Numbering not correct


I have a numbering in my template, but I think something is not closed correctly in the code as in the middle of the document, the numbers start from 1 again…
I can’t find what’s wrong though, does someone has any tips for me please?

{% capture profit_loss_placeholder %}Extra toelichting m.b.t. de {% if profit %}bestemming {% else %}verwerking {% endif %}van het resultaat{% endcapture %}
{% ifi period.custom.av.bestemminginfo != blank %}

{% endifi %}
{% if period.custom.av.bestemminginfo.updated_at %}{% unless period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl.updated_at %}{% capture av_bestemminginfo_text %}{{ period.custom.av.bestemminginfo }}{% endcapture %}{% endunless %}{% endif %}{% input period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl as:text default:av_bestemminginfo_text placeholder:profit_loss_placeholder %}

{% endif %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

{% comment %}Block liquidation reserve{% endcomment %}

{% if liq_res %}

{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. AANLEG LIQUIDATIERESERVE.
{% endif %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

{% comment %}Block discharge directors{% endcomment %}

{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. BESLIST kwijting te verlenen aan {% if count_shareh == 1 %}de enige bestuurder {% else %}de bestuurders {% endif %} {% if commissaris %}en commissaris {% endif %}voor de uitoefening van hun mandaat over het afgelopen boekjaar afgesloten per {{ period.year_end_date | date:’%d/%m/%Y’ }}.
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

Hi @lieels01, thanks for reaching out to community! Would it be possible to provide a little more code so that we will better able to help you out? There must be some reason the nr local variable is set to 0. Suspectedly somewhere above the section you have copy-pasted here.


My apologies for the late reply, please find herewith more code:

{% comment %}Block acknowledgement report directors{% endcomment %}

{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. NEEMT AKTE van het jaarverslag van {% if count_shareh == 1 %}de enige bestuurder. {% else %}de bestuurders.{% endif %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

{% comment %}Block acknowledgement report auditor{% endcomment %}

{% if commissaris %}
{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. NEEMT AKTE van het verslag van de commissaris;{% endif %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

{% comment %}Block alarmbelprocedure{% endcomment %}

{% unless geen_alarmbel %}{% if alarmbel %}{% if period.custom.alarmbel.uiteenzetting != true %}
{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. NEEMT AKTE van het bijzonder verslag van {% if count_shareh == 1 %}de enige bestuurder{% else %}de bestuurders{% endif %} op basis van artikel {% if new_company_law %}{% if improper_cvba %}431{% endif %}{% if NV %}7:228{% elsif CV %}6:119{% else %}{% if liquidity_test == true and balance_test == false %}5:153 §2{% elsif liquidity_test == false and balance_test == true %}5:153 §1{% elsif liquidity_test == true and balance_test == true %}5:153 §1-2{% endif %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% if company_form == ‘NV’ or company_form == ‘COMMVA’ %}633{% elsif company_form == ‘CVBA’ %}431{% else %}332{% endif %} {% endif %} {% assign result_7229 = {netto_actief | currency} %} {% unless result_7229 < 61500 %} en artikel 7:229 {% else %} {% endunless %} van het Wetboek van vennootschappen en verenigingen; {% endif %}{% endif %}{% endunless %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

{% comment %}Block loss of capital{% endcomment %}

{% if verlies_kapitaal and artikel_634 or artikel_333 or artikel_432 or artikel_657 or artikel_7_229 %}
{% ifi alarmbel_remove_from_report %}
{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. VERLIES;{% endifi %} {% endif %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

{% comment %}Block conflict of interest{% endcomment %}

{% if belangenconflict %}
{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. EVENTUELE ONTBINDING
{% endif %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

{% comment %}Block approval annual accounts{% endcomment %}

{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. BESLIST de jaarrekening over het boekjaar eindigend per {{ period.year_end_date | date:’%d/%m/%Y’ }}, met een {% if winst_verlies >= 0%}winst{% else %}verlies{% endif %} van het boekjaar van {{ winst_verlies | currency }} {{ company_currency }} en een balanstotaal van {{ period.accounts.assets.value | currency }} {{ company_currency }} goed te keuren;
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

