Rekeningsjabloon - Rekening courant

Sjabloon Rekening Courant (not a standard template) is used to explain current accounts. When assign this template the account was automically explained (= green). As of 7/04/2017 when using this template the account remains unexplained (=red).

Please advise.

Hello @Maarten_Acco,

Could you please paste the code of your Rekening Courant template?
This will make it easier for us to help you. Thanks in advance!

Please read the following post about how to paste code in the community:


My apologies, please find below code :

{% assign vorig_jaar_account = period.minus_1y.year_end.accounts | range:current_account.number %}
{% assign huidig_jaar_account = period.year_end.accounts | range:current_account.number %}
{% assign percentage = 0 %}
{% assign gemiddelde = 0 %}
{% assign perc = 0.30 %}
{% assign $0 = 0 %}

{% inputcomment %}Indien de berekening van de interesten gebeurt op dagbasis vink dan aan: {% input custom.dagberekening.checked as:boolean %} {% endinputcomment %}

{% if custom.dagberekening.checked == 'true' %}

Intresten van de R/C worden berekend op dagbasis. {% input custom.dagberekening.file as:file %}

| _Beginsaldo_    | _Eindsaldo_ | _Intrest %_ | _Intrestbedrag_
| {% input custom.begin.saldo as:currency default:-1*vorig_jaar_account.value %} {% assign $0 = custom.begin.saldo %} | {{ -1*huidig_jaar_account.value | currency }} | {% input custom.intrest.percentage as:percentage %} | {% input custom.intrest.bedrag as:currency %} {% assign $1 = custom.intrest.bedrag %} |  
| Bruto intrest a rato {{ custom.intrest.percentage | percentage }} | | {{ $1 | currency }} |  
| Roerende voorheffing | {% input custom.rv.perc as:percentage default:'0.30' %}{% if custom.rv.perc != blank %}{% assign perc = custom.rv.perc%}{% endif %}  | {%=$10+ -1*$1*perc | round | currency %}
| **Te betalen intresten** | | **{{ $1+$10 | currency }}**

{% else %}
{% inputcomment %}Indien dit een R/C betreft van een andere vennootschap voeg dan hier de overeenstemming toe:{% endinputcomment %} {% input custom.rc.overeenstemming.file as:file %}

| _Begin_    | _Einde_      | _Gemiddelde_      | _Intrest %_ | _Intrestbedrag_  
| {% input custom.begin.saldo as:currency default:-1*vorig_jaar_account.value %} {% assign $0 = custom.begin.saldo %}  {% if custom.begin.saldo == blank %} {% assign $0 = -1*vorig_jaar_account.value %} {% endif %} | {{ -1*huidig_jaar_account.value | currency }} |  {% assign gemiddelde = ($0+(-1*huidig_jaar_account.value))/2 %} {{ gemiddelde | currency }} | {% input custom.intrest.percentage as:percentage %} | {%=$1+ gemiddelde*custom.intrest.percentage | round | currency %} |  
| Bruto intrest a rato {{ custom.intrest.percentage | percentage }} | | {{ $1 | currency }} |  
| Roerende voorheffing | {% input custom.rv.perc as:percentage default:'0.30' %}{% if custom.rv.perc != blank %}{% assign perc = custom.rv.perc%}{%endif %}  | {%=$10+ -1*$1*perc | round | currency %}
| **Te betalen intresten** | | **{{ $1+$10 | currency }}**

{% endif %} 

Hello @Maarten_Acco,

In this case the issue could be resolved by indicating in your code which value you want to explain.

If you want the account to explain the value “Begin” for example, at the bottom of your code you could put:

{% unexplained $0-current_account.value %} 

In this example, the current account value is explained by the value saved in $0.