Template beroepskosten 2.0


I’m using the standard template ‘beroepskosten 2.0’ to make it our own.

We’re using a few categories in this template to make a detail of the costs. Here, I want to add a background color in behind the title “Detail van de kosten”.

I saw it’s possible simply to add the RGB code behind the of the table, but it doesn’t seem to work.

Beside that, I would like to add standard accounts to the account collections, but because of the categories I couldn’t find where to insert the code, if it’s even possible like this. Could I link them to the assign string?

  {% assign cost_categories_string = "Lokaalkosten|Bureelkosten|Commissies en erelonen|Verzekeringen|Kosten rollend materieel|Uitbatingskosten|Representatie, onthaal en publciteit|Bijdragen - sociaal statuut|Personeelskost|Afschrijvingen|Andere bedrijfskosten|Financiele kosten" %}
  {% assign cost_keys_string = "Lokaalkosten|Bureelkosten|Commissiesenerelonen|Verzekeringen|Kostenrollendmaterieel|Uitbatingskosten|Representatie|Bijdragen - sociaal statuut|Personeelskost|Afschrijvingen|Anderebedrijfskosten|Financiele kosten" %}
{% endif %}

{% assign cost_categories = cost_categories_string | split:"|" %}
{% assign cost_keys = cost_keys_string | split:"|" %}

{% assign toegewezen = "" %}
{% assign count = 0 %}

{% capture header %}|-----------40%---------------|---------------12%-----------:|---------------12%-----------:|---------------12%-----------:|---------------12%-----------:|---------------12%-----------:+{% endcapture %}

{% capture detailkosten %}

|**{% t "Detail van de kosten" %}** 

{% stripnewlines %}
{{ header }}
{% newline %}
|**{{ period.year_end_date | date:'%Y' }}**
| **{% t "Beroeps-<br />beperking" %}**<br />**({% t "Niet aftrekbaar" %})**
| **{% t "Fiscale beperking" %}**<br />**({% t "Niet aftrekbaar" %})**
| **{% t "Totale beperking" %}**    
| **{% t "Aftrekbaar" %}**                      
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% for cost_category in cost_categories %}
  {% assign $11 = 0 %}
  {% assign $12 = 0 %}
  {% assign $13 = 0 %}
  {% assign $14 = 0 %}
  {% assign $15 = 0 %}
  {% assign category_key = cost_keys[forloop.index0] %}  
    {% ifi custom[category_key].accounts != blank %}
{% newline %}
  | **{% t cost_category %}** {% input custom[category_key].accounts as:account_collection range:6,7 accounts_var:costs %} |
  {% newline %}
  {{ header }}
  {% newline %}
  {% for account in costs %}
    {% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}
    | {{ account.name }}
    | {%=$11+ -1*account.value as:currency %}
    | {% input custom[account.number].vin as:percentage placeholder:'0.00%' %}
        {% if custom[account.number].vin == blank %}
          {% assign vin = 1 %}
        {% else %}
          {% assign vin = 1-custom[account.number].vin placeholder:'' %}
        {% endif %}
        {% $12+ -1*vin*account.value as:currency %}
    | {% input custom[account.number].beperking as:percentage placeholder:'0.00%' %}
      {% if custom[account.number].beperking == blank %}
        {% assign beperking = 1 %}
      {% else %}
        {% assign beperking = 1-custom[account.number].beperking %}
      {% endif %}
      {% $15+ -1*vin*beperking*account.value-(1-vin)*account.value as:currency %}
    | {{ account.value-1*vin*beperking*account.value | currency }}
      {% $13+ -1*vin*beperking*account.value as:currency %}
    | {%=$14+ -1*vin*beperking*account.value as:currency %}
    {% newline %}
    {% if forloop.last %}
      | **{% =$21+ $11 as:currency %}** 
      | **{% =$22+ $11-$12 as:currency %}** 
      | **{% =$25+ $11-$15 as:currency %}** 
      | **{% =$23+ $11-$13 as:currency %}** 
      | **{% =$1+ $14 as:currency %}**
      {% result category_key $14 %}|
    {% newline %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
  {% newline %}
    {% endifi %}
{% endfor %}
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{{ header }}
| **{% t "Totaal" %}**                  | **{{ $21 | currency }}** | {{ $22 | currency }} | {{ $25 | currency }} | {{ $23 | currency }} | **{{ $1 | currency }}**


{% endcapture %}

Hi @Cedric,

It is indeed explained here how to add a background color to a table.

