Selected accounts not visible in our reconciliation "overzicht kredieten" after activation of Silverfin Assistant

Good day all,

We have a reconciliation template and if the Silverfin Assistant has been activated for a file, the selected accounts are not visible anymore on the template.

In next screenshot you can see how it was.

Here below how it’s now after the installation of the AI

You can see that the account numbers are not visible.

however in the screenshot below you’ll see the sellected accounts.

Our Silverfin contact person said
“The accounts will not be linked through the #'s in the explanations because once a file is mapped, it will look at the mapped account numbers. Therefore, you will still need to adjust these account numbers in the underlying liquid code:”

Here the code of the reconciliation

{% t= 'Overzicht van de Kapitaalaflossingen van Financieringen-Leasing-Kredieten' fr:"Aperçu des remboursements de capital de Financement-Leasing-Crédits" %}
{% t= 'Datum' fr:"Date" %}
{% t= 'Bank: Omschrijving' fr:"Banque: déscription" %}
{% t= 'Bedrag' fr:"Montant" %}
{% t= 'Kapitaal' fr:"Capital" %}
{% t= 'Intrest' fr:"Intérêt" %}
{% t= 'Saldo' fr:"Équilibre" %}
{% t= 'BJ' fr:"AF" %}
{% t= 'Beroeps' fr:'Professionnel' %}
{% t= 'Eind' fr:'Fin' %}
{% t= 'Aflossing' fr:"Remboursement" %}
{% t= 'Financiering Voorafbetaling' fr:"Financement Versements anticipés" %}
{% t= 'Financiering Vakantiegeld' fr:"Financement Pécule de vacances" %}
{% t= 'Financiering Eindejaarspremie' fr:"Financement Prime de fin d'année " %}

{% nic %}->{%endnic%} _**{% t 'Overzicht van de Kapitaalaflossingen van Financieringen-Leasing-Kredieten' %}**_ {% nic %}<-{%endnic%}

{% assign default_straightloan_accounts = '432000' %}
{% assign dent1 = '&nbsp;&nbsp;' %}
{% assign dent2 = dent1 | append:dent1 %}

{% assign default_voorafbetaling_accounts = '431000' %}
{% assign default_vakantiegeld_accounts = '431100' %} 
{% assign default_eindejaarspremie_accounts = '431200' %}

{% if custom.straightloan.accounts == blank %}{% assign straightloan_accounts = default_straightloan_accounts %}{% else %}{% assign straightloan_accounts = custom.straightloan.accounts %}{% endif %}
{% assign custom_straightloan_accounts = period.accounts | range: straightloan_accounts %}
{% assign straightloan = custom_straightloan_accounts.value %}

{% if custom.voorafbetaling.accounts == blank %}{% assign voorafbetaling_accounts = default_voorafbetaling_accounts %}{% else %}{% assign voorafbetaling_accounts = custom.voorafbetaling.accounts %}{% endif %}
{% assign custom_voorafbetaling_accounts = period.accounts | range: voorafbetaling_accounts %}
{% assign voorafbetaling = custom_voorafbetaling_accounts.value %}

{% if custom.vakantiegeld.accounts == blank %}{% assign vakantiegeld_accounts = default_vakantiegeld_accounts %}{% else %}{% assign vakantiegeld_accounts = custom.vakantiegeld.accounts %}{% endif %}
{% assign custom_vakantiegeld_accounts = period.accounts | range: vakantiegeld_accounts %}
{% assign vakantiegeld = custom_vakantiegeld_accounts.value %}

{% if custom.eindejaarspremie.accounts == blank %}{% assign eindejaarspremie_accounts = default_eindejaarspremie_accounts %}{% else %}{% assign eindejaarspremie_accounts = custom.eindejaarspremie.accounts %}{% endif %}
{% assign custom_eindejaarspremie_accounts = period.accounts | range: eindejaarspremie_accounts %}
{% assign eindejaarspremie = custom_eindejaarspremie_accounts.value %}