{% comment %}Block appropriation result{% endcomment %}

{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. BESLIST het resultaat als volgt te bestemmen, in overeenstemming met de jaarrekening:

{% assign winst_verlies = #60__68+#70__78 %}
{% assign vorig_jaar = #690+#790 %}
{% assign te_verwerken_winst_verlies = (#60__68+#70__78)+vorig_jaar %}
{% assign over_te_dragen = #14 %}

{% capture indenter %}                                {% endcapture %}

| {% if te_verwerken_winst_verlies <= 0%}Te bestemmen winst{% else %}Te verwerken verlies{% endif %}saldo | |{{ -1te_verwerken_winst_verlies | currency }}{% if winst_verlies != 0 %}
|{{ indenter }}{% if winst_verlies <= 0%}Te bestemmen winst{% else %}Te verwerken verlies{% endif %} van het boekjaar | {{ -1
winst_verlies | currency }}{% endif %}{% if vorig_jaar != 0 %}
|{{ indenter }}{% if vorig_jaar <= 0%}Overgedragen winst van het vorig boekjaar{% else %}Overgedragen verlies van het vorig boekjaar {% endif %} | {{ -1vorig_jaar | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #791+#792 !=0 %}
|Onttrekking aan het eigen vermogen | | {{ -1
(#791+#792) | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #691__692 !=0 %}
|Toevoeging aan het eigen vermogen | | {{ #691__692 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #691 !=0 %}
|{{ indenter }}Aan {{ capital_or_contribution_article }} {{ capital_or_contribution }} en aan de uitgiftepremies | {{ #691 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #6920 !=0 %}
|{{ indenter }}Aan de wettelijke reserve | {{ #6920 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #6921 !=0 %}
|{{ indenter }}Aan de overige reserves | {{ #6921 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if over_te_dragen !=0 %}
|{% if over_te_dragen <= 0%}Over te dragen winst{% else %}Over te dragen verlies {% endif %} || {{ -1*over_te_dragen | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #794 !=0 %}
|Tussenkomst van de vennoten in het verlies | | {{ #794 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #694__697 !=0 %}
|Uit te keren winst | | {{ #694__697 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #694 !=0 %}
|{{ indenter }}Vergoeding van {{ capital_or_contribution_article }} {{ capital_or_contribution }} | {{ #694 | currency }} {% endif %}{% if #695 !=0 %}
|{{ indenter }}{% case director_type %}{% when ‘zaakvoerder’ or ‘manager’%}Zaakvoerder{% when ‘zaakvoerders’ or ‘managers’%}Zaakvoerders{% else %}Bestuurders{% endcase %}| {{ #695 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #696 !=0 %}
|{{ indenter }}Werknemers | {{ #696 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #697 != 0 %}
|{{ indenter }}Andere rechthebbenden | {{ #697 | currency }}{% endif %}

{% comment %}table for information on payable dividends and bonusses (tantièmes) of the bookyear{% endcomment %}
{% assign profit_to_attribute = #694__697 %}
{% capture profit_attribution_placeholder %} Deze vergoeding is betaalbaar vanaf [datum] {% endcapture %}

{% if profit_to_attribute != 0 %}
{% ifi period.custom.attribution.capital_nl != blank or period.custom.attribution.director_type_nl != blank or period.custom.attribution.employees_nl != blank or period.custom.attribution.other_nl != blank %}Betaalbaarstelling:

