to adjust your code according to the guidelines we have available for markdown tables. Find more info here: Markdown tables. The most important will be to add {% newline %} to each place where you want to add a new line. You can find more info on building tables around the community.
So there will be some work in this for you unfortunately. However it should work, please let us know if it doesn’t, we will provide additional input.