{% capture company_form %}{{ company.company_form | replace: '.','' | replace: ' ','' | downcase }}{% endcapture %}
{% ic %} company_form: {{ company_form }}{% endic %}
{% if company_form == blank or company_form == empty or company_form == '' or 'feitelijkevereniging' ==  company_form %}
  {% assign emz = true %}
  {% assign rekeningen = '65' %}
  {% assign default_saldo_accounts = '6500' %}
  {% assign sjabloon = 'Intrest op Leasing, investeringskrediet of financiering' %}
  {% assign max_number_of_years = 4 %}
  {% assign intrest_text = 'Totale intrest' %}
{% else %}
  {% assign emz = false %}
  {% assign rekeningen = '42' %}
  {% assign default_saldo_accounts = '422,423' %}
  {% assign sjabloon = 'Leasing, investeringskrediet of financiering' %}
  {% assign max_number_of_years = 5 %}
  {% assign intrest_text = 'Intrest' %}
{% if custom.saldo.accounts == blank %}{% assign saldo_accounts = default_saldo_accounts %}{% else %}{% assign saldo_accounts = custom.saldo.accounts %}{% endif %}
{% assign custom_saldo_accounts = period.accounts.include_zeros | range: saldo_accounts %}
{% assign custom_schulden_accounts = custom_saldo_accounts %}

{% assign date_format = '%d.%m.%Y' %}
{% assign date_format_chron = '%Y%m%d' %}
{% assign ditjaar_start = period.year_start_date | date:date_format %} 
{% assign ditjaar_eind = period.year_end_date | date:date_format %} 
{% assign ditjaar_eind_chron = period.year_end_date | date:date_format_chron %} 

{% if custom.aantal.jaar != blank %}{% assign max_number_of_years = custom.aantal.jaar | integer %}{%endif%}

{% assign ditjaar_key= 'jaren_' | append:ditjaar_eind_chron %}
{% assign jaren_chron = ditjaar_eind_chron | split:'|' %}

{% assign [ditjaar_key] = ditjaar_eind %}

{% assign $10 = 0 %}
{% assign list_string = '' %}
{% for account in custom_schulden_accounts %}
{% $10+ account.results.saldo %}
{% assign previous_saldo = false %}
{% if custom.sorteer.optie == 'bedrag' %}
{% assign sorting_attribute = account.custom.lening.ontleend_bedrag*100 | prepend:'0000000000' | split: "" | reverse | join: "" | truncate: 18, "" | split: "" | reverse | join: "" %}
{% elsif custom.sorteer.optie == 'begin' %}
  {% assign sorting_attribute = account.custom.lening.datum_overeenkomst | date:'%Y%m%d' %}
{% elsif custom.sorteer.optie == 'eind' %}
  {% assign sorting_attribute = account.custom.lening.laatste_vervaldag | date:'%Y%m%d' %}
{% elsif custom.sorteer.optie == 'ontlener' %}
  {% assign sorting_attribute = account.custom.lening.ontlener %}
{% else %}
  {% assign sorting_attribute = account.mapped_number %}
{% endif %}
{% assign list_string = list_string | append:sorting_attribute | append:'.' | append:account.mapped_number %}
{% unless forloop.last %}{% assign list_string = list_string | append:'|' %}{% endunless %}
{% addnewinputs %}
{% assign details = account.custom.details | sort:'date' %}
{% endaddnewinputs %}
{% for detail in details %}

{% assign new_date = | date:date_format | split:'|' %}
{% assign new_date_chron = | date:date_format_chron | split:'|' %}

{% assign jaren_chron = jaren_chron | concat:new_date_chron | uniq | sort %}

{% assign jaar_key = 'jaren' | append:new_date_chron[0] %}
{% assign [jaar_key] = new_date %}