|:-------------------------|------15%------------------------|:----70%-----+{% endifi %}{% ifi period.custom.attribution.capital_nl != blank %}{% if #694 !=0 %}
| Vergoeding van {{ capital_or_contribution_article }} {{ capital_or_contribution }}: | {{ #694 | currency }} | {% input period.custom.attribution.capital_nl placeholder:profit_attribution_placeholder as:text %}{% endif %}{% endifi %}{% ifi period.custom.attribution.director_type_nl != blank %}{% if #695 !=0 %}
| {% case director_type %}{% when ‘zaakvoerder’ or ‘manager’%}Zaakvoerder{% when ‘zaakvoerders’ or ‘managers’%}Zaakvoerders{% else %}Bestuurders{% endcase %}: | {{ #695 | currency }} | {% input period.custom.attribution.director_type_nl placeholder:profit_attribution_placeholder as:text %}{% endif %}{% endifi %}{% ifi period.custom.attribution.employees_nl != blank %}{% if #696 !=0 %}
| Werknemers: | {{ #696 | currency }} | {% input period.custom.attribution.employees_nl placeholder:profit_attribution_placeholder as:text %}{% endif %}{% endifi %}{% ifi period.custom.attribution.other_nl != blank %}{% if #697 !=0 %}
| Andere rechthebbenden: | {{ #697 | currency }} | {% input period.custom.attribution.other_nl placeholder:profit_attribution_placeholder as:text %}{% endif %}{% endifi %}
{% endif %}

{% capture default_fintrax_text %}Op basis van het bijzonder verslag betreffende de balanstest en liquiditeitstest opgesteld door het bestuursorgaan, kan gesteld worden dat aan de wettelijke bepalingen werd voldaan.{% endcapture %}

{% comment %}fintrax {% endcomment %}
{% if BV or CV %}
{% if period.reconciliations.fintrax_liquidity_test_cashflow != blank %}
{% if profit_to_attribute != 0 %}
{% if period.reconciliations.fintrax_liquidity_test_cashflow.results.liquidity_test == true %}
{% input custom.explanaition.fintrax_nl as:text default:default_fintrax_text %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% capture profit_loss_placeholder %}Extra toelichting m.b.t. de {% if profit %}bestemming {% else %}verwerking {% endif %}van het resultaat{% endcapture %}
{% ifi period.custom.av.bestemminginfo != blank %}

{% endifi %}
{% if period.custom.av.bestemminginfo.updated_at %}{% unless period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl.updated_at %}{% capture av_bestemminginfo_text %}{{ period.custom.av.bestemminginfo }}{% endcapture %}{% endunless %}{% endif %}{% input period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl as:text default:av_bestemminginfo_text placeholder:profit_loss_placeholder %}

{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

{% comment %}Block liquidation reserve{% endcomment %}

{% if liq_res %}
{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. AANLEG LIQUIDATIERESERVE.
{% endif %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

{% comment %}Block discharge directors{% endcomment %}

{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. BESLIST kwijting te verlenen aan {% if count_shareh == 1 %}de enige bestuurder {% else %}de bestuurders {% endif %} {% if commissaris %}en commissaris {% endif %}voor de uitoefening van hun mandaat over het afgelopen boekjaar afgesloten per {{ period.year_end_date | date:’%d/%m/%Y’ }}.
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

Hi @lieels01,

Thanks for reaching out to community. After some research the solution to your issue comes in two steps:

Step (1) add stripnewlines tags to enclose a significant portion of your code:

The opening tag should be between {% comment %}Block appropriation result{% endcomment %} and {% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. BESLIST het resultaat als volgt te bestemmen, in overeenstemming met de jaarrekening:, so that will look like:

{% comment %}Block appropriation result{% endcomment %}
{% stripnewlines %}
{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. BESLIST het resultaat als volgt te bestemmen, in overeenstemming met de jaarrekening:

The closing tag will be right after the following: {% if period.custom.av.bestemminginfo.updated_at %}{% unless period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl.updated_at %}{% capture av_bestemminginfo_text %}{{ period.custom.av.bestemminginfo }}{% endcapture %}{% endunless %}{% endif %}{% input period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl as:text default:av_bestemminginfo_text placeholder:profit_loss_placeholder %}, so that will be like:

{% if period.custom.av.bestemminginfo.updated_at %}{% unless period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl.updated_at %}{% capture av_bestemminginfo_text %}{{ period.custom.av.bestemminginfo }}{% endcapture %}{% endunless %}{% endif %}{% input period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl as:text default:av_bestemminginfo_text placeholder:profit_loss_placeholder %}

{% endstripnewlines %}

Read more about stripnewlines tags here: Styling

Step (2): you will note that your tables will “break” after step (1). You will need to devote some time to adjust your code according to the guidelines we have available for markdown tables. Find more info here: Markdown tables. The most important will be to add {% newline %} to each place where you want to add a new line. You can find more info on building tables around the community.

