Adding attachment to each line of reconciliation statement

I have a reconciliation template which has questions which have to be answered. There is a text box to add answers on each of the questions.
I want to add the ability to add an attachment at the end of each of the questions, so each question could result in a text answer and an attachment.

Can this be done. I have highlighted in Bold the section that I believe it needs to be in.

Maggie farmer (for Luke Taylor)
{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
| {% t “Name client” %}
| {{ | upcase }}
| {% t “Period working papers” %}
| {{ period.end_date | date:"%d-%m-%Y" }}
{% newline %}
| {% t “Prepared by:” %}
{% input custom.prepared.check as:boolean %}
{% if custom.prepared.check == “true” %}
{% assign check_prep = 0 %}
{% else %}
{% assign check_prep = 1 %}
{% endif %}
| {% unreconciled check_prep as:indicator %}
{{ }}
| {% t “Prepared on:” %}
| {{ custom.prepared.check.updated_at | date:"%d/%m/%Y" }}
{% newline %}
| {% t “Review by:” %}
{% input as:boolean %}
{% if == “true” %}
{% assign check_review = 0 %}
{% else %}
{% assign check_review = 1 %}
{% endif %}
| {% unreconciled check_review as:indicator %}
{{ }}
| {% t “Review on:” %}
| {{ | date:"%d/%m/%Y" }}
{% newline %}
| {% t “Approved by:” %}
{% input as:boolean %}
{% if == “true” %}
{% assign check_review = 0 %}
{% else %}
{% assign check_review = 1 %}
{% endif %}
| {% unreconciled check_review as:indicator %}
{{ }}
| {% t “Approved on:” %}
| {{ | date:"%d/%m/%Y" }}
{% endstripnewlines %}
{% stripnewlines %}
| {% t “VAT-check” %}
| {% t “Extra comments” %}
{% newline %}
{% for check in array_keys %}
{% newline %}
| {% input custom.[check].check_mark as:boolean %}
{% comment %}Below will make the templates reconciliation needed{% endcomment %}
{% if custom.[check].check_mark == true %}
{% assign check_ind = 0 %}
{% else %}
{% assign check_ind = 1 %}
{% endif %}
| {% unexplained check_ind as:indicator %}
| {{ array_checks[forloop.index0] }}
| {% input custom.[check].extra_info as:text size:mini placeholder:“Extra info” %}
{% endfor %}

{% comment %}
below code is random text in an infotag;
it can also give an overview of related templates that need to be linked to (linkto-tag)

  • to use a linkto-tag, you will need the handle-name of a recon-template (click on a template to discover that name)
  • replace the last part of “period.reconciliations.vaste_activa” in the handle-name you need f.i.: “period.reconciliations.belastingberekening”
  • each recon-template should have an unique handle which can be used!
  • a check is added as well in case the template does not exist in the working papers, to give a proper warning
  • want a second linkto? just copy the code between {% if … %} and {% endif %}, and add it below just before the {:/infotext}
    {% endcomment %}

{% ic %}
This checklist is intended to aid completion of small assignments where completion of a detailed program is not deemed necessary.
{% endic %}

{% comment %}
use below code to create an array of questions / checks

  • the first part is to create the actual questions, separated by a “;”
  • the second part is used to loop over each question / check (separated by a “;”)
    Want to add questions?? => Be sure to add the question in the first part, and add in the second part an unique word (key) for that question.
    Respect order in both arrays!!
    Split on “;”
    {% endcomment %}

{% assign array_checks = “A21 - Completion checklist, partner review and conclusion;A21a - Money laundering assignment finalisation checklist;A22 - Overall review of the financial statements;A24 - Partner review points;A25 - Points for Partner (including key analytical review points);A26 - Manager review;A32 - Accounts completion checklist;A81 - Budget updated for actual time” | split:";" %}

{% assign array_keys = “A21;A21a;A22;A24;A25;A26;A32;A81” | split:";" %}

{% stripnewlines %}
| {% t “Small company completion” %}
| {% t “Additional comments” %}
{% newline %}
{% for check in array_keys %}
{% newline %}
| {% input custom.[check].check_mark as:boolean %}
{% comment %}Below will make the templates reconciliation needed{% endcomment %}
{% if custom.[check].check_mark == true %}
{% assign check_ind = 0 %}
{% else %}
{% assign check_ind = 1 %}
{% endif %}
| {% unreconciled check_ind as:indicator %}
| {{ array_checks[forloop.index0] }}
| {% input custom.[check].extra_info as:text size:mini placeholder:“Extra info” %}
{% endfor %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% ifi custom.some.thing.document or custom.some.thing_2 != blank %}
{% stripnewlines %}


{% newline %}
| {% t “Additional information” %}
| {% input custom.some.thing as:file_collection %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% input custom.some.thing_2 as:text placeholder:‘extra info’ %}
{% endifi %}

Hi @maggiefarmer

Try adding

{% input custom.[check].extra_file as:file %}

This should do the trick.

Kind regards

Hi Sam

Many thanks, yes, I have done this and it worked a treat.

Kind Regards

Maggie Farmer

IT Manager

Mobile: 07891129678

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