{% assign j = new_date_chron[0] | remove:'.' %}
{% assign key = account.number | append:'y' | append:j %}
{% assign vv = 'vv_' | append:key %}
{% assign kapitaal = 'kapitaal' | append:key %}
{% assign totaal_kapitaal = 'totaal_kapitaal' | append:j %}
{% assign saldo = 'saldo' | append:key %}
{% assign intrest = 'intrest' | append:key %}
{% if detail.custom.vervroegd == 'true' %}
  {% assign [vv] = 'true' %}
  {% assign kapitaal = kapitaal | append:'vv' %}
  {% assign totaal_kapitaal = totaal_kapitaal | append:'vv' %}
  {% assign saldo = saldo | append:'vv' %}
  {% assign intrest = intrest | append:'vv' %}
{% endif %}
{% if account.custom.lening.ingave == 2 %}
  {% unless previous_saldo %}
    {% assign previous_saldo = detail.custom.begin_saldo %}
    {% if detail.custom.begin_saldo == blank %}
      {% assign previous_saldo = account.custom.lening.ontleend_bedrag %}
    {%endif %}
  {% endunless %}
  {% assign [kapitaal] = previous_saldo-detail.custom.eind_saldo %}
  {% assign previous_saldo = detail.custom.eind_saldo %}
{% else %}
  {% assign [kapitaal] = detail.custom.betaald_saldo %}
  {% assign [saldo] = detail.custom.eind_saldo %}
{% endif %}
{% assign [totaal_kapitaal] = [totaal_kapitaal]+[kapitaal] %}
{% assign [intrest] = detail.custom.betaald_intrest %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

{% assign ordered_accounts = list_string | split:'|' | sort %}

{% assign ditjaar_index = 0 %}
{% for jaar in jaren_chron %}{% if jaar == ditjaar_eind_chron %}{% assign ditjaar_index = forloop.index0 %} {% endif %}{%endfor%}
{% assign jaren_toek = jaren.size-ditjaar_index %}
{% if jaren_toek < number_of_years %}{% assign number_of_years = jaren_toek %}{% else %}{% assign number_of_years = max_number_of_years %}{%endif%}

{% assign number_of_years_int = 1.0*number_of_years %}
{% if 2 >= number_of_years_int %}
  {% assign font_size = 'm' %}
  {% assign header_font_size = 'm' %}
  {% assign lines_per_page = 28 %}
{% elsif 3 >= number_of_years_int %}
  {% assign font_size = 's' %}
  {% assign header_font_size = 'm' %}
  {% assign lines_per_page = 32 %}
{% else  %}
  {% assign font_size = 'xs' %}
  {% assign header_font_size = 's' %}
  {% assign lines_per_page = 35 %}
{%endif %}

{% if custom.aantal.lines_per_page != blank %}{% assign lines_per_page = custom.aantal.lines_per_page | integer %}{%endif%}

{% ic %}

*Selecteer de te beschouwen **{{rekeningen}}-rekeningen**:* {% input custom.saldo.accounts as:account_collection default:saldo_accounts range:1__9 default:default_saldo_accounts %} 
*Pas voor deze rekeningen het sjabloon **{{sjabloon}}** toe.*
*Geef in de toelichting van deze rekeningen de aflossingen, waarborgen en overige gegevens in.*
*In de export (bundel) komt de volledige tabel te staan met aflossingen voor **{% input custom.aantal.jaar as:integer default:number_of_years size:mini %} jaar** met hoogstens **{% input custom.aantal.lines_per_page default:lines_per_page %} kredieten per pagina**.*

*Sorteer rekeningen op* {% input custom.sorteer.optie as:select options:'geleend bedrag|datum overeenkomst|einddatum krediet|kredietinstelling|rekeningnummer' option_values:'bedrag|begin|eind|ontlener|rekeningnummer' default:'rekeningnummer' %}