So there will be some work in this for you unfortunately. However it should work, please let us know if it doesn’t, we will provide additional input.

Hi @Melle

Thank you for your reply, but I’m afraid that If I do this, it still doesn’t give me the desired result. The numbering does indeed continue which is great, but the table doesn’t work out at all.

I now have this:

instead of this:

using the below coding

{% stripnewlines %}

{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. RESOLVES to appropriate the result of the financial year as follows, as stated in the annual accounts:{% newline %}

{% assign winst_verlies = #60__68+#70__78 %}
{% assign vorig_jaar = #690+#790 %}
{% assign te_bestemmen_winst_verlies = (#60__68+#70__78)+vorig_jaar %}
{% assign over_te_dragen = #14 %}

{% capture indenter %}                                {% endcapture %}{% newline %}

|Net {% if te_bestemmen_winst_verlies <= 0%}profit{% else %}loss{% endif %} to be appropriated | |{{ -1te_bestemmen_winst_verlies | currency }}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}{% if winst_verlies <= 0%}Profit{% else %}Loss{% endif %} from the financial {{ period_year }} to be {% if new_company_law %}appropriated{% else %}allocated{% endif %} | {{ -1
winst_verlies | currency }}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}{% if vorig_jaar <= 0%}Profit{% else %}Loss {% endif %} from the previous financial {{ period_year }} | {{ -1vorig_jaar | currency }}{% if #791+#792 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|Subtraction of shareholders’ equity | | {{ -1
(#791+#792) | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #691__692 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{% if new_company_law %}Appropriation to {% if COMMV or VOF %}associates’ {% endif %}equity{% else %}Addition of shareholders’ equity{% endif %} | | {{ #691__692 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #691 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}To {{ capital_or_contribution }} and share premiums | {{ #691 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #6920 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}To legal reserves | {{ #6920 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #6921 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}To other reserves | {{ #6921 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if over_te_dragen !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{% if over_te_dragen <= 0%}Profit{% else %}Loss{% endif %} to be {% if new_company_law %}transferred{% else %}carried forward{% endif %} || {{ -1*over_te_dragen | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #794 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|Intervention of partners in the loss | | {{ #794 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #694__697 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|Profit to be {% if new_company_law %}distributed{% else %}allocated{% endif %} | | {{ #694__697 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #694 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}{% if new_company_law %}Compensation{% else %}Remuneration{% endif %} for {{ capital_or_contribution }} | {{ #694 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #695 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}{% case director_type %}{% when ‘zaakvoerder’ or ‘manager’ %}Managing director{% when ‘zaakvoerders’ or ‘managers’ %}Managing directors{% else %}Executive directors{% endcase %}| {{ #695 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #696 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}Employees | {{ #696 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #697 != 0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}Other entitled parties | {{ #697 | currency }}{% endif %}{% newline %}

{% capture profit_loss_placeholder %}Extra information with regard to the allocation of the results{% endcapture %}
{% ifi period.custom.av.bestemminginfo != blank %}

{% endifi %}
{% if period.custom.av.bestemminginfo.updated_at %}{% unless period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl.updated_at %}{% capture av_bestemminginfo_text %}{{ period.custom.av.bestemminginfo }}{% endcapture %}{% endunless %}{% endif %}{% input period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_ENG as:text default:av_bestemminginfo_text placeholder:profit_loss_placeholder %}

{% endstripnewlines %}

Hi @lieels01 , thanks for your response! Try formatting your table as follows:

Or even try reading into HTML tables which are relatively new (these are more intuitive to set up in a number of ways):

The trick will be to: (1) appropriately enclose your table definition (the |---|--15%--..) thing within {% newline %} tags; (2) provide your table with its own {% stripnewlines %} tags. So it will look like the following.

Tip: please try to structure your code e.g. by putting {% newline %} tags on separate rows or even to put each pipe (‘|’) on a new row, it will become more easy to read and debug.

