Blank space when custom box is empty


If i do not have any text in the once i preview the code it shows an empty space between “Sales Ledger” and the Header.
Is there a way i can prevent that empty space from appearing ?

Thank you for your help.

{% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_A as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_A %}{::font size="m"}**{% assign nbr = nbr | plus:1 %}{{ nbr }})  Sales ledger**{:/font}{% else %}|{% ic %}{::font size="m"}  Sales ledger{:/font}{% endic %} {% endif %}
{% if custom.tick.section_A %}
{% input as:text size:mini default:b1 %}{% fori item in custom.section_A %}
**{% input item.header placeholder:'Header' %}**{% input item.attachment1 as:file_collection %}
{% input item.description as:text placeholder:'Description' %}```

Hi @Stefan.Temelie,

I can’t really see any issue with the code you sent. In preview I do not have any unnecessary gap between Sales ledger and Header. However, if you want to eliminate the unnecessary line breaks between the title and header you could use {% stripnewlines %}{% endstripnewlines %} and {% newline %} at the end of each line. If you don’t want to show an input box in preview if it is empty use ‘ifi’ tag. See an example of the code below:

{% stripnewlines %}
{% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_A as:boolean %}{% endic %}
{% if custom.tick.section_A %}
{::font size="m"}**{% assign nbr = nbr | plus:1 %}{{ nbr }})  Sales ledger**{:/font}{% newline %}
{% else %}
|{% ic %}{::font size="m"}  Sales ledger{:/font}{% newline %}{% endic %}
{% endif %}

{% if custom.tick.section_A %}

{% ifi != blank %}{% input as:text size:mini default:b1 %}{% newline %}{% endifi %}
{% fori item in custom.section_A %}
**{% input item.header placeholder:'Header' %}**{% input item.attachment1 as:file_collection %}{% newline %}
{% input item.description as:text placeholder:'Description' %}{% newline %}
{% endfori%}

{% endif %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

Let me know if you have any further questions.