{% stripnewlines %}
{% for item in ordered_accounts %}
{% assign account_number = item | split:'.' | last %}
{% assign account = period.accounts.include_zeros | range:account_number | first %}
{% assign saldo_min = account.results.saldo %}
{% if account.results.vervroegd == 'true' %}
  {% assign saldo_min = account.results.saldo_vv %}
{% endif %}
{% if forloop.first %}
| Rekening 
| Omschrijving 
| Kredietinstelling
| Geleend bedrag
| Saldo per <br> {{ ditjaar_eind }}
| Schulden <br> <= 1 jaar
| Schulden <br> > 1 jaar; <= 5 jaar
| Schulden <br> > 5 jaar
| {{ intrest_text }} <br> dit jaar
{% newline %}|--5%----|-----|----|---9%---:|---9%---:|---9%---:|---9%---:|---9%---:|---9%--:+{% endif %}{% newline %}
| {% linkto account %}{{ account.number }}{% endlinkto %}
| {% if account.custom.lening.doel != blank %}{{ account.custom.lening.doel }}{% else %}{{ }}{%endif%}
| {{ account.custom.lening.ontlener }}
| {%=$0+ account.custom.lening.ontleend_bedrag | currency %}
| {% unless emz %}{% unexplained account.value+account.results.account_17+saldo_min as:indicator %}{% endunless %}
  {%=$1+  saldo_min | currency %}
| {% unless emz %}{% unexplained account.value+account.results.min_1_jaar as:indicator %}{% endunless %}
  {%=$2+ account.results.min_1_jaar | currency %}
  {% assign min_5_plus_1 = account.results.plus_1_jaar-account.results.plus_5_jaar %}
| {%=$3+ min_5_plus_1 | currency %}
| {%=$5+ account.results.plus_5_jaar | currency %}
| {% unless emz %}{% unexplained account.results.interest+account.results.interest_vv-account.results.account_65 as:indicator %}{% else %}{% unexplained account.results.interest+account.results.interest_vv-account.value as:indicator %}{% endunless %}
  {%$4+ account.results.interest %}{% if account.results.interest == blank and account.results.saldo != blank or account.results.interest_vv == blank and account.results.saldo_vv != blank %}PM{% else %}{{account.results.interest+account.results.interest_vv | currency}}{%endif%}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
|  |    | **{{ 'totalen' | upcase }}** | **{{ $0 | currency }}** | **{{ $1 | currency }}** | **{{ $2 | currency }}** | **{{ $3 | currency }}** | **{{ $5 | currency }}** | **{{ $4 | currency }}** |
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
| | | | |
{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% endic %}

{% nic %}
{% assign bg_color_1 = 'c0c6be' %}
{% assign bg_color_2 = '60635f' %}

{% assign font = '{::font size="' | append:font_size | append:'"}' %}
{% assign font_header = '{::font size="' | append:header_font_size | append:'"}' %}
{% assign end_font = '{:/font}' %}

{% assign omsch_width = 20 %}
{% assign nr_cols = (2*number_of_years)+3 %}
{% assign col_width = ((100-omsch_width)/nr_cols) %}
{% assign col_widths = col_width | split:'.' %}
{% assign col_width = col_widths.first | integer %}