{% stripnewlines %}

{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. RESOLVES to appropriate the result of the financial year as follows, as stated in the annual accounts:{% newline %}

{% assign winst_verlies = #60__68+#70__78 %}
{% assign vorig_jaar = #690+#790 %}
{% assign te_bestemmen_winst_verlies = (#60__68+#70__78)+vorig_jaar %}
{% assign over_te_dragen = #14 %}

{% capture indenter %}                                {% endcapture %}{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
|Net {% if te_bestemmen_winst_verlies <= 0%}profit{% else %}loss{% endif %} to be appropriated | |{{ -1te_bestemmen_winst_verlies | currency }}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}{% if winst_verlies <= 0%}Profit{% else %}Loss{% endif %} from the financial {{ period_year }} to be {% if new_company_law %}appropriated{% else %}allocated{% endif %} | {{ -1winst_verlies | currency }}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}{% if vorig_jaar <= 0%}Profit{% else %}Loss {% endif %} from the previous financial {{ period_year }} | {{ -1vorig_jaar | currency }}{% if #791+#792 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|Subtraction of shareholders’ equity | | {{ -1(#791+#792) | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #691__692 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{% if new_company_law %}Appropriation to {% if COMMV or VOF %}associates’ {% endif %}equity{% else %}Addition of shareholders’ equity{% endif %} | | {{ #691__692 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #691 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}To {{ capital_or_contribution }} and share premiums | {{ #691 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #6920 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}To legal reserves | {{ #6920 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #6921 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}To other reserves | {{ #6921 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if over_te_dragen !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{% if over_te_dragen <= 0%}Profit{% else %}Loss{% endif %} to be {% if new_company_law %}transferred{% else %}carried forward{% endif %} || {{ -1*over_te_dragen | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #794 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|Intervention of partners in the loss | | {{ #794 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #694__697 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|Profit to be {% if new_company_law %}distributed{% else %}allocated{% endif %} | | {{ #694__697 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #694 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}{% if new_company_law %}Compensation{% else %}Remuneration{% endif %} for {{ capital_or_contribution }} | {{ #694 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #695 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}{% case director_type %}{% when ‘zaakvoerder’ or ‘manager’ %}Managing director{% when ‘zaakvoerders’ or ‘managers’ %}Managing directors{% else %}Executive directors{% endcase %}| {{ #695 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #696 !=0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}Employees | {{ #696 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #697 != 0 %}{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}Other entitled parties | {{ #697 | currency }}{% endif %}{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% stripnewlines %}
{% capture profit_loss_placeholder %}Extra information with regard to the allocation of the results{% endcapture %}
{% ifi period.custom.av.bestemminginfo != blank %}

{% endifi %}
{% if period.custom.av.bestemminginfo.updated_at %}{% unless period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_nl.updated_at %}{% capture av_bestemminginfo_text %}{{ period.custom.av.bestemminginfo }}{% endcapture %}{% endunless %}{% endif %}{% input period.custom.av.bestemminginfo_ENG as:text default:av_bestemminginfo_text placeholder:profit_loss_placeholder %}

{% endstripnewlines %}

Please let us know if this works well!


I tried the above solution, restructured the coding by putting 'newline"-tags on separate rows and also played around with the “stripnewlines”-tags, but I’m afraid we’re back to were we started… The table comes out perfectly again and the numbering doesn’t follow, it goes from 6 to 1 instead of 7.

Please find herewith the code as well:

{% comment %}Block appropriation result{% endcomment %}

{% stripnewlines %}
{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. RESOLVES to appropriate the result of the financial year as follows, as stated in the annual accounts:{% newline %}

{% assign winst_verlies = #60__68+#70__78 %}
{% assign vorig_jaar = #690+#790 %}
{% assign te_bestemmen_winst_verlies = (#60__68+#70__78)+vorig_jaar %}
{% assign over_te_dragen = #14 %}

