We were wondering if it is possible to automatically send an email to a colleague if f.i. in the reconcilitation template Checklist WCO the company is marked as ‘bedreigd’?
We were wondering if it is possible to automatically send an email to a colleague if f.i. in the reconcilitation template Checklist WCO the company is marked as ‘bedreigd’?
Why not use Silverfin Insights for that? This allows you to do this within Silverfin, as it can create a note (or todo) automatically in the concerning company file (which your colleague will be following obviously, and he will be notified of this).
All communication is then in that note, instead of having a mail-thread outside of Silverfin.
A use case can be found here.
If not clear, let us known. Good to know is that Silverfin Insights can access all data from every company file (accounts, or a boolean as I’m thinking your marking of “bedreigd” will be done with a boolean perhaps, or maybe it’s a local var? Either way, all of that can be called upon by Silverfin Insights).
Hi Sven
It is possible to obtain a list with all the ‘bedreigd’ companies via Insights. But we also need to know when the stamp ‘bedreigd’ was given. Is it possible to get a time stamp via Insights?
It is possible to get a list with all the companies, and you can get the timestamp from a database variable as well, as explained here :
Give it a try, like this perhaps:
Code reconciliation:
{% input custom.bedreigd.comp as:boolean %}
{% result 'bedreigd' custom.bedreigd.comp.updated_at %}
Filter through Insights:
where we look where the boolean is checked
where we take the value of when it was checked by the result tag.
Hi Sven
So i added this to the code in the template
| {% t “Conclusie op basis van professional judgement” %} | |
| {% t "Continuïteit is " %} {% input custom.detail.bedreigd as:select options:“bedreigd|niet bedreigd” %}.| |{% if custom.detail.bedreigd != blank %} {% assign ind = 0 %} {% else %} {% assign ind = 1 %} {% endif %} {% unexplained ind as:indicator %}
| {% input custom.letter.Commentaar as:text size:mini %} | |
{% result ‘bedreigd’ custom.detail.bedreigd.updated_at %}
And this to my Insights report:
I tried it with one file as a test, but the date was not displayed.
I’d advise to take the updated_at
attribute into a result tag and then filter on “show all” in Insights.
Could you give that a try?
Hi Sven
i’ve tried to add a result tag, but this is the result in my template:
| {% t “Conclusie op basis van professional judgement” %} | |
| {% t "Continuïteit is " %} {% input custom.detail.bedreigd as:select options:“bedreigd|niet bedreigd” %}.| |{% if custom.detail.bedreigd != blank %} {% assign ind = 0 %} {% else %} {% assign ind = 1 %} {% endif %} {% unexplained ind as:indicator %}
| {% input custom.letter.Commentaar as:text size:mini %} | |
{{ $30+custom.detail.bedreigd.updated_at }}
You should add a result tag in the template so you can reference to it from somewhere else, like this:
| {% t “Conclusie op basis van professional judgement” %} | |
| {% t "Continuïteit is " %} {% input custom.detail.bedreigd as:select options:“bedreigd|niet bedreigd” %}.| |{% if custom.detail.bedreigd != blank %} {% assign ind = 0 %} {% else %} {% assign ind = 1 %} {% endif %} {% unexplained ind as:indicator %}
| {% input custom.letter.Commentaar as:text size:mini %} | |
{% result "bedreigd" custom.detail.bedreigd.updated_at %}
So this part was missing from your code:
{% result "bedreigd" custom.detail.bedreigd.updated_at %}
More info for result tags can be found here:
PS registers can only be used to take in values, so this code:
{{ $30+custom.detail.bedreigd.updated_at }}
can never work as well.
Hi Sven
Thank you, now i can add the time stamp to the insights