This code defines your table with “detail kosten” in it :

|**{% t "Detail van de kosten" %}** 

So if you change that to this for example :

|**{% t "Detail van de kosten" %}** 

you should be able to get the result you want.

BUT the background color will only be displayed in export (not in input-mode). So if you export it to a PDF, you’ll see what the code does (perhaps that’s why you couldn’t get it ? )

Can you give it a go?

If it works, then I’ll be gladly to explain your second question. Make sure to post the whole code then again, thanks!


Thanks, the background color works perfectly. (I didn’t test the export at first)

Now the background is ok, but I would like to have the text in to be white, what also works perfectly but is displayed in both export as in input-mode. Which means that in input-mode I can’t see the text.

  {% assign cost_categories_string = "Lokaalkosten|Bureelkosten|Commissies en erelonen|Verzekeringen|Kosten rollend materieel|Uitbatingskosten|Representatie, onthaal en publciteit|Bijdragen - sociaal statuut|Personeelskost|Afschrijvingen|Andere bedrijfskosten|Financiele kosten" %}
  {% assign cost_keys_string = "Lokaalkosten|Bureelkosten|Commissiesenerelonen|Verzekeringen|Kostenrollendmaterieel|Uitbatingskosten|Representatie|Bijdragen - sociaal statuut|Personeelskost|Afschrijvingen|Anderebedrijfskosten|Financiele kosten" %}
{% endif %}

{% assign cost_categories = cost_categories_string | split:"|" %}
{% assign cost_keys = cost_keys_string | split:"|" %}

{% assign toegewezen = "" %}
{% assign count = 0 %}

{% capture header %}|-----------40%---------------|---------------12%-----------:|---------------12%-----------:|---------------12%-----------:|---------------12%-----------:|---------------12%-----------:+{% endcapture %}

{% capture detailkosten %}

|**<font color="ffffff"> Detail van de kosten </font>**

{% stripnewlines %} 
{{ header }}
{% newline %}
|**{{ period.year_end_date | date:'%Y' }}**
| **{% t "Beroeps-<br />beperking" %}**<br />**({% t "Niet aftrekbaar" %})**
| **{% t "Fiscale beperking" %}**<br />**({% t "Niet aftrekbaar" %})**
| **{% t "Totale beperking" %}**    
| **{% t "Aftrekbaar" %}**                      
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% for cost_category in cost_categories %}
  {% assign $11 = 0 %}
  {% assign $12 = 0 %}
  {% assign $13 = 0 %}
  {% assign $14 = 0 %}
  {% assign $15 = 0 %}
  {% assign category_key = cost_keys[forloop.index0] %}  
    {% ifi custom[category_key].accounts != blank %}
{% newline %}
  | **{% t cost_category %}** {% input custom[category_key].accounts as:account_collection range:6,7 accounts_var:costs %} |
  {% newline %}
  {{ header }}
  {% newline %}
  {% for account in costs %}
    {% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}
    | {{ account.name }}
    | {%=$11+ -1*account.value as:currency %}
    | {% input custom[account.number].vin as:percentage placeholder:'0.00%' %}
        {% if custom[account.number].vin == blank %}
          {% assign vin = 1 %}
        {% else %}
          {% assign vin = 1-custom[account.number].vin placeholder:'' %}
        {% endif %}
        {% $12+ -1*vin*account.value as:currency %}
    | {% input custom[account.number].beperking as:percentage placeholder:'0.00%' %}
      {% if custom[account.number].beperking == blank %}
        {% assign beperking = 1 %}
      {% else %}
        {% assign beperking = 1-custom[account.number].beperking %}
      {% endif %}
      {% $15+ -1*vin*beperking*account.value-(1-vin)*account.value as:currency %}
    | {{ account.value-1*vin*beperking*account.value | currency }}
      {% $13+ -1*vin*beperking*account.value as:currency %}
    | {%=$14+ -1*vin*beperking*account.value as:currency %}
    {% newline %}
    {% if forloop.last %}
      | **{% =$21+ $11 as:currency %}** 
      | **{% =$22+ $11-$12 as:currency %}** 
      | **{% =$25+ $11-$15 as:currency %}** 
      | **{% =$23+ $11-$13 as:currency %}** 
      | **{% =$1+ $14 as:currency %}**
      {% result category_key $14 %}|
    {% newline %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
  {% newline %}
    {% endifi %}
{% endfor %}
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{{ header }}
| **{% t "Totaal" %}**                  | **{{ $21 | currency }}** | {{ $22 | currency }} | {{ $25 | currency }} | {{ $23 | currency }} | **{{ $1 | currency }}**


