POST values to Bedrijfsparameters


We would like to POST company data (directors/shareholders/general meeting info/…) from our custom-made CRM-tool to “bedrijfsparameters” like Adminis’ administration sync.
Which API endpoint could we use to achieve something like this?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Maxime,

This can be done using the all_people endpoint:!/companies/postV3CompaniesCompanyIdAllPeople

This POST request will allow you to update both directors and shareholders for a specific file in Silverfin:

POST /v3/companies/{company_id}/all_people

Is this the endpoint you are looking for?

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Thanks Jelle, this solves part of my problem since this allows me to update the associated people for a company, but still not the values for general meeting date/place among other things. Or are these other values updateable by using the ‘/v3/companies/{company_id}/custom’ endpoint?

Does the ‘/v3/companies/{company_id}/all_people’ endpoint overwrite all existing values each time a POST call is done? Is there also a GET version of this endpoint or another way to first retrieve all people-data?

The call will overwrite the people of company, so ensure you pick all directors and shareholders in that request to ensure all people are correctly updated/created for that company.

This is probably why there is no GET call currently since the POST request will just overwrite it.

For the general meeting date, this is indeed with the custom endpoint on the general_meeting text template. You will have to fetch the identifier of this document for that company first:

GET /v3/companies/{company_id}/periods/{period_id}/permanent_texts

After which you can update the custom values for general meeting:


Does this help you further?

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Yes, thanks again! That’s exactly what I needed.

Hi @Jelle, I only just now started working on aforementioned sync and I’m having some trouble with getting the updated values into to ‘Bedrijfsparameters’-text:

  • ‘POST /v4/f/{root_firm_id}/companies/{company_id}/all_people’: I can update the directors/shareholders data this way and they do seem to come trough ok when I go to the edit page of the company.
    => used postdata: {‘people’: [{‘name’: ‘Sven Cornelis’, ‘email’: ‘’, ‘amount_of_votes’: ‘99’, ‘amount_of_shares’: ‘99’, ‘external_id’: ‘1’, ‘role’: ‘Bestuurder’, ‘statutory’: False, ‘shareholder’: True, ‘director’: True, ‘director_start_date’: ‘01/01/2009’, ‘director_end_date’: ‘31/12/2021’}]}

    However, when I look at the ‘Bedrijfsparameters’-text in period 12/2020 this part still remains empty.
    Is there something else I still have to do to get them in there (automatically)?

  • POST ‘/v4/f/{root_firm_id}/companies/{company_id}/custom’: after updating some custom values trough this endpoint I noticed that variables like ‘’ do pop up right in the ‘Bedrijfsparameters’, while AV related values (av.uur,av.minuten,av.datum,…) don’t.
    In your previous answer you talked about fetching the identifier of the permanent text first, but I don’t see where I should then use this in my call to update the latter values.
    Could you give me some more info/examples on this?


Thanks in advance!

Hi Maxime,

Would it be possible to provide me with the link towards the file in which you are trying this out?
I’ll have a look at what is going on exactly with these variables that you’ve posted via the API.

Hi @Jelle, just now after my post I was looking at the way Admin-is handles the sync with Silverfin and I noticed something strange.

If I add an empty administration sync to ‘AdminConsult’, so without company/administration references and then go to the ‘Bedrijfsparameters’ template I do get a button (which was not there before) to import the data I created earlier (see previous reply). When I then click it all the people- and AV-data pop up.

I’m happy to see that it does work but I would prefer not having to set an empty administration sync to an application which is not actually used anymore…
Is there any way around this or is this something that needs to be fixed in your code?

p.s. I’m currently testing this sync in:

Hi Maxime,

I’ve created a ticket with our developers, because I’m currently experiencing the same behavior as you.
This however should not be the way to deal with the POST call on all_people, we would expect the data to be visible once you’ve updated the people via the API.

I’ll get back to you as soon as I have more information.

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