Sum is working but value is not visible

I’m trying to make a sum on a line in a template, but the result is not visible.

The running total on the template is working fine.

What am I doing wrong ?

|- Belastbare reserves in het kapitaal en belastbare uitgiftepremies | {% $1+input custom.belast_begin.uitgifte as:currency %}| {% $2+input custom.belast_controle.uitgifte as:currency %}|{% $3+ custom.belast_begin.uitgifte+custom.belast_controle.uitgifte as:currency %}

Hello @fmartin,

The issue is that the third one is not an input, but a calculated one.

and the code needs to be like this :

{%=$3+ custom.belast_begin.uitgifte+custom.belast_controle.uitgifte as:currency %}

So =$3+ instead of $3+ (the last one, you use with input values)