Insert numbering


In our template “Schriftelijke algemene vergadering” I want to insert a numbering with the assign function, but it doesn’t seem to work. Can you tell me how I can fix this?

De {% case shareholder_type %}{% when ‘vennoot’ %}vennoten{% when ‘vennoten’ %}vennoten{% else %}aandeelhouders{% endcase %} verklaren:

{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. Om met het jaarverslag van {% case director_type %}{% when ‘zaakvoerder’ %}de zaakvoerder{% when ‘zaakvoerders’ %}{% if ==“true” %}het college van zaakvoerders{% else %}de zaakvoerders{% endif %}{% when ‘bestuurders’ %}de raad van bestuur{% endcase %} in te stemmen.

{% if commissaris %}
{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. Om met het verslag van de commissaris in te stemmen.
{% endif %}

{% if alarmbel %}
{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. Om met het verslag opgemaakt door {% case director_type %}{% when ‘zaakvoerder’ %}de zaakvoerder{% when ‘zaakvoerders’ %}{% if ==“true” %}het college van zaakvoerders{% else %}de zaakvoerders{% endif %}{% when ‘bestuurders’ %}de raad van bestuur{% endcase %} in toepassing van artikel {% case director_type %}{% when ‘zaakvoerder’ or ‘zaakvoerders’ %}332 {% if artikel_333 %}en 333{% endif %}{% when ‘bestuurders’ %}633 {% if artikel_634 %}en 634{% endif %}{% endcase %} W. Venn. in te stemmen, en bijgevolg de activiteiten van de vennootschap verder te zetten.
{% endif %}

Thanks in advance!

Hi Ward

It’s kinda hard to explain why this is occuring but i’ll try my best.

In silverfin, we have system that can automatically generate a list.

If you type

1. Topic A
1. Topic B
1. Topic C

De output in silverfin will look like this

1. Topic A
2. Topic B
3. Topic C

Even writing

2. Topic A
2. Topic B
2. Topic C

Will generate the same result

The moment you use an enter however the counting will restart, i.e.

1. Topic A
1. Topic B

1. Topic C

Will generate

1. Topic A
2. Topic B

1. Topic C

Your code generates

1. Topic A

2. Topic B

3. Topic C

But because of the enter in between it will look like this

1. Topic A

1. Topic B

1. Topic C

So in your case we wanna actually stop the code from doing this.

Now to make sure this automating numbering happens we need to start with


This space is very important.

In your case however we DON’T want the automatic numbering.
You can prevent this from doing this:

1. Topic C

Hope this is clear and helps a bit

Kind regards