{% assign nr_lines = 0 %}
{% assign col_rest = 100-(nr_cols)*col_width %}

{% stripnewlines %}
{% for item in ordered_accounts %}
{% assign account_number = item | split:'.' | last %}
{% assign account = period.accounts.include_zeros | range:account_number | first %}
{% if 0+nr_lines == 0+lines_per_page or 0 == nr_lines %}
{% if 0 != nr_lines  %}
{% newline %}
{% newpage 'landscape' %}
{% endif %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
|:------:|:---{{ 3*col_width | integer }}%---:{% for i in (2..number_of_years) %}|:---{{ 2*col_width | integer }}%---:{% endfor %}#+{{bg_color_1}}
{% newline %}
| **{{font_header}}{% t 'Aflossing' %}{{end_font}}** | {% for i in (ditjaar_index..ditjaar_index+number_of_years-1) %}{% assign jaar = jaren_chron[i] %}{% assign jaar_key = 'jaren' | append:jaar %} **{{font_header}}{% t 'BJ' %} {{[jaar_key]}}{{end_font}}** |{% endfor%}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
|:------:|:------:|:------{% if emz %}|:----:{%endif%}|--{{ col_width | integer }}%---:|---{{ col_width | integer }}%---:{% for i in (1..2*number_of_years) %}|---{{ col_width | integer }}%---:{%endfor%}#+
{% newline %}
| **{{font_header}}{% t 'Datum' %}{{end_font}}** 
| **{{font_header}}{% t 'Eind' %}{{end_font}}** 
| **{{font_header}}{% t 'Bank: Omschrijving' %}{{end_font}}** 
| **{{font_header}}{% t 'Bedrag' %}{{end_font}}** 
{% if emz %}| **{{font_header}}{% t 'Beroeps' %} %{{end_font}}**{%endif%}
| {% for i in (1..number_of_years) %}
  **{{font_header}}{% t 'Kapitaal' %}{{end_font}}** | 
  **{{font_header}}{{ intrest_text }}{{end_font}}** | 
  {% if forloop.first %} **{{font_header}}{% t 'Saldo' %}{{end_font}}** | {%endif%}
{% endfor%}
{% assign nr_lines = 0 %}
{% newline %}
{% endif %}