{% capture indenter %}                                {% endcapture %}{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
|Net {% if te_bestemmen_winst_verlies <= 0%}profit{% else %}loss{% endif %} to be appropriated | |{{ -1te_bestemmen_winst_verlies | currency }}
{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}{% if winst_verlies <= 0%}Profit{% else %}Loss{% endif %} from the financial {{ period_year }} to be {% if new_company_law %}appropriated{% else %}allocated{% endif %} | {{ -1
winst_verlies | currency }}
{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}{% if vorig_jaar <= 0%}Profit{% else %}Loss {% endif %} from the previous financial {{ period_year }} | {{ -1vorig_jaar | currency }}{% if #791+#792 !=0 %}
{% newline %}
|Subtraction of shareholders’ equity | | {{ -1
(#791+#792) | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #691__692 !=0 %}
{% newline %}
|{% if new_company_law %}Appropriation to {% if COMMV or VOF %}associates’ {% endif %}equity{% else %}Addition of shareholders’ equity{% endif %} | | {{ #691__692 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #691 !=0 %}
{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}To {{ capital_or_contribution }} and share premiums | {{ #691 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #6920 !=0 %}
{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}To legal reserves | {{ #6920 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #6921 !=0 %}
{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}To other reserves | {{ #6921 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if over_te_dragen !=0 %}
{% newline %}
|{% if over_te_dragen <= 0%}Profit{% else %}Loss{% endif %} to be {% if new_company_law %}transferred{% else %}carried forward{% endif %} || {{ -1*over_te_dragen | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #794 !=0 %}
{% newline %}
|Intervention of partners in the loss | | {{ #794 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #694__697 !=0 %}
{% newline %}
|Profit to be {% if new_company_law %}distributed{% else %}allocated{% endif %} | | {{ #694__697 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #694 !=0 %}
{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}{% if new_company_law %}Compensation{% else %}Remuneration{% endif %} for {{ capital_or_contribution }} | {{ #694 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #695 !=0 %}
{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}{% case director_type %}{% when ‘zaakvoerder’ or ‘manager’ %}Managing director{% when ‘zaakvoerders’ or ‘managers’ %}Managing directors{% else %}Executive directors{% endcase %}| {{ #695 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #696 !=0 %}
{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}Employees | {{ #696 | currency }}{% endif %}{% if #697 != 0 %}
{% newline %}
|{{ indenter }}Other entitled parties | {{ #697 | currency }}{% endif %}
{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% stripnewlines %}
{% capture profit_loss_placeholder %}Extra information with regard to the allocation of the results{% endcapture %}
{% ifi period.custom.jaarverslag.bestemminginfo != blank %}

{% if period.custom.jaarverslag.bestemminginfo.updated_at %}{% unless period.custom.jaarverslag.bestemminginfo_en.updated_at %}{% capture jaarverslag_bestemming %}{{ period.custom.jaarverslag.bestemminginfo }}{% endcapture %}{% endunless %}{% endif %}
{% input period.custom.jaarverslag.bestemminginfo_en as:text default:jaarverslag_bestemming placeholder:‘Extra information with regard to the allocation of the results’ %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

Hi @lieels01, yes just copying in my code example may not work. You should start with my previous response on how to resolve the count , then apply that to your entire template. I.e. make sure first that your count variable is behaving correctly, and after that start focusing on fixing the tables. I can say that I have managed to create a working version here.

Is this what you have tried already? If yes, it may be worth trying to build the template again but more structured, consisting of a couple of (HTML-)tables. We can of course answer all questions you might have in that course. Unfortunately the community is not really intended to provide tailor-made pieces of custom code, but we are willing to help you as much as needed otherwise.


I’m afraid I already tried all of this, but nothing seems to help to get this table right…

Kind regards,

Hi Liesa,

A few of our developers have played around with the code and the following should now fix the numbering issue:

|—>{% comment %}Block discharge directors{% endcomment %}{% assign nr = nr | plus:1 %} {{nr}}. BESLIST kwijting te verlenen aan {% if count_shareh == 1 %}de enige bestuurder {% else %}de bestuurders {% endif %} {% if commissaris %}en commissaris {% endif %}voor de uitoefening van hun mandaat over het afgelopen boekjaar afgesloten per {{ period.year_end_date | date:"%d/%m/%Y" }}.

So you can either use | in front or &nbsp; infront of the above block of code and the numbering should continue as normal.

I hope this works as expected for you!

Thanks :slight_smile: