When a PermanentDocument is of type PermanentMail, it will now have an extra attribute “attachments” which include the attachments added to this email, as an array of objects with “file_name” and “download_url” attributes.
To Company we added the “accountancy_synchronisation_entity_id” and “administration_synchronisation_entity_id” attributes.
New endpoint /companies/:company_id/account/:account_id: Return data about a single Account
Permanent folders now have a new attribute visibility which could be set to private or public. This refers to visibility of the folder to the customer. If it is set to private the customer won’t be able to see this folder.
Added webhooks on remarks and comments, so you can listen on create/update/destroy and synchronise communication in an external application with Silverfin.
Added /companies/:company_id/periods/public to mark periods as public for external users. Requires a valid date that matches an existing period end date.