{% assign nr_lines = nr_lines+1 %}
{% assign saldo_min = account.results.saldo %}
{% comment %}
{% if account.results.vervroegd == 'true' %}
  {% assign saldo_min = account.results.saldo_vv %}
{% endif %}
{% endcomment %}
{% assign totaal_saldo = totaal_saldo+saldo_min %}
{% assign totaal_min_1_jaar = account.results.min_1_jaar+totaal_min_1_jaar %}
{% assign totaal_plus_5_jaar = account.results.plus_5_jaar+totaal_plus_5_jaar %}
{% assign totaal_bedrag = totaal_bedrag+account.custom.lening.ontleend_bedrag %}
{% assign vv_account = 'false' %}
{% capture lening_titel %}{{ account.custom.lening.ontlener }}: {% if account.custom.lening.doel == blank %}{{ }}{% else %}{{ account.custom.lening.doel }}{% endif %}{%endcapture%}
| {{font}}{{ account.custom.lening.datum_overeenkomst | date:date_format }}{{end_font}} 
| {{font}}{{ account.custom.lening.laatste_vervaldag | date:date_format }}{{end_font}} 
| {{font}}{{ lening_titel | multiline_table }}{{end_font}} 
| {{font}}{{ account.custom.lening.ontleend_bedrag | currency }}{{end_font}} 
{% if emz %}{% assign beroeps = 1.0-period.reconciliations.detail_financiele_kosten.custom.deel_prive[account.number] %}
| {{font}}{{ beroeps | percentage }}{{end_font}}
| {% for i in (ditjaar_index..ditjaar_index+number_of_years-1) %}
{% assign j = jaren_chron[i] %}
{% assign key = account.number | append:'y' | append:j %}
{% assign kapitaal = 'kapitaal' | append:key %}
{% assign vv = 'vv_' | append:key %}
{% assign saldo = 'saldo' | append:key %}
{% assign intrest = 'intrest' | append:key %}
{% assign totaal_kapitaal = 'totaalkapitaal' | append:j %}
{% assign totaal_intrest = 'totaalintrest' | append:j %}
{% assign [totaal_kapitaal] = [totaal_kapitaal]+[kapitaal] %}
{% unless [intrest] == blank %}{% assign [totaal_intrest] = [totaal_intrest]+[intrest] %}{% endunless %}
{% if [vv] == 'true' %}{% assign vv_account = 'true' %}{% assign vv_overall = 'true' %}{%endif%}
{{font}}{{ [kapitaal] | currency }}{{end_font}} | 
{{font}}{% if [intrest] == blank and [kapitaal] != blank %}PM{%else%}{{ [intrest] | currency }}{%endif%}{{end_font}} | 
{% if forloop.first %}
  {{font}}{{ account.results.saldo | currency }}{{end_font}} |
{% endif %}
{% newline %}
{% if vv_account == 'true' %}
| {{dent2}}{{dent2}}{{font}}{{ 'Vervroegde terugbetaling' }}{{end_font}}
| {% if emz %} | {%endif%}
| {% for i in (ditjaar_index..ditjaar_index+number_of_years-1) %}
{% assign j = jaren_chron[i] %}
{% assign key = account.number | append:'y' | append:j %}
{% assign kapitaal = 'kapitaal' | append:key | append:'vv' %}
{% assign vv = 'vv_' | append:key | append:'vv' %}
{% assign saldo = 'saldo' | append:key | append:'vv' %}
{% assign intrest = 'intrest' | append:key | append:'vv' %}
{% assign totaal_kapitaal = 'totaalkapitaal' | append:j | append:'vv' %}
{% assign totaal_intrest = 'totaalintrest' | append:j | append:'vv' %}
{% assign [totaal_kapitaal] = [totaal_kapitaal]+[kapitaal] %}
{% unless [intrest] == blank %}{% assign [totaal_intrest] = [totaal_intrest]+[intrest] %}{% endunless %}
{{font}}{% if blank != [kapitaal] %}{{ [kapitaal] | currency }}{% endif %}{{end_font}} | 
{{font}}{% if [intrest] == blank and [kapitaal] != blank %}PM{% elsif blank != [kapitaal] %}{{ [intrest] | currency }}{%endif%}{{end_font}} |
{% if forloop.first %}
  {% if blank != [kapitaal] %}{{font}}{{ account.results.saldo_vv | currency }}{{end_font}}{% endif %} |
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% newline %}
{% endif %}
{% if forloop.last %}
|  |
{% newline %}
|  | | {{font_header}}**TOTAAL**{{end_font}} | {{font}}**{{ totaal_bedrag | currency }}**{{end_font}} |{% if emz %} | {%endif%}
{% for i in (ditjaar_index..ditjaar_index+number_of_years-1) %}
{% assign j = jaren_chron[i] %}
{% assign totaal_kapitaal = 'totaalkapitaal' | append:j %}
{% assign totaal_intrest = 'totaalintrest' | append:j %}
{% assign totaal_kapitaal_vv = 'totaalkapitaal' | append:j | append:'vv' %}
{% assign totaal_intrest_vv = 'totaalintrest' | append:j | append:'vv' %}
{{font}}**{{ [totaal_kapitaal]+[totaal_kapitaal_vv] | currency }}**{{end_font}} |
{{font}}**{{ [totaal_intrest]+[totaal_intrest_vv] | currency }}**{{end_font}} | 
{% if forloop.first %}
  {{font}}**{{ totaal_saldo | currency }}**{{end_font}} |
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if vv_overall == 'true' %}
{% newline %}
|  | | {{ dent2 }}{{font_header}}**{{ 'Periodieke Aflossingen' | upcase }}**{{end_font}} |  |{% if emz %} | {%endif%}
{% for i in (ditjaar_index..ditjaar_index+number_of_years-1) %}
{% assign j = jaren_chron[i] | remove:'.' %}
{% assign totaal_kapitaal = 'totaalkapitaal' | append:j %}
{% assign totaal_intrest = 'totaalintrest' | append:j %}
{{font}}**{{ [totaal_kapitaal] | currency }}**{{end_font}} |
{{font}}**{{ [totaal_intrest] | currency }}**{{end_font}} | 
{% if forloop.first %} | {%endif%}
{% newline %}
|  | | {{ dent2 }}{{font_header}}**{{ 'Vervroegde Terugbetalingen' | upcase }}**{{end_font}} |  | {% if emz %} | {%endif%}
{% for i in (ditjaar_index..ditjaar_index+number_of_years-1) %}
{% assign j = jaren_chron[i] | remove:'.' %}
{% assign totaal_kapitaal_vv = 'totaalkapitaal' | append:j | append:'vv' %}
{% assign totaal_intrest_vv = 'totaalintrest' | append:j | append:'vv' %}
{{font}}**{{ [totaal_kapitaal_vv] | currency }}**{{end_font}} |
{{font}}**{{ [totaal_intrest_vv] | currency }}**{{end_font}} | 
{% if forloop.first %} | {%endif%}
{% endif %}