{% endcapture %}

{% capture detailanderebo %}

|**{% t "Detail andere bedrijfsopbrengsten" %}** 

{% stripnewlines %}
{{ header }}
{% newline %}
|**{{ period.year_end_date | date:'%Y' }}**
| **{% t "Beroeps-<br />beperking" %}**
| **{% t "Fiscale beperking"
| **{% t "Totale beperking" %}**    
| **{% t "Belast" %}**                      
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% newline %} 
{% newline %}

| **Andere bedrijfsopbrengsten**{% input custom.some.accounts as:account_collection range:74 accounts_var:anderebo %}|

{% newline %}
{{ header }}
{% newline %}
  {% for account in anderebo %}
    {% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}
    | {{ account.name }}
    | {%=$31+ -1*account.value as:currency %}
    | {% input custom[account.number].vin as:percentage placeholder:'0.00%' %}
        {% if custom[account.number].vin == blank %}
          {% assign vin = 1 %}
        {% else %}
          {% assign vin = 1-custom[account.number].vin placeholder:'' %}
        {% endif %}
        {% $32+ -1*vin*account.value as:currency %}
    | {% input custom[account.number].beperking as:percentage placeholder:'0.00%' %}
      {% if custom[account.number].beperking == blank %}
        {% assign beperking = 1 %}
      {% else %}
        {% assign beperking = 1-custom[account.number].beperking %}
      {% endif %}
      {% $35+ -1*vin*beperking*account.value-(1-vin)*account.value as:currency %}
    | {{ account.value-1*vin*beperking*account.value | currency }}
      {% $33+ -1*vin*beperking*account.value as:currency %}
    | {%=$34+ -1*vin*beperking*account.value as:currency %}
    {% newline %}
  {% endfor %}
  {% newline %}
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{{ header }}
| **{% t "Totaal" %}**                  | **{{ $31 | currency }}** |  |  | | **{{ $34 | currency }}**


{% endcapture %}

{% capture detailmeerminderwaarde %}

|**{% t "Detail van de meer- en minderwaarden" %}** 

{% stripnewlines %}
{{ header }}
{% newline %}
|**{{ period.year_end_date | date:'%Y' }}**
| **{% t "Beroeps-<br />beperking" %}**
| **{% t "Fiscale beperking"
| **{% t "Totale beperking" %}**    
| **{% t "Belast" %}**                      
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% newline %} 
{% newline %}

| **Meerwaarde**{% input custom.some.accounts as:account_collection range:76 accounts_var:meerwaarde %}|

{% newline %}
{{ header }}
{% newline %}
  {% for account in meerwaarde %}
    {% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}
    | {{ account.name }}
    | {%=$31+ -1*account.value as:currency %}
    | {% input custom[account.number].vin as:percentage placeholder:'0.00%' %}
        {% if custom[account.number].vin == blank %}
          {% assign vin = 1 %}
        {% else %}
          {% assign vin = 1-custom[account.number].vin placeholder:'' %}
        {% endif %}
        {% $32+ -1*vin*account.value as:currency %}
    | {% input custom[account.number].beperking as:percentage placeholder:'0.00%' %}
      {% if custom[account.number].beperking == blank %}
        {% assign beperking = 1 %}
      {% else %}
        {% assign beperking = 1-custom[account.number].beperking %}
      {% endif %}
      {% $35+ -1*vin*beperking*account.value-(1-vin)*account.value as:currency %}
    | {{ account.value-1*vin*beperking*account.value | currency }}
      {% $33+ -1*vin*beperking*account.value as:currency %}
    | {%=$34+ -1*vin*beperking*account.value as:currency %}
    {% newline %}
  {% endfor %}
  {% newline %}
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% newline %}                
{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{{ header }}
| **{% t "Totaal" %}**                  | **{{ $31 | currency }}** |  |  | | **{{ $34 | currency }}**


{% endcapture %}

{% if custom.detail.goederen == blank %}{% assign goederen_range = '60'%}{% else %}{% assign goederen_range = custom.detail.goederen %}{% endif %}
{% assign goederen = period.accounts | range:goederen_range %}

