I’ve start to adapt the “Jaarverslag” by adding some code.
I want to ask my users to choose if between 2 choses, if not chosen one of them, it needs to give the same tekst.
After trial and Error, I came to this code :
—>{% assign nr = nr | plus:1%}{{nr}}. Rekening-courant
{% inputcomment %} Indien er geen Rekening-courant aanwezig is, niets aanvinken, anders selecteer één of meerdere van onderstaande :
{% input custom.artikels.debit_zijde as boolean %} Debit zijde
{% input custom.artikels.credit_zijde as boolean %} Credit zijde
{{ geen rc }}
{% else %}
{% case director_type %}{% when ‘zaakvoerder’ %}De zaakvoerder bevestigd{% when ‘zaakvoerders’ %}Het college van zaakvoerders bevestigen{% else %}De raad van bestuur bevestigen{% endcase %} dat er geen saldo’s op de debit of creditzijde van de {% if company_form == “COMMV” %}interne jaarrekening{% else %}jaarrekening{% endif %} aanwezig zijn.
{% endif %}<—
Also, you wrote down credut_rc when later in the code you use credit_rc.
This code will display the first code if the if-statement is fulfilled (when it’s checked that is). If it’s not check, then the else-statement will be fullfilled.
Also, you give {{ geen rc }} but nowhere that variable is being defined (so it really doesn’t exists).
I don’t see any where the {{ geen rc }} is created. And it shouldn’t work because there’s a space between.
So at least it should be geen_rc for instance.
The capture-thing is not necessary because you don’t use the whole code between {% capture %} and {% endcapture %}; you just use the ‘true’-value of it.
Maybe you can post some screenshots because I’m not entirely following what you are trying to do.
You want users to check option A or B, and if nothing is selected that it displays a whole other text, no @Sven.G ?
{% input custom.some.things as:select options:'debet|credit' %}
{% if custom.some.things == 'debet' or custom.some.things == 'credit' %}
something has been selected
{% else %}
nothing has been selected
{% endif %}
Could you try with this? Let me know if you’re stuck.
{% else %}
{% case director_type %}{% when ‘zaakvoerder’ %}De zaakvoerder bevestigd{% when ‘zaakvoerders’ %}Het college van zaakvoerders bevestigen{% else %}De raad van bestuur bevestigen{% endcase %} dat er geen saldo’s op de debit of creditzijde van de {% if company_form == “COMMV” %}interne jaarrekening{% else %}jaarrekening{% endif %} aanwezig zijn.
{% endif %}