{% endstripnewlines %}
{% endnic %}

{% result 'totaal_saldo' $10 %}
{% assign ditjaar = jaren_chron[ditjaar_index] | remove:'.' %}
{% assign totaal_kapitaal = 'totaal_kapitaal' | append:ditjaar %}{% result 'totaal_kapitaal' [totaal_kapitaal] %}

|:----|----|----:|:-------|{% ifi straightloan != 0 %}
| {{font_header}}Opgenomen Straightloan{{end_font}} {% input custom.straightloan.accounts as:account_collection range:1__9 default:default_straightloan_accounts %} | &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; | **{{font_header}}{{ straightloan | n_currency }}{{end_font}}** | | {% endifi %}{% ifi custom.niet_opgenomen_straightloan.value != 0 and custom.niet_opgenomen_straightloan.value != blank %}
| {{font_header}}Niet-Opgenomen Straightloan{{end_font}} | &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; | **{{font_header}}{% input custom.niet_opgenomen_straightloan.value as:currency placeholder:'niet-opgenomen straightloan' %}{{end_font}}** | | {% endifi %}{% ifi custom.kaskrediet.value != 0 and custom.kaskrediet.value != blank %}
| {{font_header}}Kaskrediet{{end_font}} | &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; | **{{font_header}}{% input custom.kaskrediet.value as:currency placeholder:'kaskrediet' %}{{end_font}}** | | {% endifi %}{% ifi voorafbetaling != 0 %}
| {{font_header}}{% t 'Financiering Voorafbetaling' %}{{end_font}} {% input custom.voorafbetaling.accounts as:account_collection range:1__9 default:default_voorafbetaling_accounts %} | &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; | **{{font_header}}{{ voorafbetaling | n_currency }}{{end_font}}** | | {% endifi %}{% ifi vakantiegeld != 0 %}
| {{font_header}}{% t 'Financiering Vakantiegeld' %}{{end_font}} {% input custom.vakantiegeld.accounts as:account_collection range:1__9 default:default_vakantiegeld_accounts %} | &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; | **{{font_header}}{{ vakantiegeld | n_currency }}{{end_font}}** | | {% endifi %}{% ifi eindejaarspremie != 0 %}
| {{font_header}}{% t 'Financiering Eindejaarspremie' %}{{end_font}} {% input custom.eindejaarspremie.accounts as:account_collection range:1__9 default:default_eindejaarspremie_accounts %} | &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; | **{{font_header}}{{ eindejaarspremie | n_currency }}{{end_font}}** | | {% endifi %}
|  |  |  |
{% result 'accounts' custom_schulden_accounts.count %}

Hi @Maarten ,

Thanks for reaching out to us. The code doesn’t break on the activation of Silverfin Assistant but on the implementation of suffixes for your account(s). As I can see in you first printscreen there is no suffix, while in the second one there is.

On line 94 you can find this code

{% assign list_string = list_string | append:sorting_attribute | append:'.' | append:account.mapped_number %}

It looks to me the code is using a dot as some sort of delimiter. However, by adding suffixes, your account numbers will already have a dot and the current template code cannot handle that.

I would advise you to have another look at this logic, and try playing around with another character to be used as delimiter (note that’s not only on line 94 but also other places).

Kind regards,

Michiel, thank you for the quick response.

I’ve changed the delimiter and the account numbers became visible.again.