{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
| {% t "Ontvangsten/Baten" %} {% input custom.detail.omzet as:account_collection range:7 default:'70' accounts_var:omzet %}| | | {%=$10+ -1*omzet.value | currency %}
  {% for account in omzet %}
  {% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}{% $31+ account.value %}
  {% newline %}
  | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{{ account.name }}|{{ -1*account.value | currency }}
  {% endfor %}
{% ifi goederen.value != 0 %}
{% newline %}
| {% t "Handelsgoederen, grond en hulpstoffen" %} {% input custom.detail.goederen as:account_collection range:6 default:'60' %}| |{{ -1*goederen.value | currency }}
  {% for account in goederen %}
  {% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}{% $32+ account.value %}
    {% newline %}
    | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{{ account.name }}|{{ -1*account.value | currency }}
  {% endfor %}
{% newline %}
| {% t "Beginvoorraad" %} {% input custom.detail.beginvoorraad as:account_collection range:6,7 accounts_var:beginvoorraad %} {% input custom.beginvoorraad.doc as:file %}| | {{ -1*beginvoorraad.value | currency}}{% result 'beginvoorraad' -1*beginvoorraad.value %}
  {% for account in beginvoorraad %}
    {% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}{% $33+ account.value %}
  {% endfor %}
{% newline %}
| {% t "Eindvoorraad" %} {% input custom.detail.eindvoorraad as:account_collection range:6,7 accounts_var:eindvoorraad %} {% input custom.eindvoorraad.doc as:file %}| |_{{ -1*eindvoorraad.value | currency}}_ {% result 'eindvoorraad' -1*eindvoorraad.value %}
  {% for account in eindvoorraad %}
    {% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}{% $34+ account.value %}
  {% endfor %}
{% newline %}
| {% t "Verkochte goederen" %}|||_{%=$10+ -1*(beginvoorraad.value+goederen.value+eindvoorraad.value) | currency %}_
{% newline %}
| {% t "Brutowinst / Baten" %}        ||| **{{ $10 | currency }}**{% endifi %}{% ifi custom.detail.sociale_bijdrage != blank %}
{% newline %}
| {% t "Sociale bijdragen" %} {% input custom.detail.sociale_bijdrage as:account_collection range:6 accounts_var:sociale_bijdrage %} {% input custom.sociale_bijdrage.doc as:file %}| | | {%=$10+ -1*sociale_bijdrage.value | currency %}{% endifi %}{% result 'sociale_bijdrage' -1*sociale_bijdrage.value %}{% ifi custom.detail.echtgenote != blank %}
{% for account in sociale_bijdrage %}
{% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}{% $35+ account.value %}
    {% newline %}
    | {{ account.name }}|{{ account.value | currency }}
{% endfor %}
{% newline %}
  | {% t "Toekenning meewerkende echtgeno(o)t(e)" %} {% input custom.detail.echtgenote as:account_collection range:6 accounts_var:echtgenote %} {% input custom.echtgenoot.doc as:file %} | | | {%=$10+ -1*echtgenote.value | currency %}{% endifi %}{% result 'echtgenote' -1*echtgenote.value %}
  {% for account in echtgenote %}
    {% assign toegewezen = toegewezen | append: account.number | append:";" %}{% $36+ account.value %}
  {% endfor %}
  {% assign bruto_winst = $10 %}
{% newline %}
  | {% t "Kosten" %}              | | |_{% =$10+ $1 %}_
{% newline %}
  | {% t "Nettoresultaat" %}      | | | **{{ $10 | currency }}**
{% newline %}
  {% fori extra_account in custom.extra_accounts %}
{% newline %}
    |{% input extra_account.name %} {% input extra_account.accounts as:account_collection range:6,7 %}{% input extra_account.doc as:file %} | | |{% assign accounts = period.accounts | range:extra_account.accounts %}{%=$20+ -1*accounts.value | currency %}
  {% endfori %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% newpage %}

{{ detailanderebo }}
{{ detailkosten }}
{{ detailmeerminderwaarde }} ```


You could use the ic-tag and the nic-tag:

{% ic %}Tekst{% endic %}{% nic %}<font color="ffffff">Tekst</font>{% endnic %}

1 Like

That’s great @Thijs. FYI: You could write this in this way too:

{% nic %}<font color="ffffff">{% endnic %}Tekst{% nic %}</font>{% endnic %}


@Thijs, @SamVanEenoo

Thanks works perfectly! :slight_smile: